Chapter 14

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6 months later

"If we ever go back home, I have to talk to my father about hiring dragons to teach magic there," Fehrys mumbled around a mouthful of spicy sausage and potato. "I think the magisters are wasting their time teaching the way they do, never doing anything different." He didn't even notice the grin on Alia's face as he ranted and complained. Over the past two seasons, Fehrys' magical ability had blossomed. He was still learning the finer nuances of some aspects, but from a power standpoint he had no equal.

"They do teach it differently here, that is for sure," Alia agreed with a gentle smile. "But I doubt they'd agree to teach in the city."

"I know, but I could hope. But seriously, now magic is fun! Vic is going to be so jealous!" Fehrys crowed with a huge smile. His mood had improved as well.

While he never would forget Luce, the fact that all his spells were a mix of the silver and gold in his eyes made him remember her in a good way, and that had changed him for the better. There were still the occasional nightmares, or mood swings when something reminded him of her loss, but overall Alia was happy with her patient's improvement.

The last two seasons had seen an immense growth in Fehrys' sorcery as well. He'd started doing tasks for the two dragons, most of which involved trading books or items with a third dragon named Lovrath. He was an ancient dragon who spend more time in his draconic form as in immense golden dragon with molten gold orbs that reminded Fehrys a lot of Luce's. Once last season he spent a sevenday there learning to shape shift into various creatures, and that had been fun. He didn't have to beg for rides from Alia now that he knew how to grow his own wings!

Strangely, after returning from that trip, he had been surprised to see the flying ship moored near the opening to the dragon's lair, and Alia was aboard with Serev and Carys along with the rest of the crew. They wall watched him glide to the deck on his new wings, with Carys the most excited of all. Serev had wide eyes of surprise, while Alia just nodded in approval.

"Can I learn that too?" Carys cried out to Alia.

"Of course, I can show you before you go!" Alia promised.

"Before they go where? And how come she doesn't have to go to a dragon like I did?" Fehrys wondered aloud.

"Her mind is much younger and able to absorb these new spells quicker. If you had come here at her age instead of being stuck lighting candles, you'd already be the most powerful sorcerer in the land!" Alia told him with a grin.

"Yeah, not much I can do about that now!" Fehrys sulked as Alia walked hand in hand with Carys towards the captain's cabin.

"I was surprised to see you here," Fehrys commented to Serev. "Pleasantly so!"

"And I you. I thought you might be here when I saw Alia, but seeing the wings was a bit of a shock. Everyone back in Vyscher is wondering where you've gotten off to." Serev replied happily. "I can send a message with Torple if you'd like me to." She gestured to the dwarf who was standing on the aft deck with his hippogriff.

"I might just do that. Do you think you could just let Vic know I'm alright? I don't know that I have time to send scrolls and such," Fehrys wondered.

"I would, but we're not heading back to the city. We're headed east over the ocean. We're going to try to set up some trading concerns, and then spread the word about Vyscher and make a lot of maps," she stated.

"And you're bringing Carys?" he asked in surprise.

"Absolutely. She wouldn't let me go without her. Tad and Flewin are too busy trying to get the trading house up, and honestly I don't think they're ready to be parents, even if they do end up together."

Fehrys didn't know them nearly as well as Serev, so she had to take her work on that. "Still, that is a long voyage for a girl of her age."

Serev have him a broad smile. "It is, but she is more than she seems. Not that I want her in a battle, but in the few days she was with the dragons, I'd say that unless I could get Alia, or you and your sister, there isn't a sorcerer that I'd rather have on this ship. I was so glad Alia came to bring us here."

So, Carys was the third to be trained by the dragons? That seems like a lot to train in a short time considering they had never done so in the past! "You're not going to use the ship for trading anymore?"

Serev shrugged but looked happy with the decision. "We may still in the future, but for now the ship is too unique of a resource to be used for simply trading. We have goods in the hold that will hopefully spur interest in other countries trading with us, but we're planning on using them to fund our trip and pay for food or other items. Your brother is more interested in information and unique items, and we're well suited to provide that."

"Do you have any plans on going home?"

"I've been asked that a lot," Serev admitted softly. "I truly don't know. Part of me would like to, but another part of me would be sorry to see what I've lost again. I'd rather look for my old comrades that were taken into slavery with me and try to free them if I can."

Fehrys looked at her in sorrow. She probably knew more than anyone else in the kingdom what it meant to lose everything. "I can't answer that either. I guess since I know Luce is gone, it makes it easier for me since I'm not wondering about that possibility. Maybe when you're closer, things will present themselves to you."

Serev nodded slowly. "Perhaps. These mountains remind me a bit of home. It does bring back memories, but not a longing. If I'm closer and feel that pull to go there, then that might decide it for me. My homeland would be fast friends with Vyscher, they have similar ideals."

"Fehrys!" Alia called as she reappeared on the deck. "We have to head back and let these fine people get on their way!"

And after a big group hug, they did just that.


A/N - From here, join Serev with the rest of her adventures in Cloud Dancing!

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