25: Costs of Battle

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Dire's POV

"WHAT ABOUT MY SON!?" A woman cried out.

"We will ask around mam. I promise you if we find your son we'll bring him to you." I try to assure her.

She looked over the bridge desperately trying to find her child. A little over two weeks had passed since the Noxians first attacked here and the lands surrounding the bridges were a complete wasteland. All natural life had been brunt to ash and I doubt this place with be as beautiful as it once was for many years.

"Can't you go over and try find him?" She pleaded to me. She was bloody and bruised with tears covering her face.

I sigh "We can't. We are the only thing standing between the Noxians and the rest of Ionia." I stand and look around "If we leave for even a moment, all of Ionia will become like this."

The only thing that passes over either bridge besides from the Noxians are the dead, the dying and the utterly defeated. Nearly everyday people are flooding across either bridge desperately hoping their family is on the other side waiting for them. On the western side of this river it seems completely hopeless.

But Ionia isn't willing to give up yet. While most Ionians refuse to fight many have come to help evacuate fleeing people to villages and temples. One such volunteer walked over to us and gently picked the crying woman by her shoulders. We nodded at each other as they guided her away.

I started walking through what had become our main camp. It was inbetween the two bridges and where fleeing Ionians are escorted to be taken away to aiding villages. Meanwhile we have continued to fight. The Noxians hadn't given up yet. Seemingly everyday reinforcements come in to help them.

Their forces are lead by a man named Darius, who had quickly become a popular leader for the Noxian army. He's smart, able to recognize he can't defeat me or Igris on his own but he can match up to the others unless he is overwhelmed. 

Overtime they've brought in machines of war, catapults and even some mages in hopes of bombarding our forces. Their tactic is clearly to keep destroying the Shadows in order to drain my energy and they're only getting better and better at it. So for now we're stuck in an annoying stalemate. While they are getting more skilled at fighting me, I'm being able to grow in power due to the sheer amount of death that litters this battlefield.

But I must admit the Captain was right about what he said, war is hell. It doesn't help that I'm both connected to the Spirit of Ionia but also due to my powers I can sense the pain and sadness that floods around the place. Noxus is charging through killing indiscriminately, they could be a farmer holding a pitchfork to defend himself or a toddler the Noxians will kill anyone in their way. There are times I can't take it and have to go into my personal space in the Spirit Realm just to silent the screams for a moment.

Then there's also Jinx and Kayn. Being at the front of a war isn't something any seventeen year old should go through let alone a twelve and thirteen year old. Despite the two being more mature compared to children their age due to the trauma both have already suffered, this war is taking a toll on them more than they let on. Both hate going to the main camp under the excuse of being too tired to help any refugees. But I know they just don't want to witness the pain and loss the Ionians have suffered.

Both are desperate for us to go across the river and take the fight to the Noxians but we all know it would only make things worst. From my scouts I can tell the Noxian forces are camped multiple days away. If we were to attack them Swain would take the opportunity to swoop around and attack us from behind.

Using my powers I could sense a Noxian attack getting close. I turn to a nearby Ionian helper and tell them "Another attack is coming, keep your people away from the second bridge."

Apollyon (Male Reader x League of Legends Universe)Where stories live. Discover now