Chapter 15: Epilogue

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Levi had asked Buzz to come over to finally plan his arm tattoos now that we had three children. The only tattoos he'd gotten in their honor were their birthdates on the back of his hand. 

"I didn't want to start my arms until we were done, Genny. I'd worry that one child had more room than another."

Fair to a fault with our children.

I wiped down the kitchen counters, listening with a secret smile as Levi gave Buzz some basic ideas and Buzz sketched out some of his own. I smiled to myself as I heard Levi telling Buzz, "That needs to be pink, Bailey likes bright pink," or "Stamp needs his name in green and Bond should be in red." Stamp was our first-born, named Bronn but called Stamp because of an unfortunate tendency he'd had as a three-year-old to stamp his foot at us when he didn't get his way. Levi always had to look away when he did it because, "I know it's not funny, Genevieve, but it's so damn cute." Our first-born no longer did that at age five (almost six! he'd constantly remind us), but his nickname stuck.

Levi was absolutely smitten with his children and had taken to fatherhood like a natural, considering his own father had been a miserable example. Although neither of us had sterling icons of parenthood to follow, we both loved our children with everything we had and figured that would make up for any mistakes we made along the way. 

I let the brothers talk a few more minutes before I decided to intervene.

"You know," I said from the sink without looking over at them, "you better leave some room for the fourth one."

Buzz barked out a laugh. "Again, Chain? Give the girl a break!"

I heard Levi tell him to get gone with a smile in his voice. I knew what was coming. Auntie Ella was in town for a month visiting, as she often did, and she'd taken all three children to the zoo without us. I felt those strong arms come around my waist from behind, his hands cupping my tummy, that beard tickling my neck. 

"Genny! When?" He spun me around carefully, then whispered in my ear something that Buzz, who was still gathering up his sketches, didn't need to hear.

Seven months later, we welcomed our second little girl, Briar, and we decided our family was complete.

Sometimes, I think about that dark time in our lives and about the changes and forgiveness that were required to get here. But most of all, I think about our love because, in the end, that's stronger than anything and what holds us together. 

The Rampage MC #1: Levi/Chain and GennyWhere stories live. Discover now