6- Moon

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I've always been on my own. Since I was little the only people that I talked to were the maids, and although they made good company it was still very lonely. I thought I would be used to it, but right now I feel lonelier than ever.

It has been hours since Jimin and Taehyung left the room and even though they are intimidating and I don't like it when they threaten me. I like knowing what's going on and at least when they were here I had a way to measure time.

I'm still here, bounded to this chair, still wearing my party dress. I feel exhausted after everything that has happened. When you go through a situation like this, it really drains you out.

My tears stopped coming out hours ago, I don't think I have any left.

I'm trying so hard to stay awake and on guard, in case they come back. But I'm so exhausted it's getting impossible to keep my eyes from closing, they feel so heavy.

I bow my head and my eyes start closing. Then I hear my stomach make noises and I remember that I didn't eat anything at the party, I only had a few drinks. I'm starving, but it's not like Jimin or Taehyung would have any interest in giving me food.

As I was starting to doze off, I hear the door open. I am so tired that it takes me a while to raise my head and look at the door.

But when I finally do, I realize that this is not Jimin or Taehyung. "Hi there... I brought you this" said the man now making me acknowledge that he's carrying a bowl with steam coming out from whatever is inside.

He instantly gives me better vibes than Jimin and Taehyung. He's still by the door, grinning, but not in a weird or scary way, instead, it's as if he's waiting for me to confirm that he can come in.

"What's that" my voice came out in a whisper from not using it for hours. "Food!" he chirped "I know we have you hostage but I can't let you starve, do you like ramyeon?" He said waiting expectantly for an answer.

Even though I am starving and he seems nicer than the other two bipolar ones, I can't help but be skeptical, I mean they did kidnap me. That food could totally be drugged and I'm not going thru that again.

Apparently, that whole conversation that I just had in my head was pretty noticeable, cause as I slowly shook my head and looked down, the man entered carefully. "Come on you have to eat, it doesn't have anything I swear" he pleaded and I looked up "I don't know you, I'm not hungry" and as if on cue my stomach made the loudest noise it has ever made.


"You have to be hungry it's been a day already," he said staying far from where I am.

I shook my head

It has already been a day?! Well, then that explains it. I am hungry, but how could I possibly trust anyone here.

"I'm Jin" he suddenly said "see? Now you know me," he said with a smile that made me almost smile back. "How do I know it's not drugged?" I said, "if I take a bite would that assure you?".

That would work

I nodded

His smile brightened "good!" He took the chopsticks that were sitting on the bowl and took a bite of the ramyeon. My mouth started to water, it looks so good. "See? It's safe" he said putting the chopsticks back on the bowl.

"Are you going to eat it?" He asked and I nodded slightly.

"Good girl"

The sudden praise made my cheeks turn pink but I tried to hide it. Yes, he is extremely handsome, I have to say, but he is a kidnapper Dayeong! get yourself together.

Jin started to walk toward me and I thought he was going to free my hands that are tied behind my back so I could eat, but then he knelt in front of me, took some ramyeon with the chopsticks, and with the bowl beneath it he held the noodles close to my mouth.

"Open," he said

my eyes widened

"They said I can't untie you, so this is the only way" I kept my mouth closed and shook my head.

"Oh come on, don't be a baby" he said grinning  "I AM NO-" he shoved the noodles in my mouth shutting me up.

I was about to spit them out but this is the best ramyeon I have ever tasted. I start to eat it with gusto while I close my eyes.

when I finish the bite and open my eyes I see Jin grinning "good?" He asked "honestly I think this is the best ramyeon I've ever had" my comment made his smile widen.

That made my heart flutter

"Oh thank you I made it myself from scratch," he said holding another bite in from of me, and this time I took it without a problem. "You're a great cook!" I said with my mouth slightly full and Jin just laughed a little.

He kept feeding me until the bowl was clean and I couldn't help but feel a little warm at the gesture. I almost forgot that he has something to do with me being here. But he's just caring and gives an aura of comfort that I can't help but feel better.

"Well I have to go now" he stood up.

Why do I wish he stayed and kept me company

He started to walk to the door
"w-wait Jin" he stopped and looked at me confused "how long am I going to stay here?" I asked worried that I had to stay here alone for more than I could endure "I don't know that" he said and I swear for a second I saw guilt in his eyes.

"Oh," I said disappointed.

"But if you need anything you can ask me" he gave a sad smile and continued to walk to the door.

"There is something actually" I called before he could exit the room "what is that?" He turned around "is it possible for me to take a bath?" I asked.

Since I got here I've been so uncomfortable because the drink that Yeonjun spilled all over me was sugary so now I'm sticky and I can't stand it. So might as well try to reason a bath out of Jin, he's nicer than Jimin and Taehyung.

He hesitated for a moment and I tried making the most pleading-looking face I could.

"Alright you can," he said, "thank you!!" I chirped.

"I'll bring Jungkook to untie you" he said opening the door. "But don't try to do anything stupid" he warned "I won't, I promise" I said.

I totally am

I'm in love with Jin, but I mean, who isn't ✋🏻

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