Remember Mazzi's first love

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Before you start reading this is kinda like the episode but with Mazzi's heart eyes for Jaliyah cuz this is a mazzi and a oc book btw ok you can start reading
Mazzi was doing his music class with miss Karen Jaliyah's untie was the teacher and Jade and Jaliyah were at the table and coco was in the kitchen
Jaliyah: man this is taking  a while
Jade: yeah i know this math sucks
Jaliyah: I was talking about something else but ok
Coco: yes but you just have to wait he will be done soon
Jade: yeah like ever since my party you guys have been closer
Coco: yeah is something going on
Jaliyah: oh uh no...
She went down to her room so she wouldn't say anything dumb
Few minutes later she hears her untie and mazzi out of the parlor
Karen: hey sweetie
Jaliyah: hi untie Karen
She hugs her
Jaliyah: are you leaving
Karen: yes but I will see you next week young lady and mazzi
All: bye
She leaves
Mazzi: come on Jaliyah let's go to your room
Jaliyah: why mine
He grabs her hand and goes to her room
Jaliyah: how did you do
Mazzi: great she says I am getting better and better
Jaliyah: good your mom and Jade have been asking what's going on between us
Mazzi: what do you mean
Jaliyah: remember at her party when we found out we liked he other
Mazzi: yeah
Jaliyah: they noticed that we got closer than normal
Mazzi: so
She hits him upside the head
Jaliyah: what am I supposed to say oh me and mazzi are dating when you haven't asked me yet
Mazzi: first owww second calm down for now let's watch a movie
Jaliyah: ok
it was time for Mazzi's music lesson when Jaliyahs untie  the door bell rings
Jaliyah: I GOT IT
she Opens the door
Jaliyah: hey untie
Karen: hi jay
They hug
mazzi: hi
Daniel: hello who are you
Jaliyah: my untie
Daniel: we'll you look beautiful
Karen: thank you
Jaliyah looks at them like she is about to throw up
Mazzi: miss Karen we can go and start the lesson
Karen: ok
They go to do the lesson
Daniel keeps trying to get at Jaliyahs untie
Jaliyah: oh my god
She goes back to watch tv
Karen: you did great mazzi again
Mazzi: thank you miss Karen
Daniel: would you like to go out sometime for dinner
Karen: sure get my number from Jaliyah
She leaves
Daniel: so Jaliyah are you going to text me the number
Jaliyah screams and tackles him
Jade and mazzi look back and see her hitting uncle Daniel
Daniel: get off me little girl
He pushes her off but she comes back and continues
Jade: get off him
Jade and mazzi get her off
Daniel: when did you get bite by a spider
Jade: run run far
He leaves the room so they can talk
Jade: why did you do that to uncle Daniel
Jaliyah: because he was hitting on my untie and I don't need her hurt
Mazzi: you could have just said it instead of tackling him to the ground
Jaliyah: yeah your right but still felt good
They laugh
Mazzi: next time talk it out i am sure he will understand
Jade: yeah and who know maybe someone will take your mind off of them going out
Jaliyah: yeah
Daniel walk back in
Daniel: sorry for stepping on your toes
Jaliyah: sorry for stepping on your face
Daniel: want me to back off
Jaliyah: no your fine just don't hurt her
Daniel:  I won't
Later on
Mazzi: hey
Jaliyah: hey
Mazzi: I want to take you out get your mind off stuff
Jaliyah: ok let's go
They left and went for ice cream
Mazzi: so I wanted to ask you something
Jaliyah: ok what
Mazzi: we'll i know we told each other how we feel
Jaliyah: yeah continue
Mazzi: I wanted to ask if you wanted to me my girlfriend you don't have to say yes
She looked at him like he was dumb
Jaliyah: yes mazzi I would love to
They hug
Coco and moz walked in and saw Jaliyah passed out on the sofa
Coco: aww Jaliyah looks so peaceful
Moz: yeah hard to believe she almost killed Daniel
Jaliyah was having a dream well nightmare that Daniel and Karen got married And woke up screaming
Coco and moz turned around
Moz: hey sleepyhead had another dream about mazzi
Jaliyah: more like nightmare
Coco: what happened
Jaliyah: it was that Daniel married my untie Karen
Moz: that does sound like a nightmare
Jaliyah: right well night
She went downstairs to her room and went to bed after that horrible nightmare and happy that the boy she liked was her boyfriend

Ok so it worked out for Jaliyah and mazzi well not at the end for her well byee💕

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