Chapter Eleven

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I give the bunker a walk through, the sounds of my footsteps echoing through the halls. It's quiet, eerily quiet. The calm before the storm. Come on, Crowley. Where are you at?

"All clear?" Sam asks me as I reach the study.

"For now," I nod. "Luke texted me that him, Cal, and Mikey made it safely to Jodi's place. Jodi and the girls will take good care of them."

"How's Ashton?" Dean asks, loading his guns.

I grab one of the guns and holster it. "He's scared, but ready. He's armed and ready to fight." I take a pair of glasses and put them on my face. "Hopefully these work. I can't go into this blind."

"All right, here's the plan. Sam, you and I will take this floor, hold them off as long as we can. Ave, you and Cas take to the basement, stay with Ashton no matter what you hear going on up here. You two are his last defense. Jack is on standby as our wildcard. If we need it, he'll smite every last one of them. If it's a fair fight Rowena and Crowley want, it's a fair fight they'll get," Dean explains. "No matter what, do not let those hounds near the kid."

Cas and I head downstairs, careful to check our blind spots. I open the door to see Ashton standing, ready to go down swinging, but his eyes give way to his fear. I don't want to die, he thinks.

I give him a tight hug, not wanting to ever let go. I've started to fall hard for him, despite everything in me telling me not to. I kiss his cheek softly. "Ready?" I whisper, more for myself than for him. He nods, but I feel his body shaking in fear. "Remember, you survive this, we're going on a date, right?"

He smiles at the memory of the promise he made just a few days ago. "How could I forget?" His whiskey eyes stare into my blue ones, full of anxiety and love. "I'm scared, Ave," he admits. "Are the others safe?"

I nod. "They're with a hunter friend of ours. They'll be safe. And I know you're scared, Ash. But we're gonna keep you safe. Nothing's going to happen to you." Without thinking, I lean into him and kiss his lips gently. He's shocked at first but runs with it and pulls me in closer to deepen the kiss. It's a kiss filled with love, passion, and fear.

As we pull away, the lights start to flicker. "They're here," Cas mutters. I had forgotten he was there. I give Ashton's hand one last squeeze and join Cas's side at the door, my gun and blade at the ready.

The gunshots from upstairs make my heart skip a beat. I hear Dean's voice through the earpiece. "There's four of them!! We got two of them, there's two left, heading towards you guys." Then I hear the growls of the hellhounds.

"Cas, how long is that spell gonna hold them?" I ask, pointing out the runes that Cas made over the door.

"Not long," Cas admits. "But it buys us some time."

A pound against the door. The growling and barking. A kick. "Great, Crowley's with them," I groan, racking my shotgun. "Ash, ready to shoot?"

"Ready as I'll ever be," he replies.

The door comes crashing, revealing Crowley and two tall hellhounds, ready to tear at Ashton's flesh.

"Hello darling. Wings," Crowley says to me and Cas. "Hope you don't plan to stay in my way."

"You're not touching him, Crowley," I announce, standing my ground. "Just take your dogs and go before I light your ass up."

Crowley chuckles. "So cute how you'll defend the boy like this. Almost like you love him." He gives us an evil grin. "Sic 'em, boys!!"

The hounds lunge at me and Cas. I pull the trigger of my gun, wounding the one in front of me. It limps towards me, angrily gnashing its teeth. Before I can shoot it again, it grabs onto my leg, digging its teeth deep into my calf. I scream out in pain.

"Ave!!" I hear Ashton cry out as the other hound throws Cas against the wall. The hound now has its sights set on Ashton. Ash shoots as the hound, but it's useless. He shoots again, careful to not back himself into a corner.

I grunt and hit the hound attached to me with the butt of my gun. It yelps and lets go of my now bleeding calf. I take my angel blade out and stab the hound in its side, killing it. I allow the adrenaline to take over at this point. I rack my gun again and shoot the hound that's staring Ashton down. That'll distract it long enough. It turns towards me and lunges at me, knocking me on to my back. Too much?

I scream as the hound digs its long, sharp claws into my chest. I wriggle my arm free enough to move it under the hound, and push upwards, stabbing it right in its heart. The hound cries out and falls dead on top of me.

"AVE!!" I hear Ash scream as he pushes the dead hound off of me. "Ave, are you okay? Can you move?"

"I can move, Ashton," I answer breathlessly. "Are you okay?"

"Just a couple scratches, but yeah, I'm okay. You on the other hand..." He's too scared to finish the sentence.

"Guess I have to do this myself. Never can trust dogs," Crowley finally speaks, walking towards me and Ash. I sit up, ready to shoot at him. Suddenly, he turns into a bright light and vanishes. I look over to see Cas with his hand on a rune.

"Thanks, Cas," I breathe out. Then the adrenaline is gone and the blinding pain in my leg and chest spread through my whole body. "Son of a bitch..."

"Ave, it's going to be okay. Just stay with me," Ashton whispers, holding my hand in a death grip.

Cas limps over to me and places his index and middle fingers on my forehead. The pain is gone immediately, the claw and bite marks vanishing. I look up at the angel and smile. "Cas, what would I do without you?"

"It's the least I can do, Ave," Cas smiles back. "I'm going to go check on Sam and Dean." The angel walks out, leaving me and Ashton alone.

"I will never get used to him doing that," Ashton says as he helps me to my feet. "How are you feeling?"

"Better now that you're safe," I reply, pulling him into a hug. "I'll feel even better once I know Rowena isn't going to try to send more hounds after you." My eyes switch between his eyes and his lips, finally settling on his lips. I lean in to continue the kiss from earlier, and thankfully he gets the memo. This time, the fear is gone and there is only love.

Ashton pulls back breathlessly. "So, how about that date?"

I laugh. "What about it?"

"Tomorrow night after the show. I'm taking you out to dinner." He kisses my forehead softly and pulls me back into a hug. "You saved my life, Ave. Thank you."


A/N: Soooooo what do we think?! 

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