08 - Normalcy

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He's clinging on to me for dear life. I can say that he thinks if he lets go a bit, then I'll run away or something, and he'll never see me again. I don't know how long I've slept but I'm hungry and my bladder is about to give up on me. I feel a little fatigued too. I squirm and he groans. I've been trying to free myself to no avail.

"Adonis," I whisper.

I can feel his breath on my nape. He's too comfortable.

"Adonis," I call louder.
He stirs then let's go of me. I sigh, dashing out of bed before my bladder gives up on me. Letting it out is refreshing. I'm thinking of spending my weekend here so I can give Janell and Tshego some space. That woman knows how to handle him. I wash my face after then begin brushing my teeth. I wonder how long we've been sleeping. We probably slept around 6am so, I'm guessing that it's after noon now. He comes in when I'm rinsing my mouth.

"I'm so tired," he groans while stretching.

"I'm hungry," I say.

He looks at me through the mirror, running a hand through his hair.

"Mm, you must be. What do you feel like eating? I can whoop something"

I shrug.

"Meat? Anything. We can have a braai plus it's Saturday," I suggest.

He nods.

"Defrost while I shower or you're joining me?"

I scoff.

"Why would I join you?"

He shrugs.

"So you can scrub my back?"

I chuckle.

"Stop being gay, bra. I'll never do that"

"How's that gay? I always bath with Aphro, even at this age where I know she has a penis going in her. The thought alone is maddening. Sometimes I want to punch that guy on the face but he's soft like you and scared of me so, I don't. It won't be a challenge."

I shake my head.

"Not happening. I've had enough of seeing other males' genitals. I can't. It's uncomfortable for me."

I don't care how that makes me seem but that's how it is. I wouldn't even want to see my own father like that. He stops the hand thing and scrunches his face.

"You telling me you...wash his genitals?"

I nod.

"It's not by choice. It's that and his... Lord. I suggested we get a helper but he shut that down immediately. I don't know how long I can survive being his slave," I say.

"Interesting. Go defrost then."

"I don't need you telling me."

He laughs as I retreat. I make myself some cereal because I am that hungry and can't be patient any longer. Who knows how long the defrosting plus his braaing will take?

We spend the weekend indoors, only going out when we want snacks. He stays alone and is on his final year, doing his honors. He's studying and working part-time. I've never asked much about his job but I know it's in the public sector. I've never thought of him as a cooperate person but it does suit him.



I wonder what I did to be tormented by this woman. She left last night but my manhood is still painful after she terrorized it. She was sweet when we first met but now, it's like she's switched up and become a totally different human being. I am now tempted to move out. I feel like she's going to find me either way, plus she's in cahoots with Tshidiso. This one is happy, grinning whenever it's the weekend because he knows what it entails.

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