Remember when M'dear changes history

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It was a new week and everyone was playing games and laughing and having fun it was a blasted for them but Jaliyah was writing a song and watching still fun for her to watch this go on
Moz: what what did I do
M'dear: jeb I am embarrassed that your son can not play a decent hand of bid whist
Moz: hey it's been awhile and I am more of a spades player anyway
M'dear: ami what did M'dear teach you about spades
Ami: spades are for suckers
They just kept talking until Daniel came in the room
Daniel: good new guess who got a new job
No one talked
Jaliyah: let me guess you but they did look at you stuff yet until then you have it but when they see it you will get fired
Daniel: yes and no little girl
She rolled her eyes and went back to writing
Daniel: now y'all know losing that last job wasn't my fault
Jaliyah: then who's was it Casper
He glared at her he started giving them checks except shaka
Daniel: nothing for you
Shaka: we'll glad y'all got payed out of sucker tax's
Ami& Jaliyah: who you calling a sucker
He looked at them like they lost there minds
Jaliyah: keep looking like that I will knock you into next week shaka
Shaka: mazzi get your girl
Mazzi: ay you started it with her sorry
They found out that Daniel Did the checks himself
Ami& Jaliyah: go head say it
He started to dance
Jaliyah: ok dance queen clam down or I am throwing this book at you
He stop and walked away
Mazzi: come on let's go hang out
Jaliyah: ok let me put my book away real quick
She went down to her room and put her book in her nightstand and went back upstairs
Jaliyah: ok let's gooo
Mazzi: ok
They walk out hand in hand
It was the next morning and Jaliyah woke up at 10:00
Jaliyah: ugh man i am so tired
She got up and went to shower and put her clothes on
Her outfit

She went upstairs Jaliyah: morning All: morning Mazzi: why did you get up so late Jaliyah: I don't know I just been tired lately Mazzi: ok well want to hang out later Jaliyah: sur-Jade: nope she is hanging out with me you have tomorrow to hang out...

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She went upstairs
Jaliyah: morning
All: morning
Mazzi: why did you get up so late
Jaliyah: I don't know I just been tired lately
Mazzi: ok well want to hang out later
Jaliyah: sur-
Jade: nope she is hanging out with me you have tomorrow to hang out
Mazzi: jeez just asking but have fun
Everyone was talking when moz got a call from Daniel
Moz: what is wrong Daniel
Daniel: come get yo crazy mama hurry
He hung up and we all went to see what M'dear was doing that Daniel was scared
Moz: M'dear what are you doing
M'dear: this hotel is to important to history and me
Daniel: she is crazy pop i think it's time to discuss that nice retirement by the lake
Jeb grabbed him by the shirt
Jeb: I will retire you in a lake
Daniel: understood
Coco: uh M'dear what is so great about this building
Mazzi and shaka and ami and Jaliyah were messing with stuff that they shouldn't be
Coco: MAZZI JALIYAH PUT IT DOWN we're my children and their friend might get lockjaw
Jade: yeah I would stay at a motel 6 7 8 before this place
M'dear: we'll 80 years ago you wouldn't be welcome at any of the hotels when the cresthaven opened it was the only hotel in town that black people were allowed to stay
She was telling people about how her mother was working there so she spent a lot of time
There and Jade was live while she was telling the story at the time to
M'dear: I remember meeting to young singers Greg and Maurice when I was about seven they were terrible bullies
They took her doll and started throwing it back in forth until M'dear punch one of them
Greg: ow you hit as hard as joe Louis
M'dear: no hard and don't you forget
Maurice: come on it's time for rehearsal
They ran off but M'dear was still playing with her doll so it was nothing bad happening after that she went to go hear the sing
My darling my dear
My dear
I look to you
I look to you
My darling my dear
My dear
I'll love you through and through
Love you
When thine eyes met at a glance
At a glance
Caught in a trance just by chance
Beautiful song
Beautiful song
Then we dance
And we dance all night long
All night long
They finished singing their song
Greg: now we are cooking with gas
Maurice: right Amelia did we flip your lid?
Young M'dear: listen every Tom dick and Louis Armstrong can sing get your self done tap shoes dream boats
She walked away
M'dear: and that is how the Hines brothers got their start
They were dancing in the middle of the room when young M'dear joined them in their dance as while people clapped for them at the end
Moz: so your telling us Maurice and Gregory hines two of the greatest dancers has ever known only became dancers because of you
M'dear: did I stutter
Jade: try not to i am live streaming
M'dear: put it down
She put her phone down as M'dear fixed her hair
M'dear: ok put it back up
Mazzi: hey shaka we should start our own dance group
Shaka: yeah we will be the McKellan brothers
They started dancing
Jaliyah: we'll if I ever go big off of singing then you guys can be my background dancers
Both: deal
Coco and ami went to the bathroom
Daniel: M'dear please if you love me you will leave
M'dear: still no boy
She was telling them how she met Mart Luther King Junior people kept coming around to hear M'dear stories
Moz: where did all these people come from
Jaliyah: our social media people love a good story
Mazzi: it's true
After looking through M'dears pictures she was telling a story how mr Jeb didn't ask to marry her on new year's
Jaliyah: this is a good story
She put her head on Mazzi's shoulder
He laughed quietly
M'dear: pretty woman wonder where my secret lies i am not cute or built to suit a fashion models size
Coco: but when I start to tell them they think I am telling lies I say it's in the reach of my arms
Ami: the spam of my hips
Jade: the stride of my step
Jaliyah: the curly of my lips
All: I am woman phenomenally phenomenal woman that's me
Moz: hey pop now do you remember that night
Jeb: oh I will never forget it and your mother won't let me
Shaka: so that's when the famous willams sisters and went to New York and sang with Charlie Wilson
M'dear: yes it's is
She started to tell the story about her and sisters singing
Jaliyah: be right back ok maz
Mazzi: ok
Jaliyah: tell me if anything good happens
She went to the bathroom for a while when she started screaming
Jade& coco: WHATS WRONG
coco: honey you aren't dying you have your period
Jade: yeah your fine
Jaliyah: ok what do i do then
Jade: here is a pad and at home we will help you
Jaliyah: ok
They left and she put the pad on a d went back
Mazzi: you ok you screamed
Jaliyah: yep all fine here
Jade: does it feel weird
Jaliyah: yes it does
They all walked back home after their long day

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