Remember when coco became a house wife

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It was another for the McKellan's and Jaliyah she was out with her friends and so was mazzi so she wasn't bored out of her mind
Alex: so Jaliyah any boys in mind so far it's been awhile since you had a crush remember jake
Jaliyah: yeah don't make me remember but yes I have a boyfriend
Alex: OOO spill girl who and is he cute
Jaliyah: ok so you know how I moved in with M'dear and her family so it's mazzi McKellan
Alex: is he cute
Jaliyah: yes he is
She was laughing at her friend same question
Alex: when can I meet him huh
Jaliyah: I don't me and you haven't hanged out in awhile but whenever you want
Alex: how about tomorrow then
Jaliyah: ok let me text and ask
She texted mazzi
Jaliyah: mazziii
Maz💕: yes is something wrong
Jaliyah: my friend alex wants to set tomorrow is it ok
Maz💕: yeah that is fine why did you typ my name like something was wrong
Jaliyah: sorry I wanted to answer fast see you at home bye🤍
Maz💕: later 💕
They stopped texting
Jaliyah: he said cool
Alex: ok later got to get home bye girl
Jaliyah: bye
They both went home after there girl day
Jaliyah: I AM BACK
M'dear: ok baby get ready for dinner it's almost done
Jaliyah: ok M'dear
She went to her room to get ready for dinner she took off her shoes and went to wash her hands
Her bathroom

It was another for the McKellan's and Jaliyah she was out with her friends and so was mazzi so she wasn't bored out of her mind Alex: so Jaliyah any boys in mind so far it's been awhile since you had a crush remember jake Jaliyah: yeah don't make ...

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After she got done washing her hands and face she went back up for dinner
Jaliyah: oh dang y'all got down here fast
Moz: we'll you took awhile
She rolled her eyes
She sat down next to mazzi
Mazzi: how was your day
Jaliyah: it was ok Alex really wants to meet you i don't know why
Jade: be careful she might steal yo man
Mazzi: no i am not going anywhere
Jade: mhm sure
They started eating food
M'dear: we'll sounds like this alex girl is wanting to meet mazzi just so she can take him away
Jaliyah: where is coco
Moz: on a tv show for trophy wife's
Jaliyah: oh that show is good
Ami: Mhmm
They went to there rooms to go to bed
Mazzi: are you sure you want me to meet Alex
Jaliyah: yes and if she anything I will tell her to back off not be right back going to change stay here
Mazzi: ok
He sat on her bed scrolling on insta and saw Jaliyah post her at the beach with her aunt

After she got done washing her hands and face she went back up for dinner Jaliyah: oh dang y'all got down here fast Moz: we'll you took awhile She rolled her eyes She sat down next to mazziMazzi: how was your dayJaliyah: it was ok Alex really want...

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Caption: with the best untie that I know love you unite Karen🤍
Mazzi: so pretty how and am I so lucky
Jaliyah: I could ask the same thing with you
Jaliyahs night clothes

Mazzi: we'll night i am tired Jaliyah: night He hugs her tight NEXT MORNING//It was the day that Alex was meeting mazzi and she was happy to meet a boy that was cute even though Jaliyah is dating him she was going to try and take him Alex: hey gir...

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Mazzi: we'll night i am tired
Jaliyah: night
He hugs her tight
It was the day that Alex was meeting mazzi and she was happy to meet a boy that was cute even though Jaliyah is dating him she was going to try and take him
Alex: hey girl you must be mazzi
Mazzi: yup
Jaliyah and mazzi were holding hands and they were all talking and laughing
Jaliyah: be right back i got to use the bathroom
She left to go to the bathroom
Alex: so mazzi do you really like that
Mazzi: if you mean Jaliyah then yes
Alex: come on i know you don't like that want to be pick me or whatever
Mazzi: I thought you were friend
Alex: HA no ew I am only friends with her Because I feel bad for her I mean at school before you guys came she was a loner had no friends just a loser
Mazzi: don't talk about her like that that Ian what friends do
Alex: like i said i am not her real friend but me and you could be something
Mazzi: no not even if I wasn't dating Jaliyah no
Little did they know Jaliyah heard everything and was crying and ran home but mazzi heard her
Alex: see told you she is just a pick me and cry baby she can't handle the fact that she is just ugly
Mazzi: no shut up she is beautiful that she is and you are just fake and is crying because she can't believe her friend would do this to her
She ran inside
Coco: hey what's wrong
Jaliyah: ok so I took mazzi to meet my friend who I thought she was and I went to the bathroom and I heard her say she was just being my friend because she felt bad for me and was only wanting to get at mazzi
Jaliyah was breaking down at that point
Coco: maybe it will be ok
Jaliyah: NO IT WONT
she ran to her room and cried in her bed
Mazzi knocked at the door
Mazzi: hey it's ok she is just fake
Jaliyah: yeah I know now but thanks for helping me
Mazzi: no problem
They hug
Jaliyah: can we cuddle for a while
Mazzi: sure
They get comfortable and started to cuddle when a few minutes both of them were sleeping peacefully after all what happened

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