35: The Fight for the East II

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Kayn's POV

"Iron!" I call out.

He uses his large hammer to smack a Tuskbeast's head upwards. As he does I jump up and slice at the creature's exposed neck, making it bleed quickly to death. I nod at him while he responds by giving me a goofy smile.

These fools don't stand a chance. Their priority is to skip past this island as there isn't anything of actual importance that I know of. This means quick strikes of Shadows slaughter their split groups.

But these groups were just regular soldiers and pockets of tamed creatures. The main force of beasts and war machines was making a warpath through the island without stopping. With my force of Shadows beating them is possible but it would require a lot of Dire's energy, energy that as I watch over to the nearby island know he can't spare.

The best option was to lay a trap, as they are making a straight line forward. We rushed a bit in front of them hoping to find an opportunity. Luckily it seems in their eagerness they neglected the fact they was passing through a cavern. 

The big hitters were placed along the sides and as the Noxians entered the cavern I called out "Aim for their war engines!" 

Iron who was beside me roared and slammed his hammer down, cracking the earth in front of him and making a landslide. Squads of Shadow Bears and Tuskbeasts worked together to cause massive amounts of dirt and rubble to fall on the now alerted Noxians. 

Once a good amount of earth was brought down a large number of heavy machinery like siege weapons had to be deserted as they were unusable now. Paths of earth were created leading to the enemy as the Shadows rushed down to engage the surprised Noxians. 

I too join in on the fight as the Noxians are attacked on multiple sides. As I took out some soldiers I hear a rustling of metal coming up behind me fast. Using my magic I quickly evade the attack narrowly as a blade scrapped just above my head.

When I turn to look at my attacker I smirk "You call yourself an assassin? Please, that stupid cape of yours would alert a man that's half-deaf."

I remember this guy. The same one that was with Swain last year. The same fool that uses a cape as a a bladed weapon and has the audacity to call himself an assassin.

"Big words coming from a dead boy." He sneered.

I roll my eyes "Enough with the boy. Only one person that has called me boy has lived past a fight with me."

"My father." He said. "I'll finish what he couldn't." 

We dashed towards each other with weapons shining as he jumped to flip in the air, making his cape swing around. I tilted my head to dodge it while stabbing forward with one of my blades. He manages to block the attack mid air which pushes him back as he lands on his feet.

Without giving even time for a thought we dashed back towards each other. A fight between assassins is a test of each other's speed and instincts. One wrong move or a move too late and you're dead.

His father is more skilled in dueling, but his speed and at least unique fighting style makes up for it. Anyone watching would just see strikes too fast for the eyes of regular humans to track. WE were able to land good hits on each other, but nothing decisive. 

We backed off from each other after a long scrap as I quickly glanced around to assess the situation. The fight between Shadow and Noxian was still raging on and I now knew why. A group of powerful mages, protected by the main bulk of the army were sending arcane fire to blow Shadows sky high.

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