13- Respect

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After Yoongi got to the kitchen with a still sad-looking Dayeong following him, he went straight to the massive fridge to get the milk, went to a cupboard to get the chocolate powder, and to another to get a cup.

When he presented the hot drink to the gloomy girl he couldn't help but smile a little when Dayeong took the cup with both hands and excitedly started drinking the content till it was empty.

"cookie?" Yoongi said presenting a newly opened packet of chocolate chip cookies to the girl. "oh absolutely" Dayeong said eagerly taking one and putting it whole in her mouth making her cheeks puffy. "please don't choke, Namjoon would kill me" Yoongi joked while taking the packet of cookies to store them again.

Dayeong just giggled slowing down on the chewing. She didn't know why she felt so comfortable with Yoongi, even though he was kinda intimidating, he was calm and serene, and she liked that. it was like he had control over himself and whoever he was with, and didn't have to put much effort to make you feel comfortable by just being himself.

"thank you for this" she wanted to thank Yoongi because he really had no obligation to be treating her this nicely, she appreciated that. "it's noting, do you feel better?" He knew she had to feel better considering how he found her at first, but it was still good to ask. "I do" Dayeong answered.

She wanted to ask something, something that was still bothering her since Namjoon had told her the truth about her dad. Ever since then she felt uneasy about what Eunwoo said that day at the party. And Dayeong didn't want to hope for the worst, but as her luck these days seemed to be low, she knew that the worst was probably what she should expect.

"Yoongi?" She mumbled while the pale-skinned guy was rinsing the mug she had just used in the sink.

"yes kitten?" he closed the faucet and turned to look at her.

well that caught Dayeong completely off guard

Not only had Yoongi just called her Kitten which alone made her cheeks flush red, but the absolutely gorgeous man was waiting for Dayeong's response with a slight smirk on his face.

he knows what he's doing

and that made Dayeong more flustered in her seat, not even sure about what she was going to ask anymore.

"i-i just wanted to know..." She was struggling to find the words since Yoongi started to walk toward where she was sitting.

"what did you want to know? tell me kitten"

There it was again, that word that just rolled out of Yoongis mouth and that Dayeong had no idea why it was affecting her so much. She had never had someone call her anything that wasn't her name. She didn't have friends to call her nicknames, her dad obviously didn't have one for her, and she had never had a boyfriend before to do so either.

"w-what are you going to do with me?" She managed to get out what she wanted to ask in the first place

Yoongi couldn't help to find a double meaning to that question, but he knew it wasn't intended.

"that is a question that Namjoon will answer later" Yoongi answered getting closer to the girl that was visibly getting tenser and tenser, but the good kind of tense, the one that makes your cheeks pink.

"But I know for a fact that you will probably be staying with us for a long while" Yoongi commented

Dayeong had figured that they would, but it still made her anxious. Sure, she didn't want to go back to her father now that she knew everything, but she didn't want to stay here kidnapped either.

Even though her captors were super hot, to be honest.

'Omg Dayeong stop thinking that, they literally kidnapped you' she scolded herself on her mind for how she was thinking about them.

"But you will let me go eventually no?" She asked hesitantly as she expected an 'Of course we will Dayeong we're not monsters!' for an answer. But instead just got a "maybe" from Yoongi.

well, there was a little hope in that 'maybe' that Dayeong would certainly hold on to.

Even though her question was already answered Yoongi did not stop getting closer and closer to her, leaving nowhere to escape as the tall stool she was sitting on had handles and he was standing right in front of her by now.

Yoongi took her chin with one hand firmly but not painfully. And made Dayeong look up at him.

Even sitting on a tall stool he was still taller than her.

Dayeong didn't expect Yoongi to do this. The caring side of the guy that had prepared hot cocoa for her was overshadowed now by the serious expression that he had while looking down at her.

"I'll just tell you this Dayeong..." it was the first time that he called her by name and Dayeong just sat still, looking at him "...we are not trying to hurt you, but your father is trying to hurt us, and our organization, that's why we took you. I don't know a whole lot about you but I assume that you probably don't want to come back to him, so you are going to follow each and every order that we give you, for the time being, understood?"

Yoongi was right, Dayeong in fact did not want to go back to her Father. She wanted freedom from all of these problems and mafia stuff, she did not want anything to do with it. But seeing that she had no escape from this at the moment, she agreed that maybe following whatever they said would be her best chance to get out of here.

Going against them would do more bad than good, and besides, as of right now, they weren't treating her so badly.

"understood" she assured, and a grin made its way to Yoongis face "Good! just keep the obedience up pet, and you'll be alright" he said taking his hand away from her chin.

Now she had a plan, it might not be the best plan but it was the only thing that she thought would work. She was going to follow their orders so as to not make them mad, and then they would probably let her go, right?

"We have to go now before Namjoon goes to your room and finds it empty" Yoongi said and Dayeong got up from her seat to follow the guy that was already heading out of the kitchen.

They soon got to the room and Yoongi opened the door letting Dayeong enter first, she sat on the edge of the bed, and Yoongi looked at her carefully inspecting the girl "are you sure you are okay now?" he asked concerned "I do feel better now, thank you for what you did earlier" she said truthfully grateful that Yoongi had been there for her.

"I'm glad to hear that, just stay here until Namjoon comes okay?" Yoongi said "yes sir" Dayeong answered.


Yoongi liked that

He seemed to be a fan of taking people by their chins because he went to where she was sitting and made her look up with two fingers on her chin

"good girl" Yoongi said, soon after turning around to exit the room. leaving a flustered Dayeong behind.

As soon as the door closed behind him Yoongi grinned to himself, he couldn't believe how easy it was to manipulate her.

Yoongi was going to do anything he could to help his mafia, he knew they had to keep Dayeong under their control, and what better way to do that than to keep her submissive and blinded by love.

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