Part 7, Just so happend to run into him..

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Tanjiro walks me to the group and we continue walking together.

"Oi! Y/N! What's A picture!?"

(You explained to him and decided to get one with him)

(You explained to him and decided to get one with him)

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I feel a heavy aura fall over me.


I drop my camera and run. The others chase after me.

"I got Muzan's scent..." Tanjiro says.

I run into the crowd of people and stop at one particular person.

"...Y/N..." Father says in a stern voice.

"Y/N!?" Zenitsu, Inosuke, and Tanjiro run up to me.

"I'm sorry guys... Go back to Nezuko, I'll handle this" I say shooing them off.

They run off.

I untie my Kimono revealing my demon slayer uniform.

I grip my sword.

"Y/N? Oh my god!! Y/N dear!! Where have you been?!" Mother shouts.

She throws herself on me and hugs me tight.

"You know what, we should have a nice dinner all together, shouldn't we honey?" She says looking at father.

I laugh.

"So , you don't know" I say.

I grab Akari and hand her to mother.

"This man I used to call 'papa' is a cold blooded demon" I say making my sword noticeable.

"Don't say that about your father! He did nothing wrong!"

I start laughing again and grip my sword.

"So all the people he killed are nothing?" I ask.


"He is a demon, you ever notice that he does not go in the sun? Or that he only eats 'special' meat!?" I shout.

"Demons aren't even real!" She shouts.

"You want to see proof!?" I shout.

"What do you mean...'proof'?.." She asks.

I reveal my fangs and eyes.

"H-how did you..."

I grab her finger and prick it. I shove her hand in fathers face.

His pupils sharpen and his fangs grow out.

"See! He is one too!!" I shout.

I leg go of her hand.

Muzan looks at me and fumes of anger.

"If you two weren't here Everyone around us including me would probably be killed!!" I shout.

"Get out of here and some where safe otherwise he'd kill you" I say.

Mother runs away with Akari.

I draw my sword.

"You know you could've just came back to us.." Muzan says referring to the upper moons.

"Hey!! Drop the weapon!! Hands in the air!!" A officer yells.

I turn around and use blood demon art.

"knock out..." I whisper. The two collapse.

The sun begins rising and I chase him.

"If you wanted to be human again you could've just asked!!!!!" He shouts striking me with a spike.

All of my power fades from me


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