Chapter 2 - the Choice I Made

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Chapter 2
the choice I made

Instead, mom just stared at me with no possible come back, her expression was totally over the roof, papa continued eating, pretending not to hear anything but I noticed the smile at the corner of his lips.
Then mom turned to my silent father, “aren’t go you going to say anything about this?” she asked him
“What do you mean ‘say anything?’ isn’t that what you are doing?” he replied by asking her
“Moses Johnson?” mom called dad by his name, which she always does when pissed “your daughter just said she is not going to college and you are not going to do anything? You are too clamming for this.”
Dad signed obviously tired then refuted, mimicking mom “Becky Johnson, I don’t see you doing anything.”
While Lisa and Lora were laughing at the sound of papa’s voice, I just stared at my parents weirdly; then it dawns on me, I looked at papa puzzledly “papa?”
“Yes.” He answered without looking at me
“Did you know, I was going to say something like that?” I asked him
“What? How would he know something like that?” mom in turn asked me
Nope, he shouldn’t have to remain calm when I refused the money, he must have known, I looked at him again “No, no mom, I am sure papa knew how today would turn out,” I stared at him, the added “right papa?”
“Hahahaha you are not going to leave me alone until I answer you right?”
“Most defiantly papa,”
He just smiled at me “I won’t say I knew, more like got the intuition.” He paused then stares at me “you are your mother's daughter, so it’s expected but are you going to be okay staying at home?”
“I can manage papa, don’t worry about me.” I smiled at him but mother wasn’t happy about it
“I can’t believe you are giving her the go-ahead, we struggle all these years just for her to what? Throw it away?” mama was obviously still furious about it but papa had to calm down.
“Honey, if this is the decision she has made, who are we to stop her, as long as she knows what she is doing is fine right?”
“That’s not what I am saying.” Mother replied him
I very well understand what mother was trying to say, even I didn’t imagine I would be able to give up my longtime dream just like that “mother I understand what you are trying to say.”
“Do you Mary? Because I am starting to doubt that,”
“Mom I do understand what you are trying to say but you are looking at it from the wrong angle,” I said confidently, this made father looked at me confusedly
“Oh, is that so?”
“Yes mom, I know I have always dreamt of going to college and going beyond that and I still am dreaming about it and I know one day I will achieve it all but right I am not throwing away my dreams I am merely just changing it. Instead of dreaming for myself, I am dreaming for my siblings.” Mom for once was looking at me with a thoughtful expression “so I think it will be okay, even if it’s not my dream.”
Mom signed at loud; with a worried look, she asked me “then what will you be doing at home? We are not rich and in this corner of town to get a better pay job, you must be at least a college graduate; you know that right?”
“I know that but it’s alright I can work with you and papa on the farm. I can even sell some vegetables and fruit in the counter market; surely I will make some money. Isn’t that okay?”
“Seriously, why am I even wasting my time talking sense into you? You are stubborn just like your father.”
Laughing “mother, and here I thought I was exactly like you.”
“You thought wrong dear.”
“I don’t think so” papa added and looked at me “you are exactly like your mother, stubborn to the core.”
We all laughed at mom’s shocked expression “you... How dear you pig head.”
“Coming from a dog head, that’s funny,” Papa slam mom
We all laughed at papa and mama’s teasing on the dinner and once again, that beautiful and wonderful smile that i so much loved, returned to my sister's face, and I for one was very glad.

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