Chapter 5 - My Mom and I

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Chapter 5

My mom and I

Just as I predicted, my mother was outside with a touch light, no doubt waiting for me. "seriously what am I twelve?" I murmur to myself as I drew close to the house.

As Mrs. Johnson stood outside patiently waiting for a daughter who was yet to return home, an unknown fear gripped at her heart.

This was why she hated the idea of her kids working or schooling in a place where she can't see them; whenever they leave the house, she is always in trouble.

She grew up in an environment where children most especially, female children got missing on daily basis, when she was about eighteen years old, she was almost kidnapped if it wasn't for the man who was now her beloved husband that saved her, she and a bunch of other kids would have been missing for life; she swore never to let her children move an inch from her side until they become someone else's responsibility and even if that was to be the case, just to be sure they will have to stay in a place where she can see them.

"What's taking her so long? The restaurants should be closed by now." She signed worriedly, as she looked in the direction of the restaurants "even when I told her to make sure she was home before dark, that silly girl."

Mary smiled from the dark corner as she heard her mother calling her a silly girl and decided to walk faster "Mother!"

"You silly girl, what took you so long? I told you to be home before dark, didn't I?"

Smiling "mom you make it sound like I'm a kid." I said as I stood at the doorway

"Of course you are, now come and hurry up about it." Mom said hurriedly as she ushers me inside the house "and I will like to know why you are late if you don't mind missy."

"Hahahaha Missy? That's new. Where did you learn that from?" I ask amused

"Don't play that game with me young lady and tell me why you are coming home by this time?" she said with a serious tone

I signed and sat down on the torn sofa; I knew she wasn't going to let this go and if I were to tell her why I delayed on the way, means I also need to tell her about the proposal. I grunt in worldly "Just for once I wish I could really lie." I murmured

"What was that?" she glared at me

I knew there was no way I could escape it and since I planned to break the news to them tomorrow then it didn't really or so I thought "nothing serious ma! I just meant an old friend."

"An old friend you say?" she sat down, with a relaxed expression "and who might that be?"

"Well, it's Rachael,"

"Rachael? Do I know her?" mom asked with a thoughtful sign

"Of course mom, you guys used to argue all the time." I laughed at her weak memory "It's not even up to five years and you have forgotten about her."

Mom stared at me for a second "wait you mean Berry?"

"That's her! Can you imagine, her parents divorced and she looked so different now, more refined and beautiful but she is still stupid though" I laughed

Mom was still looking at me "you are talking about Rachael Berry, the one friend you had, who abandon you right?"

"Yeah well technically, she didn't abandon me, more like moved out, since her parent's separated."

"Oh! Poor thing but you said you said....."

"Mom I know what I said," I cut her off "but obviously I was mistaken."

"Alright, so where does she stay? What part did she move to?" mom asked as she moves to the counter to fetch me some food.

"Oh, London," I replied while I took the food she handed me

"Oh my, that far?" she asked with a weird expression

"Well, yes, since the stepfather didn't want anything to do with her, her biological father who was also married and based in London had to come for her."

"That's hard."

"Yeah, and it was so sudden so she didn't have time to say goodbye."

"Hmmm," Mrs. Johnson manage to say.

I went silent and played with the food on my plate, as I thought of a better way to break the news to her and I honestly wished papa was present, he would have made it easier.

Mom watched me like a hawk; I didn't need to look at her to know the expression she was wearing after she was my mother,

"Come on, spiel it out." She said

Confused, I glance in her direction "what do you mean?"

Sighing "you always wear that dull expression when you have something to say, so I'm asking you what it is?"

"It's... it's....."

"Oh come on young lady, you know I hate it when you stall. Speak out."

"Yes sorry, ma! Rachael's stepmother owns a restaurant in London and also farmland where she plants the vegetable used for her business, so for some time now there have been looking for someone with experience to help out, so she offered me the position and I have to travel down to London."

Mom stood up calmly as she took my empty plate to the sink "and what was your reply to that?" she asked

"My reply? I said yes of course." I smiled, hopeful as she inquired

"And why would you do that?"

PAID TO BE MRS BLACKWhere stories live. Discover now