Part 8, first day as a human...

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I get dizzy and stop running.

I stumble through an alley and collapse to my knees at the park entrance.

I sit in a crawl position.

I begin sweat and hyperventilate.

The number zero begins fading from my eyes.

"Y/N!!" The group runs to me.

Tanjiro sits me up.

I have a hard time breathing.

"We have to get her to Lady Kocho!" Tanjiro shouts picking me up.

Ten minutes later (almost there)

Tanjiro POV.

"Shinobu-san!!! " I shout to Shinobu who was sitting in a tree.

"Ara~ Ara~ what happened?.." She asks.

"We don't know, she ran into her father and told us to leave, we found her like this!"

Y/N had trouble breathing due to all of he cells in her body turning back to human.


Shinobu-san rushes me to her estate.

She lays me down on a bed and injects a needle into my neck.

I get my breathing on track.

I gain enough strength to sit up.

"Y/N, your...eyes" Tanjiro points out.

"When my father struck me, he turned me human" I say.

"...what about the color?" Zenitsu asks.

Shinobu hand me a mirror.

"Everyone used to say I looked like Muzan but when I was 12 I had my mothers eyes..., that was before he turned me to a demon" I say.

"but you don't look like the women you called 'mother'.." Tanjiro says.

"She isn't my mother, nor the one I said died.." I say.

"who is your mother Y/N-san?" Shinobu asks.

"My mother goes by the name Tamayo... I lost contact since I was eleven" I say.

"Wait,.. Tamayo as in the demon doctor?" Tanjiro asks.

"Yes..." I say.

I look at Inosuke. The most shocking words come out of his mouth.

"Y/N...? Are you...ok?..." He asks innocently.

"Yes Inosuke, I'm ok" I say.

I stand up and take off the kimono that was over my uniform.

Small explanation

The mom from the dream was the family Muzan lived with for two years before killing them all due to lack of human meat.

(manga spoil)

When Tamayo traveled with Muzan when Yorrichi almost killed him, (my au ->) Muzan pushed her into the adults tango and she soon gave birth to you.


"Am I good to go?" I ask.

Shinobu nods.

Me and the trio walk out of the building and I walk towards Mitsuri.

"Hi Mitsuri-chan" I say smiling.

"Y/N!? Is that you?!" Mitsuri shouts causing everyone to look over at us.

"Yea.... I had an encounter with Muzan and he turned me human before fleeing..." I say.

"You had an encounter with Muzan!?" Sanemi shouts.

"...yes.." I say looking down.

  "We must tell must tell master!" Mitsuri shouts.

She grabs my hand and pulls me.

She knocks on masters door.

"Come in" he says.

We walk in and both kneel down and bow.

"What is wrong? You both give off a panicked aura" master says.

"Y/N-san had a encounter with Muzan Kibustiji" Mitsuri bluffs out.

"Is that so..." He says angered.

"He didn't hurt you did he?..." He asks.

"No... But he turned me human..." I say.

"Kids, what doe she look like?" Master asks.

"She has long dark hair and a scar below her right eye, her eyes have changed to the color purple, In our opinions she is very pretty" the two girls say.

I smile.

After all that

It gets dark and I walk away from Mitsuri.

"Caw Caw!! Y/N Kibustiji!!! Demon lurking around Tokyo city!!! Caw caw!!! Head to Tokyo City!!!" My crow lands on my shoulder.

I walk to the butterfly estate.

I walk inside to my bed and grab my Haori and my sword.

"Where are you going to?" Tanjiro asks.

"I'm heading on a mission" I say.

I leave and head to the front gates.

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