Chapter 14: You Still Owe Me A Wedding

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The doors at the back of the room opened, and my Genevieve stood there by herself, looking so fucking beautiful that I wanted to run to her. But she'd made me promise to be good. Beard was at my back and Ella was standing right across from me as we waited for the bride to arrive.

In the three months since we'd gotten back together, we'd been busy. The same day Genevieve told me I could keep my cut and her, I'd shot off a text to Beard telling him I was staying, and then I showed Genny why she would never regret her decision.

Two days after we got back together, I took Genny to a jeweler and we picked out her new engagement ring together. I wanted to go to the courthouse right then, but Genevieve told me she could pull a small wedding together in three months. Of course, she got her way.

We also broke ground on our home, a five-bedroom ranch that sat on an acre, just outside of town. There was an office for Genny, a big kitchen, and plenty of room for Noodle to run. We had plans to create a kick-ass outdoor area, with a big grill and a fire pit. Better yet, we had plans to fill each one of those bedrooms with little rugrats -- I wanted four mini-Gennys, but she told me I better give her at least one boy.

Without telling my girl, I also paid a little visit to a certain prison. I'd caught Genny staring out the window one day and asked her what she was thinking about so hard. Whatever it was, it was making her sad and that was unacceptable to me.

"I was just thinking how I wish I had the kind of mom and sister I could be making wedding plans with, looking at dresses with them, talking about flower choices, things like that, and my dad would be getting a new suit to walk me down the aisle." Her beautiful eyes looked up at me. "It's just been on my mind today. It'll pass."

Pulling her to me, I didn't say much, just held her while I was thinking. And what I was thinking was, her pain needed to translate to other people being in pain. Genny knew that Jerica was in jail, and from that day she found out, Jerica no longer existed for her. She also knew I'd told her parents to go far away. She was OK with that, too, having reached her limit of accepting shitty people in her life. Better to be without family than to have them poisoning her life with their toxic presence.

So the day after I'd found Genny staring out the window, I drove out to the prison. When they brought Jerica into the visitor's room and she saw me, she paled significantly. She wasn't looking good. The few months she'd been in prison had already aged her ten years, and I made a mental note to have her cellmate given some more privileges so she'd keep the pressure on.

"Why are you here?" she asked, her voice scared and shaking. Smart girl.

My brother Angel told me when I was working on someone who'd fucked with the club that I got this dead look in my eyes, and it was scarier than me rattling my heavy chain right before I brought it down on the unfortunate fucker. Not sure if that same look was in my eye, but Jerica drew back from me as I stared her down.

"Well, just thought I'd share the news that Genny and I are getting married this weekend."

Jerica continued to stare, not saying anything. 

"I think the proper thing to say at a moment like this is congratulations," I chastised her.

Her lips barely moved as she whispered the word to me.

"Thank you so much for your well wishes. You know, it's been so hard to decide what to get Genevieve for a wedding present. I've been thinking and thinking and thinking. What do you think I should get her?"

I stared at her until she choked out, "I...I don't know."

"In all that thinking I was doing, I realized the very best present I could get her was you being unalive. What do you think of that idea?"

She started visibly trembling, tears streaming from her eyes, shaking her head back and forth.

"Now I realize that's not a gift you can really wrap up, but just the knowledge would make her wedding day that much sweeter, don't you think? After all, you were going to hand her over to those drug fucks to be experimented on and eventually killed."

"Please don't," she begged.

"No need to be afraid. It might not hurt too much if they get the shiv in just the right spot the first time. You'll probably bleed out pretty quickly. But be warned, Jerica. It's coming and it's coming this week before my wedding. Maybe at a meal, maybe in the showers, maybe in the yard, maybe at night, maybe even while you're sleeping...but it's coming in the next few days. Enjoy what's left of your life."

I heard her sobbing and begging for me to not do this as I left and nodded to the guard to turn the cameras back on in the room. There was no hit on Jerica; I just wanted her to have an especially miserable week before Genny and I got married. She'd be a mass of nerves, twitching and jumping at the slightest movement or sound, wondering where the hell the attack to end her life was going to come from. I walked out of the prison smiling.

Genny's father's retirement fund may also have dropped by fifty thousand dollars. After my guy moved the money around, cleaned it up so it was untraceable, it made a lovely wedding present of a brand new car for my girl -- one she should have gotten for graduating college, just like her parents had bought for Jerica. No more driving around in a second-hand beige sedan for Genny.

And that brought us to today, in a hotel ballroom, decorated in twinkling lights and flowers and other shit that made my girl happy. My brothers were all there, with Beard standing up for me. I was wearing black dress pants, a white long-sleeve shirt and my cut. I'd even polished my black boots. After we got back from our two-week honeymoon, we were going to have a laid-back biker reception at the clubhouse. 

Genny's friend Ella had arrived in town a few days ago to help with last-minute preparations. One night, when Genny was getting some snacks in the kitchen, Ella had gotten right in my face and promised if I ever hurt Genny again, she'd knife me in the heart. I assured her if I ever hurt Genny again, I'd shove the knife in myself. She gave me a sharp nod and we've been friends ever since.

You can't get through life without fucking up. Hopefully you learn each time you do. When you fuck up as bad as I did and lose the most precious thing in the world to you, it really makes you stop and think about what you want out of life. I realized, in a way I'd never had to think about before, that I wanted Genny in my life and keeping her with me became the driving force behind everything I did. When you have to work in the darkness sometimes like I do for the MC, you crave the light and Genny's particular light lit up my life like the sun. 

Fuck my promise to be good. I strode down the aisle to meet my girl before she'd even made it halfway to me.

When she grinned up at me as everyone laughed, I leaned down. "You still owe me a wedding, Genevieve."

Never one to let me have the last word, she poked me in the arm. "And I guess you better start figuring out what you want tattooed on your arm."

It took me a second, but then I scooped her up in my arms, twirled her around and shouted my happiness to the world.

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