my future is so bright I have to wear shades.

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"Alright, so. You guys need to know whats going to happen prior to the games. Believe it or not, it isn't all just sunshine and happiness like the capital makes it out to be."

Keir spoke as he leaned back in the modern dining chair. He crossed his legs and peered over at the two tributes.

Amets looked curiously at him, wondering what he meant.

The games had always seemed so simple. You get reaped, shipped to the capital, and paraded around like show dogs for the people to see. You'd be trained a little and then have your interview. Finally, you'd enter the arena and just maybe survive. If you didn't, that was that, and if you did win, you'd have your victory tour.

But of course, nothing like the hunger games were ever that simple.

"When it comes to the games, there are more moving pieces than the game makers want people to know about. The prep for the parade is torture and the training is tough. Not to mention the prep for the interviews."

Keir listed things that Roya had never even thought of, but he supposed they made sense.

And apparently, you had to make people like you. That sounded like such fun to Roya. Especially that fun little detail that to survive, people had to like him so much they were willing to spend big money to keep him that was.

His future really seemed bright, that was for sure.

- In case you couldn't tell, sarcasam was ever present in that little paragraph -

"We've got a lot of work to do before the real games even begin, so please, prepare yourselves. " Commented Amias.

Yes. So bright in fact he might just have to wear shades.


Roya sat quietly in his chambers, mentally preparing himself for the day to come. He was aware that in less than an hour they would be arriving in the capital, and wasn't quite ready to imagine what came after that.

He would meet his prep team, he was almost certain. And only god knows what they'd do to him. Keir had said that the prep for the tribute parade was going to be torture, but what did that intail?

He shuddered to think of it. 

His train of thought was intterupted by his room going dark, the light from that dreaded sun suddenely being cast out by something else. Roya thrust his head toward the window and craned his neck to see what was the matter.

They were in a tunnel.

Oh god, they were in a tunnel.

Roya could recount one time that he had ever entered a tunnel, and the thing was, he had barely made it out.

He and his father had been chosen to retrieve the new shipment of cow feed from the train station. They hadn't gotten a refill in months, and their livestock were becoming increasingly skinny, so the two really didn't have much time to waist. They traveled from their home to the station, expecting to see the old rusted train waiting for them on the tracks, but what they found was quite different.

They found men and women from district 9, the district that supplied their feed, poring in from no where, claiming that the train had broken down in the middle of one of the tunnels a few miles out.

He and his father decided not to wait like those people told them to.

They decided to head right on in because what was the worst that could happen?

A of of things apparently. 

The tunnel collapsed, and he and his father were stuck there until hopefully someone came to save them.

It sure took awhile.

His Dad found an oxygen mask in one of the train cars and gave it to Roya when the air began to run low.

He begged his father to take the mask and to use it himself, but the man had always been stubborn. Roya pleaded with him, told him that someone would find them. He said they would be okay and that he needed to be there for that.

When someone did find them, Roya was barely alive, the mask having supplied just enough to keep him going. They were both covered in debris. His hair was no longer the warm brown it was when he entered the mountain, but instead a stark white from all the dust.

Only one person from the original father-son duo walked out of that tunnel alive.

You can probably guess who that was. 

Roya was shocked out of his panic by the joltong of the train, a sure sign of it stopping. He looked out the window and was surprised to see the train had been out of the tunnel for a while, yet he was so deep in his own thoughts, he hadn't even noticed.

Oh, how bright. How bright indeed.


I don't plan on a super long authors note for every chapter I write, but they'll come every now and then.

Any who. I think this is the farthest I've gotten with any fic so I'm kinda feeling myself right now, ngl. Yes I'm proud of three chapters; leave me alone.

Also, I just rewatched "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" and I'm pretty certain I had my second gay awakening.

Assassin Agalina Jolie.

She picks up a gun, I get down on my knees.

Thats all I have to say. Thank you.

Tip three -

If you're going to describe eye color - for one, PLEASE don't use orbs. I will disown you as a reader.

For two, try to refrain from from quickly skimming over them if and when you do the character description dump. Use the description of their eyes in an intimate moment. Like a confession, or a fun moment. Don't just skim over them.

As the poets say, "The eyes are the windows to the soul." Take that to heart and remember that eyes are an important part of every character.

Only you can prevent forest fires,

- Goawaylife

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