Chapter 5: Tonight We Move

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Waiting has never been my strong suit. I act. That's just who I am and what my role in the club requires of me. If you fuck with the Rampage, as one of the enforcers, I will fuck you back harder. I'm a protector by nature and profession. The last few months have been hell because I want to act, in the worst way, but instead, I'm under orders to wait and play my role. Waiting makes me itchy, makes me feel like I'm going to come out of my skin and I'm hoping Beard wants to meet because we're finally going to act.

After the clusterfuck at the grocery store with Genny and her family this morning, I'd been about ready to signal to the prez to meet me at one of our prearranged meeting spots and end the bullshit once and for all. He's been telling me for the last month to hang tight, to wait for a little more proof, but it isn't his life that's gone to absolute shit because of what's been going on. Instead, when I stalked into the clubhouse this morning, he sent me the signal. We've been using these signals ever since he began suspecting we had rats in the house.

Two, to be precise. One is a soon-to-be-dead brother, Acid, and one is Jerica. She thinks she was pulling one over on us when we hired her to tend bar; she didn't know we hired her to keep watch on her. Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer, as they say.

She also has no idea that my interest in her, my engagement to her, is a lie, a means to an end. I needed that ring on her finger, but only because we had put a micro tracker in it and that allowed us to stalk that traitorous bitch's every movement.

I needed this to end. It was killing Genny, killing me, and I hated seeing Genny get dimmer and dimmer as it dragged out. 

Five months ago, Beard arranged a meeting with me using the hand signals we'd come up with a long time ago should the need arise. Usually, we'd just meet in his office. So when he used the hand signal, I knew something was about to go down.

"We got some serious shit coming our way," he'd told me, no build up, no background, just shooting straight like he always did.

A new, dangerous drug was slipping into our community at the high school and middle school levels. It gave you a quick high, was inexpensive, highly addictive and didn't stay in your system for long. It had already caused two deaths when Beard and I had our first meeting and would still cause one more. The Rampage had a zero drug tolerance policy, so no way we weren't going to find out who was making and distributing this drug. We knew it was local and that it was still experimental enough that they were focusing on our community and hadn't yet expanded their reach. Producing a bad drug that caused a significant numbers of deaths was a sure way to get the DEA breathing down your neck, and no drug manufacturer wanted to be on their radar.

The Rampage brothers were good at cleaning up the streets. People caught dealing or doing drugs in our little town were dealt with severely. If anyone was stupid enough to get caught twice, well, we had access to a pig farm.

We'd been getting a lot of tips about drug deals and some distribution points. We'd hidden around these places in force -- but our information was never good and we sat there waiting and no one showed up. Ever.

It was then Beard began to think one of the brothers was betraying us and maybe he had some help. Prez had seen Acid and Jerica once out of town together -- they hadn't seen him -- and he thought that was an odd pairing. So he began to watch and suspect and then pulled me in to play the long game. I began arguing with him during church, complaining lightly to the brothers about needing to make more money and move the MC into less legal channels to really amp up our funds for both the club and personally.

Even worse, I began telling the brothers about my plan  to marry Genny just because she was plain and I wanted to fool around. I also began flirting with Jerica and letting the brothers know I thought she was fine. If Acid wouldn't bite while I was making my unhappiness known, then maybe Jerica would. She'd always wanted me, especially once I began pursuing Genevieve. When I proposed to my girl, Jerica had been enraged and stepped up her plays for me. Genny had no idea any of this was going on, other than Jerica flirting with me in a public way. I'd try to soothe her jealousy by telling her to ignore Jerica because I didn't want her, but Jerica had a lifetime of pushing Genny's buttons and she did it well.

I kept flirting, I kept complaining about money, I kept arguing with Prez, and I kept repeating my plan to cheat on Genny once we were married.

Thinking I could keep the worst shit away from my girl had proved impossible. Prez had met me the day of our engagement party and told me I needed to get in closer with Jerica because he was hearing rumors that the psychopathic bitch had made plans to hand over Genny to the drug makers so they could test product on her, product Jerica knew was killing users -- effectively getting rid of Genny and leaving me free to get with Jerica.

The kiss with Jerica during the engagement party had worked, and the unexpected bonus was Genny left town, which took her off Jerica's radar and out of danger of becoming the drug maker's guinea pig. When she'd disappeared, leaving her ring behind, I'd been frantic to get in touch with her to make sure she had gone off on her own and hadn't been taken by Jerica's friends.

About a month later, both Acid and Jerica had met me to see if I'd be interested in getting in on a lucrative side hustle. It had taken another month before they'd given me more details. In the meantime, our club's tech guy had been tracking Jerica's movements, getting a feel for the entire drug operation and gathering names.

Which brought us to today. I heard Beard's pipes in the distance and watched him pull up beside me.

"Brother," he'd said, "tonight we move."

The wait was finally over.

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