Chapter 13: I Can't Understand What You're Saying

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After I left Genevieve's, I just drove and drove and drove, stopping only to let Noodle out to do his business or to get gas and food for us. Wish I could say I was thinking, but I wasn't. I was feeling so much at once that I was numb, so much swirling around in my head that none of the thoughts could get out. It was twenty-four hours before I turned around, knowing what I was going to do. It was really the only thing I could do.

The MC had always been my family since I started hanging out there when I was sixteen. My own family was shit. Dad was a mean drunk and Mom was just a drunk. Nothing special about my story. Everybody in the neighborhood I grew up in could tell you the same one.

So I had my MC family, but it wasn't until Genny that I had a home. She'd barely moved in with me before she took off, she hadn't done anything to the place even though I told her to have at it, but it felt different when she was there. Nobody had ever been happy to see me when I walked through the door until she moved in. Nobody had ever thrown my clothes into the washing machine with theirs before. Nobody ever made me dinner before. They always say it's the little shit, and they're right. I fucking loved all the ways that Genny made me feel like I was important to her. 

And then, to repay her for the ways she loved me, I treated her like collateral damage, as she'd said. When you find someone special like Genny, you should treasure her, keep her close, never let anything come between you. Instead, I put club business before her and left her hanging. Nothing would fix the past, but I could fix the future. 

By the time I pulled into Beard's driveway, I'd been up forty-eight hours straight. Noodle and I walked up to his door and he invited us in, his face concerned. When I left his house, I didn't have my cut.

Noodle and I drove to my condo, and we crashed for eight hours straight. When I woke up, I had a text from Genny: I have something that belongs to you.

I figured she'd been packing and had come across something of mine I'd left at her place a long time ago. Didn't care why she was contacting me, though; all I cared about was maybe she hadn't completely given up on me. Took a quick shower and hauled ass over to her place on my bike. Noodle hadn't even lifted his head to look at me when I asked if he wanted to go for a car ride. Guess two days in the back seat was too much for the big guy.  

When she finally swung open the door in answer to my knock, her eyes looked slightly red and puffy, like she'd been crying. "What's wrong, Genevieve?"

What she did next I didn't expect. She threw her arms around my neck, buried her face in my chest and sobbed like she'd done just two days ago when she thought it was over between us. My arms pulled her close and I held her tight, knowing she needed to get this out before I could get answers from her.

After a while, she started choking out words, over and over, that I didn't get at first.

"Genevieve, I can't understand what you're saying."

She pulled her head off my chest and looked up at me, all watery eyes and dripping nose, so beautiful inside and out that I knew I'd made the right decision giving up my cut. I could never let this woman go.

"I said I thought you were dead." She swiped at her nose like a child. "I thought you were dead, and it just about killed me."

What the hell? "Genny, I'm here. I'm OK. Why would you think that?"

"He brought me your cut." She could barely catch her breath as she cried harder.

Beard. That fucker. I'd wanted to tell her myself, tell her I was willing to go wherever she did for as long as she'd have me. Beg, if I had to.

She launched herself at me again, so I scooped her up, hands under her ass as she wrapped her legs around my waist. Walking us over to the couch, I sat down with her straddling my lap, facing me. She lay her head on my chest, and hiccupped occasionally as she calmed down.

Since I had no idea where any of this was going, I just let her work it out while I breathed her in. I'd heard ol' ladies at the club talking about how the best smell in the world is the smell of a baby, fresh and clean from a bath. I don't know about that because I've never held a baby in my life, much less sniffed one. All I knew is the best smell in the world to me was my girl and I loved filling my lungs with her scent.

I rubbed my hands up and down her back, enjoying the feel of her in my arms, half smiling at the little snuffly noises she was making. If life never gave me more than this, I'd be a happy man because this was fucking perfect.

Twenty minutes later, Genny pushed back from my chest, crying jag over.

"Now tell me what Beard said," I ordered her. She wrinkled her nose a bit at me, but sketched out his visit, how she thought I was dead because that was the only way I'd ever give up my cut. She even went over how he'd scolded her and told her I'd given up my cut for her and she better think hard.

That sounded like Beard, the interfering bastard. "I had to do it, Genevieve. I wasn't going to lose you again. I already found out what life was like without you, and I hated it."

"You don't have to give up your cut, Levi."

"I know I don't have to. I want to. I want to be with you."

"No, I mean,  you can keep your cut and keep me."

I froze, not able to believe I'd just heard that come out of her mouth. "But you said --"

"I said I refused to come second and I didn't believe you wouldn't go running if the club called, even if it meant I'd be hurt again. But you gave up your cut for me, Levi. That told me everything I needed to know without any words. You put me first. You chose me. I'm not second place."

"And I always will put you first, Genevieve. Learned that lesson the hard way. Swear to you, I will always put you first."

She looked me in the eyes. "I believe you."

"Make you another promise, too. You ever want me out, I'll turn in my cut for good. On my life, Genny. You're willing to take this leap with me, I'll give you that fail safe."

"All right, Levi. I don't think it will come to that, but it's good to know."

I pulled her head down to me, claimed her lips and pushed her onto her back, needing to feel her all around me. "I need inside you, Genevieve," I said against her lips. "Right this minute. It's been so fucking long since I've been in you."

She fumbled with my belt and zipper while I ripped down her pants and panties until she could kick them away. 

My fingers played between her legs and she gasped, straining to get closer. "You're so wet, Genny. Always so wet for me," I murmured as I nipped at her ear.

"Levi," she begged and I couldn't wait any more. We always played longer but right now, we just needed to feel that connection that burned so hot between us after going without it for so long. I drove into her, then stopped when I was buried as deep as I could go, trying to catch my breath at how good, how right, it felt to finally, finally be with my girl again this way.

I pressed my forehead against hers before I inched back to see her face. "I love you more than you'll ever know, Genevieve."

Her eyes got shiny with tears. "I love you, Levi."

I began moving in her and then words were beyond us.

Later that night, still half convinced this might be a dream, I held Genny close to my side, her skin pressed to mine. We hadn't shut the curtains, so the light from the full moon cast a soft glow in the room. She stirred against me, then propped herself up on my chest. "I have to be out of this house in a week and half," she murmured.

"I'll get my girl moved," I promised her. "The brothers will help." Over on the side of the bed, my dog snored contentedly. I'd called a prospect to bring Noodle over to Genny's a while ago and he'd promptly fallen asleep after he slobbered all over her face.

"I don't want to keep living in your condo," she said, her voice soft. "We need more room." I knew it was really because the last time she'd been at my condo had been the night she thought I'd betrayed her.

"I'll build you a house, Genny," I promised, capturing her lips for a minute, "but you'll have to make it a home."

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