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A/N - I hate having to do this, but since NovelHD has already started to pirate some of my books, here we go. These works are mine. My poor little brain came up with the plots and characters, and I'd really prefer you to not steal them. If you're reading this on a site that is NOT Wattpad then it is most certainly stolen.Thanks!



If you haven't read the Vyscher Tales books but would like to understand Serev's past and how she became a captain of the Cloud Dancer prior to reading the Cloud Dancing book, then this excerpt is for you. Bear in mind, this is everything dealing with Serev and the Cloud Dancer, so it is all out of context since there is a lot more in the Vyscher Tales books themselves. But since that is a lot of reading just to learn about one character, I won't make you! Hopefully the following explanation will help you to understand some of what you'll read here in the excerpt.

Vyscher – A city state on the continent of Balliam. Nestled in a valley between mountains, it is the only way to easily traverse east and west on the continent. Many natives are half elves, some with strangely colored eyes that denote powerful spellcasters.

Marendia – The country to the east of Vyscher, which raids Vyscher for slaves

Ordence – Country to the west of Vyscher, also raids for slaves

Serev – Yeah, she is who you're reading about! You'll learn more as you read. Thinks of Tad and Flewin as her adopted siblings, and Carys as her daughter.

Tad – Merchant's son who is a prisoner with Serev

Flewin – Barmaid prisoner with Serev

Carys – Child sorceress with orange eyes rescued by Serev

Bishops – Special protectors of Vysher. They work in pairs, one sorcerer and one warrior. Live together with a bond stronger than marriage

Sky Knights - Special protectors of Vysher. They work alone and are mounted on griffins or hippogriffs. Can be either warriors or sorcerers

Vic – Ex princess of Vyscher, now a Bishop sorceress partnered with Rek. Violet eyes, and twin to Fehrys

Rek – Warrior Bishop partner to Vic. Wields two blades

Fehrys – Ex prince of Vyscher. Warrior Bishop, partnered with Luce.

Luce – Sorceress Bishop partner of Fehrys

Alia – Tiny but powerful Sorceress Sky Knight who rides a griffin. Pink eyes.

Jondure – Prince of Vysher in charge of Intelligence Services

Ravinia – Princess or Vyscher who helps with religious matters

There will be other people mentioned, but this should cover most of them.

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