Remember when principal glass paased

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It was another day for everyone and the kids were at school and Jaliyah and Jade were just talking
Jaliyah: Jade I didn't even know that we were having a test and still Failed
Jade: that happened to me make sure you know sister
Jaliyah: yeah
When the bell ringed
Jade: oh snap let's get to class but my makeup
Jaliyah: hurry up
Principal glass: what are you two up to
Both: AHH
Jaliyah: you scared us
Principal glass: get to class girls
Jaliyah: yup on my way now no stopping me bye Jade later see you at home
She speed walked away He looked at Jade
Jade: ok. I am going jeez
After they run in with principle glass she walked in class everyone looked at Jaliyah
Jaliyah: what do all of you have a staring problem
Teacher: no your late again
Jaliyah: sorry I was talking to my friend then principal glass came
Teacher: I don't want to hear it just sit down
Jaliyah: ok but you asked
She rolled her eyes and sat down next to mazzi
Mazzi: are you ok you have a little attitude more than normal
Jaliyah: yes it's just the teacher ASKES me something then makes me look like the bad guy it's annoying
Teacher: keep talking Jaliyah or you can find a new seat
Jaliyah: yeah whatever
It was after school and Jaliyah and the kids were in there phones hanging out when there parents called all of them down
Jade: what's up
Moz:we have something to tell you and it's very upsetting
Ami: did you eat the last of my Valentine's Day candy
Shaka: did you eat mine
M'dear: I ate now hush
Moz: it's about principal glass
Jade: so he told you
Jaliyah: we were barley even late to that class
They look at them confused
Jade: he didn't talk to you
They shook their heads
Jaliyah: oh ok never minddd
They kept trying to say that he passed but didn't know how to say it
M'dear: just give it to them straight principal glass passed
Jade: wait are you trying to say he passed away
Jaliyah: as in died
Coco: unfortunately yes
Shaka: I just saw him at school today we fist bumped and everything
Mazzi: I still don't understand
Jade: no this has to be some social media hoax
Moz: jade i was there we were at practice and he collapsed and it was likely a heart attack
Shaka: naw I don't believe it bad joke dad
Moz: shaka it's not
Shaka: bad joke
Ami: I am really sad
Mazzi: don't cry now you made me cry they went upstairs
Jaliyah was still i shock on what she heard at this point he was dead she couldn't believe it
Jaliyah: uh ok well I am going to my room
Coco: Jaliyah
Moz: no give them time babe
It was night time and they were all sleeping except for Jaliyah she couldn't sleep
Jaliyah: man I can't sleep
She got up to get water to see if it would help but it didn't at so she went to Mazzi's room when she walked in he woke up
Jaliyah: sorry couldn't sleep mind if I sleep in here please
Mazzi: yeah sure but why do you want to sleep in here
Jaliyah: because I just want to ok move over
He moved so she can fit in the bed and he wrap his arms around her and went back to sleep
They looked like this

 I am going jeez After they run in with principle glass she walked in class everyone looked at JaliyahJaliyah: what do all of you have a staring problem Teacher: no your late againJaliyah: sorry I was talking to my friend then principal glass came...

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It was the next morning when shaka saw them sleeping
Shaka: when did she get in here i don't even want to know
He walks out to get ready for the day when coco walked in
Coco: mazzi oh aww I need my phone
She took a picture and called jade and moz
Jade: aww so cute
She took a picture on her phone
Moz: my son did good
They looked at him weird and walked out
Moz: am I wrong
When Jaliyah just woke up
Jaliyah: mazzi wake up we have to get ready
Mazzi: five more minutes
Jaliyah: no we have school
Mazzi: fine but when we get home I am taking a nap
Jaliyah: ok?
She got up and went to her room to get ready
Her outfit

She put her shoes on and went upstairs Jaliyah: morning All: morning Jade: how did you sleep JaliyahJaliyah: uhh good whyJade: oh nothing She walked up to her Jade: I saw you and mazzi cuddling this morning you looked so comfortable in his arms Sh...

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She put her shoes on and went upstairs
Jaliyah: morning
All: morning
Jade: how did you sleep Jaliyah
Jaliyah: uhh good why
Jade: oh nothing
She walked up to her
Jade: I saw you and mazzi cuddling this morning you looked so comfortable in his arms
She turned bright red from embarrassment
Jaliyah: you all
All: yup
Jaliyah: oh man
She grabbed her book bag and walked out with the rest of everyone but she was still red when they got to school they at a picture of him and stuff for him
Jaliyah: mazzi don't you think that this hole thing is crazy i couldn't sleep or think straight
Mazzi: I know it is but you have me by your side to help
Jaliyah: same goes for you
they walk to class holding hands after a talk they had
It was time for principal glasses funeral and everyone in the hose was going but not Jade
Jaliyah: why isn't she going she should be was a kind person even though I was scared of him a little
Shaka: you scared of someone man is this a dream
Jaliyah: it will be keep talking
He stopped talking after he got scared of what she would do
Coco: come on guys let's go
They went to the place were he was having his funeral and the kids were waiting for them to start when Jade came in
Jade: wait I want to sing for principal glass
M'dear: ok here you go
She gave her the mic and Jade started to sing
Jaliyah: man I will miss him
Mazzi: me too but it will get better
Jaliyah: yeah
A tear came running down her face
Mazzi: don't cry jay
He wiped her tears and kissed her cheek
And hugged her
Mazzi: let's dance come on
They all started dancing and had fun after that day it was good and sad day for them
Man that was sad chapter but see you in the next one byee💕💕

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