Dragon for Dragon Prt.2

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Issei dodged the blast and had gotten close enough to slam (Y/N) into the ground. (Y/N) had tried to get up and push Issei off him, only to get an arm bitten off.

Dispite loosing an arm (Y/N) tried it again and stood up grabbing Issei by the shoulders with two claws and his last one aiming Issei's head away from him so he doesn't get blasted

Dispite loosing an arm (Y/N) tried it again and stood up grabbing Issei by the shoulders with two claws and his last one aiming Issei's head away from him so he doesn't get blasted

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(Y/N): "Hyoudou, if you're still worried about the female rodent, she's alive."

Issei wouldn't listen and grew irritated having (Y/N)'s claws on him. He grabbed (Y/N) and flew into the sky, letting him go and kicking him to make him fall faster

 He grabbed (Y/N) and flew into the sky, letting him go and kicking him to make him fall faster

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(Best I could find or I didn't look long enough)

Issei flies down and repeatedly stomps on (Y/N)'s chest. (Y/N) bites Issei's leg causing Issei to stop, (Y/N) takes the opportunity to grab hold o Issei's head pointing it to Asia and the others;

 (Y/N) bites Issei's leg causing Issei to stop, (Y/N) takes the opportunity to grab hold o Issei's head pointing it to Asia and the others;

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(Obviously a different situation tho)

(Y/N): "look there Hyoudou, she is alive.....'Issei I don't want to kill you but if you can't control yourself, I will do so without hesitation.'

He started to calm down, only to get more angry but (Y/N) keeps him in place

(Y/N): "You need to come back I-I...th-they need you, they're waiting for you.... If you stay like this, Asia may actually die and it'll be your fault..... Hyoudou come back to being my idiotic brother...god dammit ISSEI!"

Issei seemed to have acknowledged (Y/N), coming out of Juggernaut Drive and falling. (Y/N) catches him and changes into his human as they reach the ground.

 (Y/N) catches him and changes into his human as they reach the ground

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(Y/N is Issei and Issei is Sairaorg)

Issei: *shocked by (Y/N)'s action* "(Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "They're waiting for you, we should go."

ORC: "Issei!"

As the ORC becomes reunited (Y/N) makes his way to Vali because of a certain dragon loli

(Y/N): "Albion, Albion's host.....*with venom* Ophis."

Vali: "Who exactly are you?"

Ophis: "Yes, I would like to know that as well."

Albion: "Please tell me you're joking Ophis, how could you forget this....Tyrant!"

(Y/N): "Host of Albion I am;
The Father of Dragons, Dragon of the Abyss, or The Creator of Hell."

Ophis: "F-Father, but y-you were sealed away after the war." *she begins shaking*

(Y/N): *inhales and exhale deeply* "A kid summoned me, by accident then on purpose."

Ophis: "What are you-"

(Y/N): "DON'T FINISH, I HAVE ALREADY EXPLAINED THIS!, I'm going to take Hell back..... I must go, I shouldn't keep my pawns waiting."

???: "Wait!" You turn to see it was Rias

Rias: "I think you should stay, for Issei's sake."

(Y/N): "If I stay, I might kill him even if he's not in Juggernaut Drive."

You leave before she could reply. As you leave, Albion notices Vali and Ophis thinking about you

Albion: "No you two, he's too dangerous. His return is bad enough, but the fact that he's planning on reclaiming Hell is worse. Who knows what he'll do."

(Y/N): "Sorry to keep you waiting, but I'm here now. "

Ahzidal: "We just finished resurrecting everyone we could, all that's left is, 'him'."

(Y/N): 'Alduin

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(Y/N): 'Alduin.'

For the end of the story, I'm planning on having Y/N die. Who should kill him?

Here are your options:

- Ahzidal

- Konahrik

- Krosis

- Millicas

- Zeoticus

- Issei

The end won't happen for a while, I might try to drag this to 20 parts before that.

- Also, 'The Shadow knight of Kuoh' is being worked on, I've got 4 parts of the story done and am working on the 5th. I'll probably wait till the weekend to publish them

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