Meeting Millicas

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"Talking" "Yelling"
"Dragon voice"

Please note, I don't know what I'm doing, so the story won't make sense

(3rd POV)

The young devil named Millicas is outside play by himself and begins to sing a song out of boredom, only to be stopped halfway through by Tannin

(Don't ask I just really like this and I thought it suited this story -ish)
(Stop at 1:18)

((Y/N) POV in the Abyss)

(Y/N): 'I hate it here, my home... this never ending prison. I need to escape but how?'

A small purple circle begins forming out of nowhere

(Y/N): "The Hell, what is this?"

Going closer the circle starts pulling you in

(Y/N): *fearing for the worst* "I said I want out, but not like this."
(Y/N): *observing surroundings* "where the hell am I?"*notices Millicas and Tannin* "Who are you, where am I?"

Neither one of the two notice him

(Y/N): "Hey!" *tries to tap Millicas on the shoulder* 'what the hell, I just went through that boy'

Tannin: "Millicas you shouldn't sing that song, hasn't anyone told you that."

Millicas: "Well yeah, mom told me not to but I don't see why it's bad."

Tannin: "It'll unleash a terrible evil"

(Y/N): "Bitch please"

Millicas: "Tannin I'm not a little kid."

(Y/N)/ Tannin: "Yes you are/ Yes you are, you're 10."

(I don't know if that's correct, but that's what I'm going with)

Tannin: "Just go inside and color for now"
Millicas: *laying on the floor* *sigh* "Why does Tannin have to ruin all my fun?"

???: "He's just looking out for you."

Millicas: "Oh hey mom, yeah I understand that but it was just a harmless song." *begins drawing*

(Y/N) *Gasp* "That gives me an idea." *grabs one a crayon*

Grayfia: "So Milli, what are we drawing today?"
(Don't ask why it just seems like something he would be called)

Millicas: "Mom! Don't call me that I'm not a little kid, and I'm not sure what to draw."

Grayfia: "hmm, what about this drawing?"

Grayfia: "hmm, what about this drawing?"

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Millicas: "huh? I didn't draw that."

(Y/N): "DAMMIT CHILD TAKE A HINT!" *Throws crayon at his head*
(Later that night)

(Y/N): "only one way to get his attention." *fiddles with lamp to get his attention*

Millicas: *walks over to unplug the lamp, but stops when he sees a crayon writting on a piece of paper*

(Y/N): "Hello, child."

Millicas: "Hello?"

(Y/N): "I'm in need of your help."

Millicas: "what is it?"

(Y/N): "I was being summoned, and got stuck in limbo because it was incomplete."

Millicas: "I'm sorry, but I not knowledgeable when it comes to summoning."

(Y/N): "That's not what I saw this morning, when you were summoning ME."

Millicas: *slightly scared* "Who are you?"

(Y/N): "(Y/N)"

(Unknown location)

???: "So he's returned, I must tell the others."

479 words

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