018. ❛ sleeping confessions ❜

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N O - O N E S - P O V

"Rosa?" She heard a mutter behind her, and she turned around to see Camilo

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"Rosa?" She heard a mutter behind her, and she turned around to see Camilo. She smiled a little and laughed as he just stared for a bit.

"Hey" It was the only thing she said, before getting up and coming face to face with him. He just kept staring at her very longingly, and astonishment danced in his eyes.

"Are those for me?" Rosa asked, as redness flew to her cheeks. Camilo suddenly cleared his throat, and nodded handing her the roses.

"They're beautiful" She whispers, as he just couldn't take his eyes off her hair.

"So- um- well-"

"Yeah... I have a lot of explaining to do" She says, as he nods. Then she grasps his hand. She sits down beside the stream, pulling him to sit beside her.

"First, I wanted to show you this-" She pointed to her tattoo along the side of her neck and his eyes widened. His hands flew to the tattoos, quietly tracing it.

"Is that-"

"Antonio, yeah" He glances up to my eyes and smiles brightly. Suddenly his eyes shifted to the other side of her neck.

"Just because I don't know who I'm meant to be here, doesn't mean I wasn't supposed to be here" He mutters, and she felt his breath speak on her neck. It made her blush.

"That's me... And I've definitely said that at least once" He whispers, lightly tracing the tattoo with a little grin.

"Yeah, you said it when I first came in your room for the first time and I spent the night" His eyes twinkled, loving the part where she remembers that night perfectly, just like him. He smirks slightly, as he clicks his tongue.

"Guess you belong to me" He says with a smirk as Rosa narrows her eyes at Camilo, with an eye roll. He barks with a laugh, quickly throwing up a snap on his finger in excitement.

"This is just awesome- does that mean all the others have their own too?" She nods and showed him her arm, that showed Luisa and Isabella's tattoos.

Then, she pulled her skirt up a bit to show him Pepas, Julietas and Dolores's. As they continued to look down at it, she started to explain who she really was.

(Sorry I'm going to skip the whole explanation about the Lady Of Toda, since we all know about it already)

Camilo stared at her, his mouth slightly dropped and his eyes wide. He didn't know how to take all this information in all at once. He didn't say a word during the whole explanation, letting her say all of it. Now they sat together, one leg of hers resting on top of one of his. During that he continued to look at her tattoos on her thighs, still... Completely astonished.

"So... Your telling me you're the creator of all of the magic? And that's why your hair is white, because the Lady Of Toda had white hair and tattoos- it's because in the past the Lady Of Toda saved you and gave you the rest of her powers and some to the candle? So you're like the guardian of magic and the reason why the Madrigals have gifts?" He asked, as he continued to look down on her leg tracing the tattoos.

✓ 𝐌𝐈 𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐑 ↝ camilo madrigalWhere stories live. Discover now