Chapter 24 - Gratitude and Forgiveness

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“Following the events of the explosion at Tianjin, Chairman He Chunfeng of Congming Entertainment is arrested with probable cause.”

Jianyu huffed when he heard the report while he talks to Carman over the phone. Hearing the old man’s name ignites fire within him.

“So, Meika’s stable?” He asked.

“Yes, thankfully there's no serious injury. Alhough, I fear to know what happened to her. I’m sure she’s traumatized. But fortunately, she’s safe now.”

“Fortunately… you know what’s another fortunate?”


“He Chunfeng is finally arrested. The trial will be inevitable.”

Carman heaved a loooong sigh of relief. She really waited for this day.

“Thank God!”


“I’ll tell Louis right away.”

“Alright. Zhan’s asleep. I’ll come at once.”

After they bid their farewell, Jianyu prepared went on and prepared to leave.

Carman’s now with Louis. They just got back from Tianjin. They are currently in a hospital where Meika was transferred.

As it turns out, it’ll take more than an explosion to kill that idiot, Louis. Jianyu chuckled at his thoughts.

When he arrived at the hospital what greeted him was Carman and Louis speaking with a doctor. They haven’t seen him yet. When the doctor was gone, Jianyu stayed at the same spot, wanting to observe the two.

He wonders if they’re now in good terms. Have they finally reconciled? He stayed quiet while watching them.

“This is my fault.” Louis muttered and smack the wall. Annoyed at himself.

“Yes it is.” Carman said in such a serious tone. “But to be fair, this is not all on you. It’s good to see that you feel remorse for that. It was your fault that Meika had an involvement with the Hes but you relieved her of the duty, given her enough money to start a new life. They could’ve let her off easily yet she showed up. It was still her decision to seek them and ask for more money.”

“Don’t say these things to—”

Carman raised a hand to stop him. “The last thing I would want to do is to indulge you and lie that you’re not at fault. I’m glad that you’re conscience finally decided to show up.” She looks away from him. “Do not insult me. I’m not that crazy to justify you just because I have feelings for you. I’m just trying to look at the situation as it is. You certainly is at fault but we’re all adults here and we have consequences for all our actions, Meika made wrong decisions too and those things led her into this situation.”

Carman groaned. “I’ll go check on her.” She said before opening the door to Meika’s room.

What she said was the truth. She knows Louis is at fault, she knows he’s such a loathsome human being but still—the last thing Meika did where she had given the audio recording of YiZhan’s argument to the Hes, it was all her decisions. No one pushed her to do it.

Somehow, Meika was eaten by greed.

Louis draws a heavy breath when Carman went inside the room.

“I don’t even know why you’re being good to me.” He whispered and took a seat.

It baffles him that Carman can still view things neutrally, that she’s not piling all the blames on him when it’s easier to do so. Considering that he hurt her in the past, if it was any other, anger would win over neutrality.

On the other hand, Jianyu frowns as he examines Louis. A bit displeased and… and a bit amused.

At first, he didn’t want to greet him nor speak a word to him but in the end, he sighed and took the seat next to the man.

In his peripheral vision, Louis almost jolted up from surprise but tried to act as uncaring as he can.

“Carman just loved.” He whispered after a while which earned a gasp from Louis.

“What did you say?!” Louis glared at him. “How long have you been there?”

Jianyu just shrugs. “You were confused why she’s being good to you. Carman is a fair person but really, it’s also because of love.”

Louis stares at him for a moment, uncertain why he’s talking so casually.

To be honest, Jianyu can say he still hates Louis but… at this point, he feels peaceful. He’s not in the mood to butt heads with him. He just wants to speak his mind but it doesn’t mean they’re okay.

After a moment of silence, Louis seemed to realize he’s being serious. Instead of shunning him away, he answered surprisingly.

“And she loves someone who doesn’t deserve it.”

Jianyu chuckled, it was sarcastic. “How do we determine if someone is deserving of such love or not? She has been into you for years, in the midst of all the mess, heartaches, the affection she felt for you stubbornly survives. If you are not deserving of such love, how can she still love you after all these years?”

He looks back on all those years, Carman never loved anyone else but Louis Koo. If it was in the past, Jianyu can understand.

As his former best friend, Jianyu knows so much about him – about the old Louis Koo at least. Being raised by a person like Sandy Koo, being treated as a bastard all his life, Louis had so much insecurities. He’d be cold at first, afraid to show the first warmth but once he warms up on someone, he would do anything to please... Eager to be loved and accepted. He rarely smiles but you'll know when he's genuine. He often fronts his expressionless face yet he cares.

He was such a gloomy kid but once his trust was earned, he will remain loyal. But Jianyu betrayed that trust… that loyalty. Along Liu’s death, Xi Feng’s and his betrayal and all the pain Louis received molded him into a hateful person.

“Do you still love her?” He asked after a while.

Louis averted his gaze from him. “Even if I do, it will be futile. After all the things I put her through, I do not plan on making a move again…” He swallowed hard. “I don’t deserve her.” He destroyed her enough, he ruined her enough.

Jianyu kept quiet for a while, absorbing all his thoughts. “But—” He rolled his lips. “But I do think, you can make her very happy.”

“How can you say that?” Louis asked back. “Too much had happened between us. A-And all I did was to make her cry.”

“But does that mean, it’s all she will ever do? Cry? It is all you can give her? Pain? Can’t you make her happy?” He stares at the man then added. “For the second time? Can’t you try? Because Carman loved you so damned much Louis and she deserves to be loved in return."

“Then why not you do it?”

Jianyu gasped. “You really are a motherfucking moron. We’ve been friends for a long time, if we can fall in love with each other, it would’ve happened ages ago. But no, there’s no way. I can only love one person in this lifetime, Louis. It has always been Xi Feng.”

Louis was quiet for a while before he speaks in a sarcastic tone. “Are you actually rooting for us?”

“Oh well…” Jianyu shook his head. “Don’t get me wrong. I still can’t forgive you for dragging my son into our mess but—” He shrugs. “As a father, I shouldn’t have left him alone to deal with celebrity life bullshits. I should’ve been the one protecting him against you. I wasn’t any good as well. Looking back on the past, of me betraying your trust, I know I was at fault too. I can easily forgive you if you hurt me but not when it was my son that received the backlash of it all.”

Louis sighed and clasped his hands together. “It’s not like I’m hoping for you to forgive me. I still think you’re a pompous git.”

Jianyu’s eyes widened, disbelieving… until he broke into a smile. “Damn this bastard.” He muttered while shaking his head. “But to answer your question, if I was rooting for you. I just—I feel bad. Carman was always in between. Always torn. She had done so much for us and I want her to be happy too. Maybe you can give her that happiness. She loves you and I know that she can forgive you. My son too can forgive you… he’s a great kid, Louis. He can’t stay mad for too long. And I—someday… someday, I know, I can forgive you too… and I hope that by that time, you’ve already forgiven me too.”

Louis just nodded, hands wringed together and eyes still darted on the floor. He didn’t say anything else.

They stayed quiet for a while.

The truth is, he had forgiven him already. At this point he feels like all his pent-up anger were just for nothing. That it was worthless. He feels like he doesn't even have an ounce of right to stay mad at them. He stayed in the victim’s mentality for decades that whenever he does bad things, he blames other people for ‘pushing him to do it’. It only turned him into a loser. It only made him a bad person.

Now, hopefully, it’s not to late to correct things.


His thoughts were cut short when Carman called for him. She’s standing by the door, her shoulders are slumped down, dark circles are evident under her eyes. Carman looks tired yet she still takes care of everyone.

“Meika wants to see you.”


“Zhu Meika.” Louis muttered as he walks up to her. The woman has bruises on her arms, and a black eye on the left. An IV fluid hangs on the side of her bed.

She was beaten up and he regrets that she had to suffer like that.

“I’ll leave you for a while to talk.” Carman excused before turning back.

“Carman.” Louis called before she’s gone. “Thank you…” He mumbled. They stare at each other for a while before the woman nodded silently and left.

Louis situated himself on the bedside chair. “Miss Zhu… I’m sorry.” The first thing he can think of to say.

Meika’s eyes suddenly turned wet. “Mr. Koo… you know I hated you at first.” Her laugh sounded bitter. “I was scared to do the job you’re asking but it was the very reason why I got hired.”

Louis nodded.

“I needed the job, and the pay was good too.” She wipes off the tears that stray to her cheeks. “At first, I only wanted to help my mom… my brother. I’m not from a wealthy family and I do need the money.”

Louis’ chest felt heavy. Rich people pay those who aren’t financially stable to do dirty works for them and he was not an exception.


“Mr. Koo, please let me finish.” She cuts him off. “The Hes were scary, I know that for quite some time and all I ever wanted was to cut ties with them. But when it finally ended—when you told me, I’m free to go and had given me my last pay… I was… I have to admit, I thought it was such a waste. Apart from your pay, I do get a lot of bonus from them too. I’ve become greedy without realizing it.”

That was what’s scary, desire can change a person. In Meika’s case – the desire for wealth pushed her to betray Xiao Zhan completely.

“I thought of it for a while but then, when we really want something, we give alibis to justify our greed. I felt bad for Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo yet that time, I told myself that it was their fault too. They decided to pretend that they’re dating and I only took advantage of the situation… of their mistakes.” Meika bites her lip, now she’s violently shaking, trying to control her sobs.

Louis Koo didn’t know what to do but he tried and reached out, patting her back awkwardly as a sad excuse of comfort.

“After I was held captive by the Hes, I knew, I was doomed. I blamed you at first… then, I realized it was my fault as well. I could’ve easily left. Yet I still chose to betray Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo when you’re already at the point of turning back.”

Louis looks down, in deep thoughts. He wants to say something, but he was never good with words.

“Look, Meika. I-I wanted to apologize too. You got dragged  in a situation that you shouldn’t have been in. Tell me, what can I do?”

Meika shook a head. “You don’t have to do anything for me, Mr. Koo. Just take me into the case. I will help… all I want now is to make them pay.”

The statement relieved some of his worries. “You will testify for us?”

Meika nodded, a faint smile came across her lips though it faded as soon as it graced. “After all these, I will get far from celebrities and wealthy businessmen like you.” She said it as some sort of a joke but she meant it.

She had enough, she wants to forget it all. Though, she couldn’t find the anger for Louis Koo in her heart anymore.

Louis stares at her. He knew she’s broken inside. If he can only help… “Maybe that’s what’s good for you. Stay away from people that can badly affect you.”

Meika sighs. “I don’t know if I’ll have another chance to talk to you like this, Mr. Koo so, I have to say it now.” She looks straight into his eyes. “I forgive you…”

Louis’ eyes widened, he didn’t expect to be forgiven easily.

“Mr. Koo, I hated you.” Meika speaks again. “But after being abused… after all those sufferings, all I wanted was to be saved and to make them pay. It was you and your men who saved me and the others. It was you who hired men to crack down their business circle; who faced the press and revealed everything. Xiao Zhan, Wang Yibo and most of all, Miss Carman and you, it’s because of all of you that those slave workers were freed from Never Night… and once you win this case… those who are still   being held captive by the Hes can finally regain their freedom."

Louis didn’t notice when his eyes started brimming with tears. Hearing those words lifted some of the guilt and burden he’s carrying.

“Mr. Koo, winning the case against the Hes is easier because you’re on our side. So, don’t feel guilty about me anymore…” She nodded as traces of tears run down her face. “I forgive you.”


“Son!” Jianyu called when he saw his son on the hallway, searching for Meika’s room.

“Dad! Manager!” Xiao Zhan exclaimed, the two are standing side by side.

“Tss… you just got discharged and now it’s Meika. Maybe I should just live in a hospital.” Carman joked.

“Mm… I wonder who’s next.” Xiao Zhan replied subconsciously but he immediately covered his mouth when he realized what he said.

“Zhan!” His dad called, terrified.

“What are you even thinking?” His manager’s eyes were wide and scary.

“Ah I’m sorry.” He bit his lip. “My mind wandered off.”

“Psh. What are you doing here anyway?” Carman frowned. “You should’ve waited for your dad to come back and pick you up.”

Xiao Zhan shrugs. “Moving back and forth will just exhaust him. Don’t worry, manager, I’m with your guards. I’m not so careless anymore.” He gestured at his back where two of Carman’s men were standing a foot away from them. “I woke up to see dad was gone. I even had to ask Miss Feng just to know where he went.”

Carman’s brow perched up. “So, you already talked to her?”

Xiao Zhan laughed. “Yeah, it was a bit awkward but I guess it’s fine. Things will get better, I’m sure of it.”

Carman smiles at the warmth Xiao Zhan shows. He’s not someone who dwells on negative emotions like anger… and when he does, it’s not misplaced. He won’t get mad at Rong Zhen just because of Feng Chong, one of Xiao Zhan’s good qualities.

“I’m happy that you’re thinking positive.” Jianyu says, smiling proudly at his son.

Xiao Zhan shrugs. “I just realized that I’m still lucky after all. Yes, we’re facing so many problems but I have the best people to support me. I just wish I could be a strong support too.”

Carman beams at him. “You’re tough too Zhan.” She assured. “Now, there’s Meika’s room.” She pointed. “Go inside, I’m sure she wanna talk to you.”

Xiao Zhan nods. He was about to rush to the door when he was reminded of someone else. “How ‘bout Mr. Koo? Where’s he?”

“Who knows?” Carman shrugs. “He had a talk with Meika earlier then went out to do God knows what.”

“He can’t rest in one place, I’m sure he’ll be back again later.” Jianyu seconded.

“Okay, then I’ll be going in.” Xiao Zhan pointed at the door.


“X-Xiao Zhan!”

Xiao Zhan’s lips curved, forming a tiny smile when he heard Meika’s gasp. She didn't expect that he'll pay a visit.

“Hey…” He greeted casually while taking the seat next to the bed. “How are y—uhh Meika… why are you crying?”

He wasn’t even finished asking yet when the woman started sobbing uncontrollably, her body trembles and Xiao Zhan couldn’t do anything but to rub soothing circles on her back.

“What’s the matter, Meika?”

“Xiao Zhan…” She called in between sobs. “I’m sorry… I’m sorry.”

“Hey, eyes here.” He gently patted her chin, ushering her to look at him. “I’m doing good now, right?”

“But still—” She fathom for words. “Still I betrayed you.”

“Meika…” Xiao Zhan sighed and let out a smile. “Yes, it’s true. You betrayed me. I was seriously hurt… mad. I was actually angry.” He admitted. “But seeing you like this… you suffered a lot too. What more should I do? I don’t want to add any more emotional burden by staying mad at you.”

Meika pouted while wiping away her tears. “Why do you have to be this kind? It makes me hate myself more.”

Xiao Zhan laughed at that. “I just want to have my peace back. Despite what you did, you deserve peace too. So, don’t think too much of what happened and focus on yourself. You need to come back strong too. We will all fight against the Hes.”

Their problem isn’t over yet, there’s still a long process. Xiao Zhan refuses to stay mad at Feng Chong or Meika as they will need to help and work with each other if they want to make the Hes pay.

“Thank you, Zhan. It means a lot.” Meika finally smiled, eyes are still red but they reflect a bit of happiness. “I did excessive things and yet you still forgive me.”

Xiao Zhan’s brow perched up. He wonders what other excessive things did she do and he didn’t even notice she’s spying on him. He remembers seeing Louis Koo calling her once yet it never crossed his mind that they’re doing something against him back then.

“Meika, do you mind telling me what other things have you done?” He asked. “I feel stupid that I didn't notice anything between you and Mr. Koo."

Meika eyed him with a mortified look, yet she nodded after a while. “There was this one time when I released an audio of other people arguing and claimed it as you and Yibo. You see, I do get bonus whenever I spread infos about you and Yibo that trends.”

Xiao Zhan goes through his memory for a while until he nodded. He recalls an audio where a guy was asking another guy for a second chance but the other slammed the former and ordered him to just get a coffee. Random shits like that. It happened before TripleSG, when media speculated that they broke up and for weeks, they dropped candies to make the fuss bigger.

He cringed at the memory. That’s one lame rumor but at least it gave Yibo and him a good laugh.

“That was the lamest rumor I’ve ever been into.” He admitted.

Meika lowered her gaze, ashamed. “I know, I’m really sorry.”

“Who even are they?” He asked after a while.

Meika smiles bitterly. “Those were exes… a celebrity and a P.A.”

Xiao Zhan’s eyes got huge with the fresh gossip. He wanted to delve deeper into it but before he can even say anything else, the door opens up and came in Wang Yibo.

“Yibo!” Xiao Zhan exclaimed almost over the top but the face Yibo fronts made him laugh. “Yah! Why are you pouting like that?”

“Is this why you were calling me? Because of what happened in Nevernight? You should’ve told me earlier.”

“I don’t want to bother you while filming. It’s not like we can do anything about it.”

“But still!” Yibo’s frown creased deeper, his lips went poutier. But then upon eyeing the bed next to Xiao Zhan, it’s as if he remembered Meika, he immediately erased the sulky look off his face. “U-Uh…” He scratched the back of his neck. “Sup, Miss Zhu?”

Meika was caught off-guard. Unlike Xiao Zhan, she’s not familiar with Wang Yibo and it makes it more awkward.

“Uhm… I-I’m fine.”

“Good.” Was Yibo’s only response.

Meika knew she has to apologize to him too, no matter how uneasy she feels. “Wang Yibo ahh… you see… you see…”

“Relax, he doesn’t bite Meika.” Xiao Zhan whispers in a teasing tone.

Yibo glanced at Xiao Zhan before rolling his eyes. “It depends actually. If someone hurts you, I do bite back.”

Meika’s eyes widened, Yibo’s words made her more nervous. Like he won’t let her off the hook easily.

“Ahh Bo-di, you’re scaring the poor girl.” Xiao Zhan whined yet he couldn’t even hide the stupid smile that springs from Yibo’s words.

“I-I know I was too selfish.” Meika started again. “You are free to hate me. But from the bottom of my heart… I’m really sorry…”

There was a moment of silence, Yibo just stares at the girl whose head is hanging low, avoiding his scrutinizing gaze.

“I will do everything to be forgiven.” Meika adds when he didn’t answer.

"Have your forgiven her already, Zhan-ge?" He asked.

"Y-Yes... Staying mad is tiring." The older answers.

However Yibo is his own, he has his own feelings and Xiao Zhan can't decide for him. He'll understand if he can't forgive her easily.

"Mmm..." Yibo hums after a while. "Alright, then don't worry about it anymore. If Zhan-ge already accepted your apology then it’s all good. I’m just waiting for him, after all, he’s the one who got hurt the most in this.” He nods as he selects his words. “I don’t think we should focus on what happened before. It was behind us, we already spoke publicly about it and we’re now together for real. We should focus on what’s ahead of us.”

Xiao Zhan smiled wider at Yibo’s words. He may look cold but he’s always been a softie inside.

“And also, looking at you—” Yibo eyed her whole figure. “You’ve been through a lot too. Just don't do it again."

“Thank you, Wang Yibo… Xiao Zhan.” Meika finally had the courage to look them in the eyes. “I promise, I won't betray you guys ever again. I will do everything to aid the case.”

The three of them stared at each other for a moment but were interrupted by a knock on the door. It was Meika’s mom with the nurse, Yibo and Zhan knew it’s time to go.


“How’s everything?” Carman asked when Yibo and Zhan walked out of Meika’s room.

“Turns out alright.” Xiao Zhan happily replied.

Carman looks relieved. “Good, are you going now?”

Yibo scratched his nape. “Yeah, I’m actually running late for a meeting, I just squeeze this visit into my schedule.”

“Me too, Manager.” Xiao Zhan answered. “I need to drink my meds on time.”

“Oh yeah. Good that you remember, so don’t overexert yourself and take a good rest.”

Xiao Zhan just nodded. “Where’s dad anyway?” He roam his eyes around but his dad is nowhere to be found. Although he spotted Louis Koo sitting just a foot away from them. He’s back… and looking at his figure, he appears okay. Not injured or anything.

“Jianyu’s gonna drive you home. He’s waiting for you in the car.” Carman inched closer to Xiao Zhan’s ear. “Since Louis is back, your dad scurries off, they can’t stand each other for too long.”

The three of them laughed at this.

"Since dad's driving me home, I will leave them to accompany you, Manager." Xiao Zhan gestured at the two body guards that went here with him.

Carman nods. "Sure. Now, off you go. Yibo is running late while you have to take your medicine on time Zhan Zhan.”

“Okay then.” Xiao Zhan agrees. “We'll leave now."

“Thank you, Manager Lee.” The two of them said in chorus and bowed at the woman.

“Thank your manager too, Yibo.” Carman said.


“Liyu’s the one who told us that Meika went to see He Peng before she disappeared. He wanted to help too.”

Yibo was surprised. Zhao Liyu hasn’t been talking to him ever since he stormed off Congming building after beating up He Peng.

“Psh… so he came around.” He shook a head. “I will, Miss Lee. Thank you.” He tugs at Xiao Zhan’s arm to signal that they’re going but his boyfriend remained standing in place. Yibo looked at the direction his eyes were.

Xiao Zhan’s eyes are on Louis Koo.

“M-Mr. Koo.” He called hesitantly.

The CEO looks greatly appalled when he heard his name, yet he stood up and approached them, eyes were questioning.

“Too much has happened but I have to thank you too, Mr. Koo." Xiao Zhan bowed formally much to their astonishment. "You did well."

Louis seemed as if he didn’t expect the acknowledgement too. He was taken aback before he nodded, still in bewilderment.

“Y-Yeah,”  Is the only thing he managed to say.

Xiao Zhan gave Louis a formal smile and glanced back at Carman. “We’ll go now.” He then intertwined his fingers with Yibo so casually. “Let’s go.”

Louis watched as the two walk away, holding hands without a care to the world.

He sighed and swallowed. “Xiao Zhan, Wang Yibo!” He called before losing the courage to.

The couple turned back, casting him a puzzled look.

“If—If you need anything… b-both of you. Don’t hesitate to tell me.” His tone gradually slowed down as he avoided their gazes.

There was a quiet atmosphere between the four of them. Yibo and Xiao Zhan glanced at each other, trying to figure out what to say… and who would talk first.

“Okay then, thank—"

“Then stand by that promise Mr. Koo—” Yibo said, cutting off Xiao Zhan’s yet another thank you. He’s now fronting a smirk. “—Because I will definitely ask for something in the near future. Let’s go, Zhan-ge.”

They started walking again, leaving Carman and Louis questioning what the hell does Yibo meant.

“Hah, you should be thankful.” Carman speaks after a while.

Louis eyed her.

“It’s not easy to be forgiven but looks like Zhan and Yibo have let you off the hook easily. Of course, there’s still a strain, but the fact that they don’t show it to your face means you could easily be forgiven. You’re one lucky bastard, Louis Koo.” She said with a hint of smile.

Then she turned her heel and started leaving too.

Louis budged. “Where are you going?”

“I’ll visit dad, I’m sure he’s worried about me too.” She didn’t wait for his reply and started to walk away, her two bodyguards following from behind.

Louis watched as she leaves. Maybe Carman is right, he's still a lucky bastard after all. The thought made him chuckle.

He needs to go home too. It’s time to take a rest, so he would have enough energy to taunt He Chunfeng when he pays him a visit later.


“So… what now?” Yibo asked when they reached Xiao Zhan’s car.

“We have to part ways now, Bo-di.”

“Such a shame. I would like it very much if I can be with you for another five minutes.” Then Yibo smiled, the way he always does. The cute lopsided one where his teeth barely show.

The one that perfectly displayed the combination of his childish arrogance and boy-next-door charm.

He’s strikingly handsome and Xiao Zhan had a sudden epiphany. With so much things going on, and so much things to think about, they barely had the privilege to act as a couple

Other couples whisper sweet nothings out of the blue, they have a lot of nonsense chitchats and talk about the smallest thing there is. They compliment the smallest detail about their partner.

“I like your smile, Yibo.” He said after a while. His heart feels full whenever he sees it. “I like you very much too.”

Yibo raised his brows and his face brightens up. “That’s random, Zhan-ge. What’s with you?”

“If we’re too busy in a day and we don't have much time to talk, then I’ll be happy to have even just five minutes of your time and I'll give you five minutes of mine. Give me a minute to tell you how much I love you and what I like about you and I’ll give you a minute to do the same.”

“And the remaining three minutes?” Yibo asked, he looks confused, waiting for the catch yet his smile remains.

Xiao Zhan chuckled. “I don’t know, what do you think?”

All his words came out of the blue and it was true that Xiao Zhan has no idea what to say anymore. Yet Yibo’s eyes lit up, as if he suddenly got an idea.

Before the older could even ask what is that, the younger already grabbed him by the arm and inched closer to his face.

“Three minutes will be spent with both of us falling deeper into each other.” That sounded a lot cheesier than Yibo’s pride could take yet who cares?

He quickly looked to the side to survey the surroundings before closing the gap between them but Xiao Zhan’s hand was fast to stop him.

“Dad is in the car.” Xiao Zhan whispered and gestured the car beside them.

Yibo whose eyes widened in embarrassment quickly distanced himself. Fuck. He forgot. Jianyu might be quiet inside the car but what if he's watching them? That would be mortifying.

“Tsk.” He cupped Xiao Zhan’s face and tiptoed. “I would look funny standing on my toes but still, I will do it for you.” That and he kissed the older’s forehead.

When Yibo is finally standing straight again, he noticed the older stifling a laughter.

“Wh-What are you laughing about?” His voice was a little too defensive for his liking.

“I’m not laughing at you, I swear.” Xiao Zhan giggled. “I just find it cute.”

“Tsh… let’s pray no one captured a photo of that.” He rolled his eyes before smiling once again. “Looks like our time’s up, ge. I really need to go.”

Xiao Zhan nodded. “Okay, take care Bo-di.”

“Sure. Love you, ge.” Yibo patted his cheek.

Xiao Zhan’s smile became wider. “Love you, too Bo-di.”


Unbeknownst to them, Jianyu silently laughs his ass off inside the car, a phone on his hand.

Privacy is important, but sometimes, there are cute moments that needed to be captured for memories' sake... One of that is Yibo tiptoeing just to reach his son's forehead.

When he noticed that Yibo started leaving, he puts his phone down, put on his airpods and pretended to be busy watching something on his phone.

"Dad, did you see something?" Xiao Zhan asked as he situated himself on the passenger's seat.

Jianyu shook a head. "Like what?"

His son smiled. "Nothing."

Jianyu smiled to himself too. "Love is complicated, but it's worthy going through its complexities if you're with someone who knows how to give you importance. With the life you live, as a celebrity, it's hard and it will get harder but if it makes you happy, then it'll be worthy, Zhan-Zhan."

Ignoring his son's puzzled look, Jianyu proceeds on driving.

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