Chapter 1

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ScorpionHeart raced up the hill of the moon pool. When he reached the top, he saw the White fur of PickleStem " I'm sorry I'm late! BlackStar has been really sick lately, and FlamePaw needed some help getting herbs. " ScorpionHeart panted. " ScorpionHeart..." PickleStem mewed quietly, leading him forward. " What's wrong? Where's PufferPelt and WallabyPetal? And PygmyLeap? " ScorpionHeart meowed. " PufferPelt is late, but RiverClan is farthest from the MoonPool, so that makes sense. WallabyPetal is...over here " PickleStem walked towards the MoonPool, the Brown She was sitting with the Dark Grey Tom of WindClan, CrowFoot. " CrowFoots here? What's going on, where's PygmyLeap? "  ScorpionHeart asked, his head tilted. " It's CrowStar now...there was a Fight in WindClan..Rouges attacked them...OneStar and BarkFace died from them....and when PygmyLeap and CrowStar ran after the Rouge that killed OneStar, The rouge caught CrowStar, So PygmyLeap tackled him into the lake...and Dragged him under...PygmyLeap is gone, ScorpionHeart " PickleStem mewed, her eyes watered. ScorpionHeart stepped back, his eyes widened " But- but we needed him! " ScorpionHeart gasped, his pelt rippled in shock. " TallStar....Leader before me and OneStar...came to me after my Warrior ceremony..." CrowStar finally spoke, his tail wrapped around WallabyPetals. " That when the time is right...the clans must send two cats they find suited to maybe be the next star, and the clans star, to find Midnight...and she will choose the next star " CrowStar croaked, his voice was weak, and WallabyPetal leaned on him. " Maybe we should go...LeafPool and HollyStalk should know..." WallabyPetal mewed. " Yes...I'll let PufferPelt know, Go in peace you all, be safe " PickleStem mewed, and trotted down the hill. " Be safe.." ScorpionHeart mewed, and followed after PickleStem. After a few moments of silence, ScorpionHeart turned to PickleStem " If you where clan leader, Who would you send to Find Midnight " ScorpionHeart asked. " Well...Maybe HawkWing, he's my Clans deputy, But he's really polite, but really strong. And maybe SparrowPelt, he was one of the First SkyClan cats when FireStar Rebuilt SkyClan " PickleStem chuckled " Who would you send? " PickleStem asked. " I would Send My mother, TawnyPelt. She was one of the first cats to find Midnight, and Maybe RussetFur. She was my mentor, but she is super strong! And she is also deputy " ScorpionHeart chuckled, and Stopped when they reached the SkyClan border. " Well, this is my stop...I'll see you Later ScorpionHeart. " PickleStem purred, and walked into the forest, her white pelt slowly disappearing. ScorpionHeart sighed, and trotted next to the border, the Moonlight lit the trees up, and make the smallest Pine needles have there own spotlight. When he returned to ShadowClan, he saw the outline of FlamePaw, sitting outside the Medicine den. " FlamePaw " ScorpionHeart mewed, and trotted over. " Don't get to close, I may be sick, and not showing it " FlamePaw mumbled. " How is BlackStar? " ScorpionHeart asked. " He lost another life today...I believe his is on his Eighth life, But RussetFur, and LittleCloud have gotten Sick, Im the only healthy medicine cat left " FlamePaw sighed. " It's ok...But, You should get some rest..we need you healthy " ScorpionHeart mewed. " Alright...GoodNight ScorpionHeart..." FlamePaw mewed, and walked into the Medicine den. " Goodnight.. "

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