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Spring came before they knew it and the cooped up students were looking forward to going to Hogsmead for a break from their studies. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Draco along with dozens of other students gathered together with Professors Lupin, McGonagall, Snape and half a dozen other teachers for the student's protection.

"I'm not so sure you should go, Draco." Professor Snape pulled the young man aside from the group with a frown on his face but caring clear in his eyes. "Your father has been looking for any chance to get you and I can't be with you the entire time."

"I can't stay in the castle or I'll go stark raving mad." Draco insisted only half in jest. He was used to being able to leave the castle on weekends to go where he pleased before his voluntary exile. He pulled a black baseball on his head low on his forehead to somewhat hide his appearance. Professor Snape had noticed many students including Harry had done the same to help protect their friends.

"I'll leave it to your discretion but stay where there are many people." Snape cast a glance at Hermione before continuing. "Do you have Headmaster Dumbledore's mirror on?"

Draco nodded before returning to Hermione and the group was off. Harry felt a strange nervous sensation in his stomach but pushed it aside as he joined in the constant conversation around him. He had been cautioned against going as well and glanced over his shoulder to see a black dog trotting along the forest line with the students, knowing he was well protected. Hogsmead was busy with all the students and before long the group broke off to enjoy different stores. Hermione and Draco slipped off to enjoy a quiet coffee at Madam Puddifoots before hooking back up with their friends to head back to the castle. The shop was filled with couples eager for time alone away from the prying eyes of teachers at the castle. Draco was thankful that the only table available was in the corner out of view of the large front window. They ordered steaming cups of coffee before Draco took Hermione's hands in his own and pulled her gently in for a kiss. The kiss was torn abruptly when Hermione in her chair was flung across the café. Draco opened his eyes as the table followed, landing on the unconscious witch. Lucius Malfoy stood in front of his son with an angry scowl on his face.

"Don't ever touch her again," Draco stood as anger overwhelmed him and the café patrons turned to watch the spectacle. Without responding, Lucius grabbed the front of Draco's shirt, spinning him powerfully before he connected solidly with the front window. Draco flew through the window and landed on his hands and knees a dozen feet from the café where Lucius was calmly stepping through the broken window.

"Leave him alone!" Harry and Ron came running down the street but didn't have time to shield themselves as Lucius used a spell to throw them into the brick wall. They slid down the wall unmoving as the Deatheater turned to his real prey. Draco was slowly trying to get up, noting the blood starting to drip from many scratches on his face and hands. Before he could sit up he felt a solid kick to his ribs, knocking the wind out of him. He tried harder to fight the dizziness and stand but was rewarded by a sharp strike with the hilt of his father's cane to the base of the skull. He dropped face first to the ground instantly unconscious. Lucius calmly and roughly levitated his son to the nearby carriage and followed before with a crack the carriage apparated.

Professor Snape and McGonagall ran down the street to find Harry and Ron rubbing their heads and moaning. Glass and blood lay on the street and the Potions Master was quick to enter the shop. One of the café customers had removed the table from Hermione and was helping her to a sitting position.

"Where's Draco?" Both asked at the same time, realizing immediately what had happened. Severus swore softly and his young student looked at him in surprise before struggling to her swaying feet. She had a trickle of blood running down the side of her face from when she had struck a table in her fall and quickly pressed a clean napkin to the small cut with impatience. Professor Snape took her arm and helped her out the door to where Sirius and Minerva were kneeling in front of the two boys.

"Hermione are you alright?" Harry asked as Hermione started to cry and he reached out brotherly to embrace her.

"That asshole took Draco. He's going to kill him, I just know it!" Harry stroked her hair for a few moments before making the decision. He pulled her away from his wet chest to look in his face. "Are you ready to go after him?"

The change in her face was almost instantaneous as her face went hard with decision and the possibility for action. She nodded and stood before helping her friends to their feet. The adults watched in shock and surprise as the teenagers quickly took over the situation.

"He'll take him to Malfoy Manor so that is where we need to go." Harry reasoned and looked at Sirius briefly.

"We are going to need backup quickly; this could be a trap to get us all together for Voldermort to attack." Professor Lupin hurried up to the group with concern evident on his worn face. It was quickly decided that Professor McGonagall would find the other teachers to gather up the rest of the students while the rest of the group would use the emergency portkey Professor Lupin had to go back to Hogwarts to alert Dumbledore and come up with a plan of action.

Harry Potter and the Rise of the Slytherin PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now