A life, in the afterlife

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Andrew walked along the decrepit place, cobwebs everywhere. "You know, I thought that the afterlife would be, better, less, work." Andrew says. "Yeah, well, things change, they throw curveballs at you." Xavier says. Tanako looks at Xavier and silently nods. Every splits up.

Andrew looks around the classroom, he enters a room, it's full of books. 'This must be Charlie's lab, perfect for the ultimate bookworm, there's tons of books and writing materials.' Andrew thinks to himself. Just than Charlie and Fred enter the room talking. "Uhh Andrew?" Fred asks. "Oh hey you two." Andrew says. "What are you doing here?" Charlie asks. "I was exploring and found this, I assume it's your lab." Andrew says. Charlie nods. "Yeah, heh, a copy of a book I was writing before everything is here, not done, probably never will given the circumstances." Charlie says. Fred puts his hand on her shoulder and smiles at her. Charlie smiles back. Andrew walks out of the lab to give the two some time alone.

Andrew looks around and, encounters Stephanie, Eclipse, and Sarah. "Hey you three what's up?" Andrew asks walking over. "Hey there Andrew." Sarah says waving. Eclipse and Stephanie wave as well. "So, what's going on with you guys?" Andrew asks. "Not much, other than I'm helping these two with their sports." Eclipse says. "Oh really?" Andrew asks. "Yeah, I might be a basketball pro, but in reality I'm the ultimate team captain, captain of all my sports teams, I'm a true good player." Eclipse says. "That's awesome man." Andrew says. "I just, wish Devon could see this, and, I wish he could be at my games, I miss him." Eclipse says. "Close friend?" Andrew asks. "Boyfriend, he's my boyfriend, and I miss him, hope he's watching my little sister for me though." Eclipse says. "You know he is if he's still alive." Andrew says. "Yeah, I just, wish I could see him again." Eclipse says. Stephanie nods. "Yeah, I miss our old friends, hope they're good." She says agreeing.

Andrew leaves the athletes and, bumps into James, Christopher, and McKenna. "Hey James, what's up?" Andrew asks. "Christopher and McKenna are helping me build an invention of mine, hopefully, it can end this, but, I honestly don't know." James says. "Good luck with that." Andrew says. "The sooner we can get out, the better, heh, I miss Betsy." Christopher says. McKenna nods understanding how Christopher felt. "I seriously don't like Charles, at all." McKenna says. "Don't worry, he died." Christopher says. McKenna nods.

As Andrew keeps looking around, an announcement is made, and everyone goes to the gym, there, the warriors of hope are. "Hello everyone, welcome, now, this motive to kill is quite simple, whoever kills, gets a free ticket out of here." Masuru says. "And this entices us how? I mean, we're already dead, not like we have anywhere else to go." James says. "You also have the chance to bring someone you care about with you." Nagisa says. "Someone close with us?" Jay asks. Kotoko nods. "Yep, anyone!" She yells in her oddly happy way. "Monica hopes you make the right choice." Monica says, the warriors of hope disappear.

Andrew looks around and goes to talk with someone he hasn't yet. He walks up to Sylvester. "Hey, from what I know about you, you're supposed to be an expert at flirtation." Andrew says. "People say that? Nah, I'm just a charming guy, that's all, I don't really care to flirt with the ladies, or the men, doesn't matter to me, I just live my life how it is." Sylvester says. Andrew nods. "Is there anything I should know about you?" Andrew asks. Sylvester thinks. "Well, I'm labeled the ultimate charmer, which is a lame title if I'm being honest, than my older sister Mavis, she gets everything at home, I just, want to be noticed by my parents, they pour all their love towards mavis, and me? I'm just left there, to rot, in my sisters shadow. I just want them to notice me, which is why I applied for hopes peak, so I could try and get them to notice me, but, they didn't, instead, they yelled at me, and beat me up, saying Mavis deserved the scholarship over me, but, I was happy, since, they finally took notice of me, maybe not the way I wanted, but, they did." Sylvester says. Andrew looks at Sylvester, and puts an arm on his shoulder. "Don't worry man, your parents, they don't know the kind of guy you've become." Andrew says. "Probably for the better." Sylvester says as he walks away. 'Who knew, that a guy like him was hiding all this pain.' Andrew thinks to himself.

Raphael is hanging out with Jay, with Lucas and Xavier chilling in the back, not doing anything. Andrew walks over to talk with them. "Hey, how are you three?" Andrew says not seeing Xavier. "Uhh actually, there's four of us here." Jay says. Xavier shrugs. "Dude why are you so edgy?" Jay asks Xavier. "I thought you knew, my brother died, and I closed myself off since." Xavier says. "Yeah but, there's definitely more." Raphael says. "I don't want to loose anyone the same way I lost my brother to cancer, or my mother after she gave birth to me and my brother." Xavier says. "So, social anxiety?" Jay asks. "You could say that, why do you ask?" Xavier says. "You were smart in the trials we faced, considering your intelligence, I think your help would be invaluable, if you're willing to." Jay says. "Yeah, I'll give you guys some help, only so we survive this hells-cape, no one deserves this fate, at all." Xavier says. Lucas gives him a thumbs up. Tanako walks in while their talking. "Hey." He says. "Hey Tanako." Jay says, the two fist bump. "Anyways, yeah, this place, was created by them, unlike other killings, there's no way to escape." Tanako says. "How do you know about escapes, you died before they did?" Xavier asks. "I believed in them, so I know they got away." Tanako says. "Believe what you want, what I believe is what we're doing right now, and that's trying to make it back to the real world." Xavier says and than, goes quiet. "Everything ok Xavier?" Lucas asks. "If you guys need a target to kill, go for me." Xavier says. "The hell you talking about?" Raphael asks. "You guys, you have others in the real world that miss you, me? The only ones I cared about, John my twin brother, my mom, Bruce my bat, all dead, I got no one left, not like my dad misses me anyway, he blames me for moms death." Xavier says. "Dude, you going to let you dad influence what you believe?" Andrew asks. "It's the truth, those I love, they're all gone, you guys, definitely have someone looking for you, I don't." Xavier says. Xavier walks away from the group, everyone goes silent.

A few hours go by and Andrew decides to go and take a walk, however, he hears a scream from the cafeteria, in there, he can't believe what he sees, in there is Stephanie west, but that's not what he can't believe, what he can't believe, is what she's crying over, the dead body of Xavier Miller.

15 souls remain

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