Chapter 1: A Kiss is Just a Kiss

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Our engagement party had been a success, with everyone from the MC attending and many others from different chapters  up to two states away. About half have gone back to their rooms, while the rest have gathered around the bonfire. Some of the single men have moved to the shadows with the club girls, while others are openly having sex regardless of who's watching. My man's gone to refill his whiskey, and one of his brothers, Acid – a man I turned down when I first came to the clubhouse with my step-sister and her friends many months ago – sinks into the chair beside me.

"Congrats," he slurs.

"Thank you," I said stiffly because he is not one of my favorite people. He makes me uncomfortable with the way he watches me, his eyes angry and calculating.

"Well, he did what he promised he always would. Chain sure as hell did."

Don't ask. Don't ask. Don't ask.

His head rolls toward me lazily. "Always said he'd marry a plain girl no one really wanted so she wouldn't cheat and who'd be so grateful to have a husband she'd look the other way when he did."

I ignored him and tried to ignore the stab of pain his words cause in my chest. There's no way –

"Ask him. Go see where he is now. He's chatting up the new know, your step-sister." Acid jeered at me, the look on his face gleefully mean. "You didn't really think he was just drinking heavily tonight, did you? He's been wanting in her pants since she came here. Always talking about her rack and ass and getting up in that. Now that he's got you locked down, he can have some fun again."

"You're disgusting," I said, getting up from my chair and walking away as his nasty laughter followed me. Was I walking toward the bar?

Yes, but only to prove Acid wrong. Levi wouldn't do that to me.

He wouldn't.

He wouldn't.

My breath catches at the sight in front of me.

He would.

He was leaning over the bar, leaning into Jerica, his fingers smoothing back her hair, his lips just a whisper away from hers. Her red-tipped fingers were on his chest and she closed the gap between their lips. I started counting seconds as I waited for him to angrily push her away.

One thousand one.

One thousand two.

One thousand three.

And on until one thousand fifteen.

I can't watch any longer, the kiss so openly carnal it makes me feel like a voyeur.

I slink back into the shadows and go out a side door so I can avoid the back of the clubhouse and the common room where the bar is. I make my way around to the front of the clubhouse where just a few hours ago I was so happy when Levi and I had ridden here together on his massive Harley, my arms tight around his abs. Now, my Uber app shows me that my escape from this place is just two minutes away, so I go to wait just by the gate, not letting the prospect see me until my ride appears.

"It's OK, Paul," I say, startling the poor guy since I'm coming from the shadows at the same time the headlights flash. "Levi had too much to drink, and he's passed out in his room. My grandmother's nursing home called – she's having a rough night so I need to go to her." Lie: Levi never drank so much he was out of control, much less passed out. Lie: My one remaining grandmother lived in a retirement community in Florida. Lie: She was not having a rough night unless she'd thrown out her back again while dirty dancing.

The Rampage MC #1: Levi/Chain and GennyWhere stories live. Discover now