The Feeding Tube

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Emily woke up the next morning with no memory of what had happened the night before. She looked down at her stomach, and was astonished at its size.  At first she was confused, until the evenings events flooded back to her. Cole must have brought her home, because she was laying in bed. He also must have taken the ill fitting dress off, because she was clothed in only her bra and underwear. 

She thought back to just days ago, when she had endless energy and a tiny appetite. So much had changed since then. She rolled on her back, and tried to imagine she was skinny and fit again, but she couldn't do it. The weight of her belly was undeniable, the feeling of her thighs pressing against each other impossible to ignore.

Then, hunger set in. She waited, but Cole didn't come Hours past, and hunger seemed to rip into her. Her stomach physically shook when it rumbled. When the alarm read 5:00 pm, she forced herself to get up. Breathing heavily, she waddled to the door, and tried out the handle. Locked. She pounded on the panel with a meaty fist.

"Cole!" she cried. "I'm starving!" Suddenly, a recorded message began playing through speakers Emily couldn't see.

"Hey piggy," Cole's voice said. "I'm busy today, but when you get hungry, use the feeding tube. The remote's on the table."

Nerves erupted like a volcano in Emily's belly. The feeding tube? She had never used that before. What if she couldn't turn it off? Or what if she couldn't figure out how to use it? What if she actually tore her stomach wall by filling it so full? But hunger seemed to tear through her, and she couldn't hold back.

"Feeding tube here I come," she said nervously. She walked over to the table, grabbed the remote- it had two buttons, one green and one red- then continued to the chair next to the large machine. She seated herself, the chair creaking slightly beneath her. She pressed the green button on the remote, and the machine began to whir.

A long, thin hose pressed itself to Emily's mouth and a muzzle like thing tightened around her head so she couldn't spit out the tube. Then, a gushing noise emitted from the large tank, and a sweet, thick liquid began coursing through the hose. When it met the girls lips, her taste buds exploded with flavor, and she gulped quickly to keep up the pace of the stuff flowing down her throat.

After a few minutes, her hunger began to fade, and soon after that was gone. She had been gulping for a half an hour when her belly began to expand. 

Soon she was full, but she kept gulping. Her stomach hurt, but she knew this was what Cole wanted her to do. Although Emily didn't realize it, the line in her mind dividing what she wanted and what Cole wanted was rapidly fading. If he wanted it, so did she, no matter how much pain or discomfort it would cause her.

After another hour she was full beyond belief. She grabbed for the remote, but knocked it out of reach. Panic filled her mind. She was too full to roll over and reach for it, and terror overcame her as she realized she wouldn't be able to stop the machine until Cole got back, and god knows how long that would be. He often worked very late, not coming home until midnight half the time. How large would she be by then?

She lay on the chair, unable to move, or speak, or do anything but continue to gulp the liquid being shoved down her throat. Her stomach grew and grew, and she moaned in pain. How much longer could she keep this up?

She could see the alarm out of the corner of her eye. 7:00 pm. 8:00. At 9:15, Cole walked in. He was shocked to see his girlfriend laying in the ruins of a shattered chair, her stomach hugely swollen and bright red with irritation. He saw that the remote had been shoved out of reach. Quickly he turned the machine off and pulled the tube out of his girlfriends mouth. She was sobbing heavily, and he knew she couldn't move due to the pain. He rubbed circles on her huge belly, which was harder than it had ever been before. This much of the liquid surely would have ripped the old Emily's insides to shreds.

Soon she fell asleep, surrounded by shards of metal and wood from the chair her weight alone had demolished. She was the picture of perfection to Cole, rotund, jiggly,and out of breath at the slightest bit of physical activity, actions as basic as walking from the bed to the table.

And he wouldn't have it any other way.

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