Night Visit

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Draco woke the next morning late after a wonderful sleep. Some time during the night a house elf had turned the couch he was sleeping on into an incredibly comfortable bed laden with quilts and blankets. His arm throbbed as he moved to stretch but he ignored it as he crawled out of the bed. A pitcher filled with warm water stood next to a basin and he used them quickly to tidy up before hurrying to his dorm to change for a late Saturday breakfast. The Slytherin common room was nearly empty and he ignored the stares as he entered wearing rumpled clothes after spending the night out of his room. Several asked which lovely lady had the pleasure of his company the night before which Draco ignored as he sauntered up to his room. Rather than wearing his school robes he put on his jeans and sweater before brushing his teeth and replacing the hated sling. His book bag was hanging on a chair obviously retrieved from the Headmaster's office where he had left it the day before.

The Great Hall had scatters of people at the long tables doing homework or eating a belated breakfast after staying up late as he had. He welcomed the coffee as he sat at his spot before he realized several people were staring at him and whispering. It took him a moment to realize his face was swollen and bruised from his encounter the day before and he had not taken the time to put a concealing spell on it. He continued his breakfast as if he had not noticed; knowing rumours would be all over the school within the hour. After breakfast he headed to the library where he spent the day buried in his school work, finishing his catch up on the homework he had missed and completing several of the assignments that were due the next week. It was far into the afternoon that he finally turned from his desk to see Hermione, Harry and Ron sitting several tables back studying.

"Can I talk to you for a minute, Hermione?" The Slytherin asked feeling a sudden surge of nervousness he had not felt talking to a girl in a very long time. She smiled and nodded before following him out of the library. He could feel Ron and Harry's eyes on his back with some suspicion, which made him smile.

"I was serious in the Hospital Wing about taking you out when I was better. How about next Friday?" Draco leaned against the wall in the quiet corridor feigning nonchalance. He could see Hermione sizing him up as the wheels turned in her pretty head.

"It's a date. Where are we going to go?" Draco felt a surge of relief rush through him at her answer.

"How about I surprise you. Wear something nice." He left her and headed towards the Slytherin dorms with a smile on his face.


That night Draco was abruptly jerked from a fitful sleep by strong arms grabbing him and pulling him out of bed. He fought against their pull, for a moment he thought his father had managed to get into the dorms and was there to kill him. It took him a moment to realize his captors were his supposed friends Crabb and Goyle with iron grips on his biceps irregardless of his already injured arm. They dragged him down the stairs towards the large fire, which glowed green with floo powder. A familiar face was easily visible in the fire, angry with impatience. Draco fought harder against the burly teens but was unable to break their grip on his throbbing arms. Just as they rounded the couch a figure leapt up from a chair where he had been unseen under an invisibility cloak.

"Let him go!" Professor Snape demanded as he stood in between the father and son. The boys froze where they were, neither releasing him nor continuing their advance forward.

"Severus, mind your business! This is between Draco and me." The face in the fire bellowed and the Potions master spun to face him.

"I've seen how you treat your son. I've healed his wounds too many times and will not allow it to happen again! Stay away from him and the school." Snape threw a handful of powder into the fire, which spit golden sparks. Lucius swore before the head spun and disappeared. Crabb and Goyle dropped Draco's arms as their Professor turned back to them with a venomous look on his face before turning and running back to their beds.

"Are you alright?" Severus asked his protégé. Draco nodded before blowing out a deep breath of frustration and relief. "Come with me, you'll have to stay in one of the empty apartments down the hall where you will be safe."

Draco followed as they left the common room and down the damp corridors. He was led to an apartment next to Professor Snape's own. It had a main room that contained a leather couch, chair and table but thankfully no fireplace. A small bedroom was down a short hallway with an adjoining washroom. It was decorated in the greens, black and silver of the Slytherin crest and Draco felt immediately at home. The Potions master handed him a tiny key that had to be enlarged with a password that Draco set to unlock the door. If anyone tried to force their way in alarms would go off in the Professor's apartment. Once alone Draco wandered briefly before exhaustion caught up with him and he sunk into the soft bed. He fought the tears filling his eyes but with total privacy, he allowed his sorrow to overflow. 

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