The Fight

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"We can't wait any longer, Draco is hurt and who knows what his father will do when he gets him home!" Hermione paced impatiently in the Headmaster's office as the adults waited for backup. Professor Dumbledore smiled sadly knowing the teenager was going insane with worry but knew it was unwise to jump into the rescue attempt.

"We are almost ready to go, dear. The Order and the Aurors have been notified and have portkeys to come if necessary. Remus, Sirius, Arthur and I will go and try to get Draco out as quietly as possible and will call in reinforcements if the Malfoy's are not the only Deatheaters at the Manor." His plan was immediately met with arguments from all over the room.

"I'm going. Spy or no spy, Draco is my godson and I will be needed in case he is hurt." Severus crossed his arms unwilling to budge on the decision. The elderly Headmaster sighed knowing that he was right although still reluctant to give up Severus's hard work for the Order so easily.

"I'm going too with or without your leave. I will not sit around twiddling my thumbs." Hermione looked a bit like Snape with her arms crossed in front of her chest and stubborn tilt of her chin. Harry and Ron were quick to chime in. "Us too."

Professor Dumbledore sighed immensely at the determined faces in front of him as he reformed his plan with fear in his heart.

"Harry, Hermione and Ron will stay outside to keep watch and activate this alert to the Aurors and Order Members if anything looks to be going wrong. The rest of us will go into the Manor and find Draco. No arguments." Snape looked happy with the new plan but Hermione looked furious as the Headmaster handed Harry a mirror very similar to the one he had given Draco. The group hurried to the front gate where a carriage was waiting to take them off of Hogwarts grounds where it would apparate them a mile from the Manor. Within minutes they were walking along the dark, quiet road carefully watching for movement in the shadows. Near the end of the long driveway leading up to the grand house Dumbledore gestured to Harry to hide in the bushes where they could see a great deal of the house and grounds. The two teenage boys nodded and slipped into the undergrowth. Hermione stood next to Dumbledore and shook her head stubbornly as she pulled out her wand. Knowing the only way she would stay would be to jinx her, possibly ruining their cover, he relented and nodded.

The group carefully avoided the lamps along the driveway, noticing the carriage was not in the driveway giving them a glimmer of hope in the darkness. Finally, they reached the front door which was surprisingly unlocked. They were greeted by a crying Narcissa who sported a fresh bruise on her face as she hurried across the foyer.

"Oh thank God! I had hoped you would come. He locked Draco in the dungeon before going to another one of his meetings. The opening is in the wall but I couldn't get in!" Sobs punctuated the words as the distraught woman pointed to a panel under the stairs. Dumbledore hurried to the wall and examined it with nervousness in the pit of his stomach.

"Bombardia!" Dumbledore stepped back and exclaimed loudly and the panel burst outward revealing the dark stairs beyond. "Severus, come with me. The rest of you stay up here. Don't argue Miss Granger, we don't have time."

With that the two wizards hurried past the broken pieces of the door and down the hard stairs lighting the way with their wands. They came to the bottom and found ropes lying on the floor a few feet away from a discarded wand. Dumbledore pocketed the wand and came to the iron gate where they could see a figure sitting beyond. Dumbledore pointed his wand at the lock before demanding; "Alohomora!"

The lock clicked and the gate swung towards them. Severus was quickly inside and crouched next to the cowering figure that refused to look up at them.

"Lower your wand." Dumbledore advised realizing the light would probably blind the boy who had spent hours alone in the dark. With the lights dimmed and the recognition of the voices, Draco looked up at his rescuers shivering in the damp. Small cuts from the glass covered his face with trails of blood. The side of his face was red and swollen where his father had punched him. Dumbledore was quick to release the shackles that bound his ankles as Snape carefully did the same before slowly lowering his godson's arms. Pain radiated in his shoulders at the sudden movement and he found his hands were icy cold with lack of circulation. They helped him to stand but he refused to put his arms across their shoulders as the motion hurt intensely. Instead they grasped his elbows to support him as he wobbled the first few steps. By the time they were halfway up the stairs the circulation had returned to his legs and he found he was able to walk with only minimal assistance. The light at the top of the stairs was very bright and they stopped briefly before stepping into it to allow his eyes to adjust as Professor Snape put his cloak on the damp teenager and Dumbledore handed him his wand. Finally, they stepped into the light where the rest of the rescue team waited anxiously. Hermione was quick to his side as Dumbledore passed Draco's arm to her. Draco quickly drew her into his arms as she hugged him tightly around the waist, half holding him up, ignoring the pain in his ribs.

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