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Once they got to Doc's, Tony was stocking shelves, with Valentina passing things to him,

"I said I don't want you in my store any more Riff!" she told Riff, her heavy accent peaking through,

"I need to talk to Tony!" Riff demanded, Annie ran out from behind Riff and tackled him in a hug,

"Hey little Annie, how have you been? What happened to your eye?" he questioned pointing ger black eye from earlier,

"I was hit by a Shark but you will never believe who I'm going to the dance with." She gushed, brushing over his expression to the reasoning of her bruise, before Tony could say anything Riff cut in,

"Sorry, Annie but we came here for business, remember?" he told her,

"oh yeah. You two go talk I wanna talk to grannie!" She gestured to Valentina, the boys went down to the cellar,

"Hola, Valentina!" she smiled,

"Hola, Chica, go down with your brother, I'll be okay!" she said pushing her down the stairs,

"Okay, okay!" Annie smiled going down, Riff was throwing Tony cans while he put them into a crate,

"Hey Annie. come on Riff, can!" Tony said as I got downstairs,

"Christ almighty. You know there's dust on everything. Hey Annie. I swear on what's holy, it is just, girls sipping punch and music-" he tapped Tony's chin,

"And the sharks." He added,

"Yeah, and the spics." Riff nodded,

"and a rumble." Tony continued,

"Which all you gotta do-" Tony kept cutting him off,

"You're on your own, pal-o-mine." He said looking him in the eyes, but Riff kept going,

"is help me haggle over the terms of the rumble." He put his hand on Tony's chest,

"You don't need me helping ya screw up your life, you have Little Annie for that." He defended,

"You know how I get, I will start running my mouth. You, you got command." Tony tried to reach for the can in Riffs hand, but still had no luck,

"You are West Side legendary! And Tony, Tony, the Jets, we gave em' our word you'd show!" he looked at Annie for back up, to which she simply nodded and walked with them,

"Why would you do that?" he said looking in between the siblings,

"Because it's a rumble! We need you if we're going to war. You cant refuse us now. Cause we know you, or we thought we did, before you got all unlike ya'self." He said nudging Annie,

"Before you went upstate." she finished for him, although Tony wasn't listening to them and was still counting the cans, he was about to say something before Valentina shouted down for him, he quickly replied saying he was coming.

Riff then started teasing him with the can,

"It's like you're still in prison, and the old witch is the warden." Riff said shaking the can,

"She gave me a job and a place to stay. She's always been there for me." He said carrying another crate and pushing it into Riff's chest, pushing him against the wall, Annie backed up a little bit,

"She's always been there for, like nobody else." Annie walked forward again offended,

"oh nobody else?" she asked him leaning on the wall next to Riff,

"Yeah, thanks pal." Riff replied giving me a fist bump,

"So don't call her-" he tried speaking,

"Thanks a big fat lot." Riff kept going, clearly being offended,

"you know I didn't mean you guys wasn't there. You was always there." He walked away from us, placing down the crate,

"Womb to Tomb." He said,

"Sperm to worm." Riff and Annie finished,

"So, come with us to the dance, huh?" Tony tried grabbing the can out of Riffs hand but, Riff grabbed his other hand and made them dance into the other room,
"come on!" Riff laughed, Tony just pushed him to the side, they then started talking about Grazie, Tony's ex and Riff's current girlfriend,

"Grazie's a great girl, and the Jets are the greatest, and you, you're like, you know, blood to me." he said walking behind the shelf, saying he was scared of himself and reminding himself what he almost did, Valentina shouted down to him,

"Yeah, he heard ya!" Riff shouted back getting annoyed, Tony kept going on how rough it was looking inside himself, and that he's gotta stay with himself, boring the siblings,

"Yeah, you're just too deep for us kid!" Riff shut him down, pulling my arm,
"You know, I don't know who I am. And who cares who I am?" he said placing the can down,

"me?" Annie asked scrunching her face up, following him,

"Nobody, including me!" he spoke confidently, ignoring his sister,

"Oi, I care!" She hit his stomach still having no response,

"I know that this dust that's covering everything right now, that's the four story buildings that was standing here when you went upstate a year ago. You know, we wake up to everything we know, either getting sold or recked, or being over by people that we don't like. And they don't like us. And you know what's left out of all that, The Jets. Our guys, our guys, that are just like us. Who are just like you. C'mon Annie!" he said grabbing her arm again,

"I CAN'T GO TO THE DANCE RIFF! MY PAROLE OFFICER SAID NO GOING OUT!" Tony shouted. We got up the stairs to see Valentina on a ladder, staring at Riff, he saluted to her,

"I told you I don't want you in my store!" she told him, as he was going through the chocolates and candy,

"I'm a paying customer." She smacked her lips together,

"you have been stealing from me since you were six, now get out. I mean it." He quickly turned around picking up a milky way,
"And leave Tony alone." He started unwrapping the chocolate,
"He's not allowed to associate with criminals." He started walking around the room,

"Look, don't fall off that ladder. At your age, brittle bones. That's all I'm saying." He pointed to her,

"Riff!" Annie scolded,

"What, I'm just sayin" Tony then came up the stairs,

"You pay for that candy. five cents. on the counter!" she shouted at him after he took a bite,

"Stand me for a Milky Way, huh? Least you could do." He said hitting it on the table and walking away, Annie quickly shuffled through her pockets to find any money,

"I only have one cent!" she called throwing it to Tony, before walking after Riff trying to unlock the door, before she quickly turned back around,
"Womb to Tomb, wasn't never a joke for us!" Annie pointed before turning and walking out the door after Riff,

"That was good Ari." He high-fived her shovelling the whole Milky Way in his mouth,

"Aye, I paid a single cent for that, and you gave me none, you little pig!" she hit his shoulder, he just laughed,
"What would Grazie say If she found out you were being mean to me?" he looked at her,

"I don't know, but hurry, we need to go, I'll race you?" he raised an eyebrow at the girl,

"okay, GO!" she shouted giving herself a head start,

"HEY, THAT'S CHEATING, YOU LITTLE RAT!" he shouted chasing after her.

racoon speaking:

heyyy, so i already have like 20 reads, AND A VOTE, so thank you so much, this book hasn't even been up for 24 hours. i have most of the story written out, but do you guys want me to publish them in long chapters or shorter ones?

anyways, have a great rest of your night/day, take care of yourself loves <3

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ANNIE ARE YOU OKAY? || B.JOHN || WEST SIDE STORY 2021Where stories live. Discover now