~~7. Hickey~~

454 10 4

March 14th

Y/n's pov:
I woke up first and took a quick shower and brushed my teeth and got ready and stuff. Addison was still asleep and I go downstairs to make breakfast.

"you're up early," Hailee said. "it's literally 9," I tell her. "yeah I guess, hey um what's that on your neck"

"What?" I scrunched my eyebrows, looking at her confused. "there's something- wait is that a hickey"

"shit" I mumble. I put my hand where the hickey is to hide it. "y/n?" She raised her eyebrows. "yeah" I smiled and tucked my lips. "is that really a hickey"

"umm... maybe," I said and blushed. "let me see" I remove your hand and she takes a look at it. "damn" her eyes widen. "what?"

"She really knows how to give someone a hickey," She says and giggled. "what do you mean by that"

"Have you seen that like holy shit" She said. "give me your phone" She gives me her phone and I pull up the camera and see a deep purple hickey.

"holy shit" I let out. "I know," She said. "hold on" I give her back her phone and run upstairs to my room where Addison was. 

"Addison!" I yelled. "why are you yelling my god," Addi said and looked at me. "this hickey"

"what about it" She asked. "Hailee noticed it" I tell her. "How, and why are you yelling at me for that" She questions. "I didn't cover it and look at it"

"It's not that bad," She said and smiled. "it kind of is like how did you do this," I tell her. "skill, here come here" I go over to her and lay beside her. "look it's fine okay and I'm sorry for that hickey"

"Okay, but I kinda like the hickey," I tell her and looked at her. "really?" She said. "yeah, I just didn't expect it to be like that"

"yeah, sorry" She apologized. "don't apologize, but come on we gotta make breakfast"

"you forgot something," She said and pouted. "what'd I forget," I asked. "dummie," She said and I'm guessing she wants a kiss.

She kisses me and after a while we both pull away. "yeah I guess I did forget that, but come on" I said. "fine"

We both go downstairs and I totally forgot that I gave Addison a hickey also, so I run back upstairs and get a hoodie and run back downstairs and gave it to Addison.

"Why do I need this?" She looked at me confused. "your hickey" I said while posting at it. "oh yeah I forgot"

She puts on the hoddie and puts the hood on. We both go into the kitchen. "alright you wanna make some pancakes with me" I asked her while smiling. "yeah sure"


I dropped Addi off at her house and Hailee and I were on the couch watching a movie.

"hey, y/n we need to talk about something," Hailee said seriously. "alright what is it?" I sat up and faced her. "alright okay how do I put this" She picked at her fingernails.

"take your time," I said. "okay I think I got this. I'm moving...and you're moving in with me I-if you want to" I smiled as she says that. "wait really?"

"yeah," She said. "okay-wait so I can move in with you when your moving-why?" I asked and she wiped her hands off her pants. "because... um I'm not really your sister"

"what? What do you mean?" I looked at her as if she had 3 heads. "I-I am your mom," She tells me. "you're joking right?"

"no, I'm not" She shook her head. "wait okay so you're my mother and I can move in with you when you move"

"Yeah," She let out. "why didn't you tell me about you being my mom?" I asked. "can we just talk about that later"

"yeah of course but, when are we moving and where?" I asked and smiled. "in about like a month or two and the house is like 30 minutes away from here."

"nice can we see the house?" I asked. "sure, we can go like now if you want to" I raised my eyebrows. "really"

"yeah and on the way we have to talk about what happened yesterday," She said. "oh yeah"

We both get in the car and begin the trip to the house. Going to the house we talk about yesterday but I did leave out the part where we said I love you.

"Have you said I love you yet?" She asked. "I'm not going to deny nor confirm," I said and started blushing. "you did didn't you," Hailee said while smiling. "maybe"

"Yeah, you definitely did plus I saw you guys say it," She tells me. "what?" I questioned. "when you were outside in the rain"

"how did you see it was dark-" I said and she cut me off. "and there were lights, dummie," She tells me. "ohh" I let out. "yeah"

We continue to talk more about what happened and we get to the house. "woah" I let out. "yeah, now come on"

We both go inside the house and look around. We go upstairs to look at the rooms. "what room do I get?" I asked Hailee. "I really don't care just pick one"

"alright I think I know what one I want" I walk over to the room I want. "this one for sure," I said and smiled. "you sure," She asked.  "yep" I nodded my head. "alright, let's explore more"


We looked around more and get back in the car and head back home. But I was thinking about Addison like what's gonna happen between us? Am I still going to hang out with her?

"you good? Looks like you have a lot on your mind" She asked. "um yeah just thinking what's going to happen between me and Addison"

"everything's going to be fine okay, just invite her a lot and go out with her, she's your girlfriend and you love her and she loves you," She tells me. "yeah, thanks"


We get back home and eat dinner and I go to bed since I had school the next day. But I couldn't sleep because I had so much on my mind like how I'm going to tell Addison that I'm moving and Hailee is my mother.

Like what Hailee's my mom? Why didn't anyone tell me? Wait who's my dad then? Oh God.


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