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Hermione hurried through her breakfast the next morning and to the Health Ward. Harry and Ron had Quidditch practice so Hermione was happy for something to do. Madam Pomfrey smiled as she entered and handed her the salves for the bruises and allowed her to get right to work. Draco's face had more colour and his lips were no longer blue but he did not wake or move during Hermione's administrations. The two women unwound the bandages on their patient's hands which were still red and swollen but warm. They applied the fire lily salve that Professor Snape had prepared the day before to heal the damaged flesh and increase circulation before re-binding them. They gently washed the remaining blood out of his hair, careful of the thin red line where the stitches were continuing to heal the wound. They were finished within a half hour and Hermione left with an armload of books Madam Pomfrey lent her about the healing arts and the ingredients of all the salves and potions they had used.

The rest of the day was spent studying and relaxing as they finished homework for school the next day. Their fellow Gryffindors plied the three of them with questions but none would answer although there were rumours floating around the school that were humorous and outrageous. Stories of how Draco and Harry had gotten into a fist fight where Harry had nearly killed him to creatures from the Forbidden Forest had attacked Draco and carried him into the forest were among many.

It was almost a relief to go back to classes on Monday to get away from the constant questions from fellow students. Last class of the day was Potions after which Professor Snape asked Hermione to stay for moments to her surprise. The last of the curious students filed out and the Professor handed her a sheaf of parchment. "Take Draco's homework to the Health Ward. Give them to Madam Pomfrey with instructions that he is not to have them until she feels he is ready."

Hermione nodded and hurried out of the classroom where Harry and Ron waited outside. She told them her errand and they turned off for the common room where they would wait for her. Draco appeared asleep as Hermione stepped into the room. She quietly gave the nurse the instructions and papers before turning to their patient. His hands were no longer bound and she gently checked for circulation as the nurse had shown her the day before. She jumped when the hand clumsily squeezed her own. She looked up and found Draco's eyes open, pupils finally normal sized and a tired smile on his lips. She allowed him to hold her hand with his swollen fingers as she sat on the side of the bed.

"I don't know how I could ever thank you and your friends for helping me." His voice was raw and he tried unsuccessfully to clear it.

"You don't have to, we were happy to help even if you are a Slytherin." They shared a brief smile as Draco tried to push himself into a sitting position against the pillows.

"Let me take you for dinner. It's the least I can do and I am sure I owe you one. I'll be out tomorrow." Hermione laughed as the nurse called from her office. "Not a chance."

"I'm sure you owe me more than one but I would be happy to let you take me out when you are better." Draco nodded as her acceptance as his eyes started to drift shut on their own accord. The Gryffindor sat on the edge of his bed holding his hand until he fell back into sleep.

It was two days later that Madam Pomfrey allowed Draco to leave the Health Ward and would have kept him longer if he hadn't started to drive her crazy, getting out of bed when she wasn't looking and asking to leave constantly. Hermione had visited him every day, bringing him homework and helping Madam Pomfrey when she could. He was back in classes Thursday morning still pale and sneezing but otherwise seemed to be back to his usual self.

Harry Potter and the Rise of the Slytherin PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now