14 2 2

Men and more men,
Everywhere I see,
In this whole crowd of mankind,
Hard to find is she!

Assaulted, murdered,
Raped & butchered.
Even the smallest fragments,
Of her are shattered.

The mind games that are played,
Half of them thinks patriarchy isn't flayed.
"It's how it is, that's what she's been told",
"Shut her down, when she don"

Society shun her when she steps out.
He says it's biased,
It's not what 'equality' is all about.

You say she ain't on par with you,
How does S.H.E. got job, replacing you?
My problem solving is fierce than her,
Isn't it unfair to us?
Well to tell you the truth,
Keep your nates seated,
Don't say didn't warned, before I stated.
Was your kin & her own,
Mushed all her opportunities to grow.
Learning slowly,
Wait & you watch,
She'll outrun you surely.

Her fights started from the birth.
She's a born fighter in the world.
From infanticide to sold,
Wrecked till broke,
Being used & abused
Compared to a dust,
Like a material she's hold.

Fighting one another,
Manipulated to drag the other her,
Understand the patriarchial predators,
Are wickedly curbing the SHE strength.
And yet unashamed,
Rampaging all you go.
Saying your chauvinistic society,
Plays bais on you!

What do you even know about bias!
Are you ever told,
To stay in after 7?
Not to wear the suit you fancy?
Not to go school afterall you'd get married?
No to jobs as the spouse will earn?
Your job is to house 24×7?
And the list still goes on

And yet the Irony is this,
Yes you are played bias.
You are treated better than her,
Being paid higher than her,
Allowed to play till sun down.
You have everything around,
Every blame is her crown.

But know the truth, ain't far from you.
Yes she ain't no par with you,
She soars even higher from you.
You try to suppress,
Go ahead, make her agitate.
This is our strategy to screw your play,
To win you over in your own mind game.
She is struggling, she is burning,
Soon enough you'll see,
She's the creator of thy!!!

Men and Women,
Everywhere I see,
This time in the crowd of humankind,
It won't be hard to find a S|he!


Heya My Lovelies, 🤗

How are you all? I hope all of you are doing good. If not, then don't worry, all the good is soon heading your way.

So I know it's been a long time since I last posted any poem. To be honest with you guys, I have been a little out of touch lately. So it took me some time to write something new.

So here I present *virtual bows* another one of my sweet-hearts, one & only 'S|HE'. Give it a go & comment down below what you think & do vote & share 😉

See ya soon.

Your's Amateur Poet,

PS: for those whole already read it before, I made some changes in the last verse of the poem. Previously it was the same as the 1st verse but after I was reading it again, I felt that the 2nd last para tells about females getting successful and being a support to others of her kind to fly as well, so the last para should be not the same issue but the hope that this time females will overcome this struggle and become successful and create a society of true women empowerment.

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