Birthday and Last First Day Back

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Harry awoke expecting to hear the shrill voice of his Aunt Petunia but was relieved yet again that he hadn't been made to stay there for the summer. He was happily enthralled in the hectic life at the Burrow with his best friend Ron for the entire summer. He was even happier today as today was his seventeenth birthday and he was going to be able to spend the day with his adoptive family. With a groan he threw the covers off and was surprised to find Ron already up and out of the room. The smell of bacon wafted up the stairs making Harry's mouth water in anticipation. He and Ron had both grown over the summer no doubt in part due to the incredible meals Mrs. Weasley was famous for. They had both passed the six-foot mark with Ron being stockier and broader in the shoulder than Harry.

"It's from all those summers with those terrible muggles; half starved you were when you came to us each year! You'll fill out in no time, dear." Molly Weasley would say almost every meal spooning more of whatever she was serving onto his plate. She was of course referring to Harry's aunt and uncle who had raised him from a baby when an evil wizard killed his parents. The same wizard hunted Harry to murder him as well. His only living relatives treated him as though sick with some terribly contagious disease and he had spent his childhood living in a cupboard under the stairs. That was until Harry had discovered he was a wizard and sent to school at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Turning his thoughts back to food Harry scrambled into his clothes and quickly did his hair in the adjoining bathroom before hurrying down the stairs to breakfast. He was surprised to find six of the nine Weasley's standing at the bottom of the stairs, a large cake held by Ron and his other best friend Hermione Granger.

"Happy birthday Harry!" Everyone shouted as he came into view. Harry could not control the grin on his face as he hugged Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and turned to his friends who had deposited the cake on the table.

"When did you get here?" Harry hugged Hermione tightly, surprised to see her. She spent the holidays with her parents and they rarely saw her for much in the summer. She had not been to Ron's house since they had broken up just before the summer had started after going out for three months. They had realized their feelings as friends were far stronger than their feelings as girlfriend and boyfriend.

"Early this morning. I wanted to surprise you and be here before you got up. I'm here for the week to get my school supplies and for your birthday. My goodness you've grown!" She hugged him back before he turned to Ron and shook his hand.

"Alright everyone, sit down!" Molly Weasley instructed as platters brimming with food began to float from the counters onto the table. Molly, Arthur, Fred, George, Ron and Ginny Weasley sat in their places around the huge table followed quickly by Harry and Hermione. They ate until they were stuffed to the brim before Molly lit the candles on the cake. Harry laughed as they sang "Happy Birthday" some better than others before he made a quick wish and blew out all seventeen candles.

"So, what do you want to do on your seventeenth birthday, Harry?" Ron asked as they went outside after delicious chocolate cake to lie in the gorgeous sun. With a sigh they sank into the deep grass happily carefree for the moment.

"Right now, this is what I want after such a meal. Maybe later we could play a bit of Quidditch but right now I can't move." The others nodded in agreement and closed their eyes in peace. The day passed far too quickly as had the entire summer. Soon their thoughts turned towards school, supplies were bought at Diagon Alley without incidence as their last carefree summer winded down. They headed for the Hogwarts train September first with some apprehension. Ron and Harry went through the barrier first to platform 9 3/4 without problem to their relief. The barrier had been blocked their second year and they had been forced to 'borrow' Ron's dad's car which almost got them killed and expelled. They were shocked to find Fred and George already on the platform trunks on trolleys.

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