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Miraak: "Alright child, speak."

Paarthurnax: "Why do you hate Papa so much?"

Miraak: "Who said anything about hate, I'm simply dethroning a king so someone else can take his place."

Paarthurnax: "But it won't be you, once this is over and let's say you win, Hermaeus will just throw you away. Atleast Papa doesn't do that."

Miraak: "I'm wasting my time talking to you." He begins to walk away

Paarthurnax: "Can I atleast see the face of the man who betrayed my Papa?"

Miraak: "This will be our last/only encounter." He removes his mask, revealing;

(No smile and obviously Miraak's robe)

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(No smile and obviously Miraak's robe)

Paarthurnax: "As I thought, papa atleast treated you as an equal," *opens portal* "You're just Hermaeus's bitch." And leaves


Zeoticus: "Hmmmm."

(Random Ebony warrior POV)

'What were we thinking? This is a slaughter, we're not going to win.'

Ebony General: "It may seem like we're losing, men. But that thought shouldn't stop you, Hermaeus's soldiers might be brutes and higher numbers, but we've been here since the beginning. We know this land like the back of our hand. Sure they'll keep coming until Hermaeus is dead, but that's it, we must hold off the enemy until our lord defeats theirs. Have faith."

(Mini Timeskip)

"I'm sorry General, everyone. Because of my stupidity, you're all dead."

???: "There's one!"

I look up to see a group of daedric warriors, 'Are we really doing that badly?'

Daedric warrior: "Come on soldier, we need everyone left to regroup. There's been a change of plans."


Daedric warrior: "It's clear that our leader isn't going to win, we're taking matters into our own hand, civilian casualties won't matter."

'No, I can't stop them. I have to warn Lord (Y/N).'

Bolting for the trees, I manage to escape them, for now.

'I must get to Lord (Y/N) before it's too late.'

------(Pov: 3rd [Y/N and Hermaeus])-------

Hermaeus wrapped tentacles around your upper and lower jaw, and your claws. He was trying to trying to rip you apart.

And he was succeeding, everything was slowly coming off, so to try and escape him you turn into your human form. You slip from his grasp. You limp to. Bloodskal, but are flung away from it But that only makes you continue to your sword, just crawling to it.

Hermaeus: "It didn't have to come to this, you could have stayed in the Abyss and died. BUT YOU HAD TO BE DIFFICULT!"

Before he could do anything, he was stopped by a sword stabbing into his main eye from behind;

Before he could do anything, he was stopped by a sword stabbing into his main eye from behind;

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Miraak (Zeoticus): "I am no one's servant." He runs up to you and helps you up "Can you still fighting?"

(Y/N): "You're talking to an old man, who's fought the God and survived..... I'd say 50-50."

Miraak (Zeoticus): "If that's good enough for you, that's good enough for me."

Hermaeus: "Oh, how cute, master and apprentice fighting side by side."

(Timeskip) [too lazy to think of a fight with the three of them, but Hermaeus is dead just imagine an epic fight]


(This is your original home, before you were sent to the Abyss)

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(This is your original home, before you were sent to the Abyss)

The doors swing open, and two devils walk in, weapons drawn

(Y/N): " As I said before, they all try to kill me eventually...... and you, it's no surprise that you're here too."


(557 words)

It's obvious who the first person is, but who do you think both are?

Next/ final part will be visible tomorrow?

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