A tiny hiccup in plans

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Alduin was about to be resurrected, but when it came time to bring him back nothing happened confusing (Y/N) at first but he realized why Alduin could come back.

(Y/N): "That's right, the Dovahkiin guy. I completely forgot about him, that's why the dragon population has decreased because of him.... Well no matter we've still got Paarthurnax, right?"

Krosis: "Yeah, about that." He moves revealing a little girl behind him

" He moves revealing a little girl behind him

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(Y/N): "Who's the kid?"

Paarthurnax: *starting to cry* "y-y-you d-don't r-re-cog-ize m-me?"

(Y/N): "This is why I'll neverchave real children..... Calm down, who are you?"

Paarthurnax: "I-I'm *Snif* P-Paar-th-thurn-ax. *Snif*"

(Y/N): "Yeah no, I'm not dealing with this, I'm not a babysitter." You start leaving

Paarthurnax: "W-wait, don't leave me!" She says running up to you and grabbing your leg

(Y/N): "I have no use for you like this, get off me."


Paarthurnax: "Yay!"

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Paarthurnax: "Yay!"

(Y/N): "How did this Happen?"

Paarthurnax: "Are we going home..... Papa?"

You froze, did she just call you 'Papa'? You didn't know what to do, and there were people around so you didn't want to say the wrong thing or give the wrong idea

(Y/N): "Yes Paar, we are. And once we do, we'll do whatever you want." 'Hopefully they by that.'

No one payed attention

'I didn't have to say that? GODDAMMIT......Well, she seems happy that I said that. I guess that makes it ok.'

???: "Hey, (Y/N)!"

'Shit, why now?'

Issei: "It's been a while, who's this?"

Paarthurnax: "Papa, who's this?"

Issei: "Papa? I didn't know you had a daughter."

(Y/N): "*Sigh* Issei, Paar. Paar, Issei. Alright we're done." You turn to leave.

Issei: *depressed* "You know, when I woke after passing out from the Juggernaut Drive, I was hoping to see you there."

(Y/N): "I was protecting you."

Issei: "Protecting me?! From what I understand, you were going to kill me!"

(Y/N): "Not infront of Paar, if she can't go back to normal, I want to keep her from any type of harm or danger..... That includes you, mom, and dad." You say as yo walk into an alley and dissappear

(Y/N): "Alright, this is home. Do whatever." After you say that, she just stares at you. "What?"

Paarthurnax: " Before we got home, you said 'Yes Paar, we are. And once we do, we'll do whatever you want.' So we're going to play."

(Y/N): "I lied."

She pouts and runs at you swinging her arms. You easily stop her with your hand, keeping her in place.

Paarthurnax: "No fair!"

(Y/N): *Talking to himself* "This is going to be a bitch."

Sorry for the wasted wait, I've just been busy. This is all I've got, plus I've also been working on The Shadow knight of Kuoh and two others

This and the next few chapters?/parts? will be fillers till "You" die.

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