Fight for the East III

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A/N: Oh wow would you look at this. It has been around 2 months since my last upload and I'm sorry for that. Life is kind of being a piece of shit as usual and this story kind of just got lower and lower in my priorities. But like I said I don't intend to completely stop. 

Jinx's POV

I helped Dire sit down on some dead bodies as he groaned in pain "Damm that hurts." He groaned as he grabbed his side.

"Are you gonna be cool?" I ask him.

He nods "Yeah, I just need to have a little rest."

The battle here was over. I had never seen a larger pile of corpses ever as all the Shadows dissipated into the floor. "An impressive show of power." Lee Sin spoke up as the last remaining living people here gathered up.

"Thanks." Dire replied "Both for that, and for helping us out."

"It was a worthy battle!" Udyr laughed "Enough blood to fill a river!" 

"What should we do now?" Kayn asked.

Dire thought for a moment before saying "Kayn and I will remain here. I'll rest for a bit while Kayn makes sure we've gotten the last of their main forces. The rest of you can go back to Shon-Xan to tell Irelia what happened here."

"Sounds sweet." I comment as the three of us walk off while Kayn and Dire remain behind. None of us were badly hurt, just a few scratches and bruises. But damm we were all tired. It's moments like this where I miss Piltovan baths the most.

"Your companion of yours. He is quite the warrior. I would love to spar him once this is over." Udyr spoke up when we were a bit away from Dire and Kayn. 

"I've never seen a more dangerous power. Not even mine compares." Lee Sin added. 

"Aren't you possessed by a dragon or whatever?" I ask him remembering the reason he got exiled from his order in the first place.

"I am still only one man. Not only that but I'd fear the destruction he could bring if he were to turn all of us into those soldiers of his. Those stronger ones that assisted us were powerful in their own right." 

"Well, most are weaker when they are turned into Shadows." I hum in thought "I remember Igris and Blade being far stronger when they were alive, or in Igris's case only second alive. The guy's on his third life now." 

"I felt the strength of his army of dead." Udyr says in the most quiet yet serious voice I've heard him so far, almost scared "As he grows so do they. They will all reach their past strength and go further beyond that." 

"Luckily Dire isn't like that." I chuckle.

"I did not mean now young one. Overwhelming power will make you want more. It can get to the point where you only stop when you've realized you've burnt the world to ashes."

"You got experience in that department old one?" 

He nodded "It's why I decided to join Lee Sin. In order to escape the grasp of the Volibear." 

I tilt my head at him "A bear? You were scared of a bear? What was it like something like Tank?"

"Is that the large beast? No, nothing like that. The Volibear is the spirit of the wild. I've known good men throw away everything from their family to their own humanity because of the Volibear. You should warn your friend if he decides to ever go to the Freljord. Valhir would no doubt seek to corrupt him. Then all the world would be in danger."

I go back to looking forward "That won't happen."

"You sound so sure of it." Lee Sin commented "You must trust him a great deal."

Apollyon (Male Reader x League of Legends Universe)Where stories live. Discover now