Pain inducing

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It was the night after Raphael was executed, everyone was thinking, and remained quiet.

When everyone was awake, Andrew met up with the ones he knew from before, Sarah, Fred, and Charlie. "So, what hell do you think is happening next?" Andrew asks. "Something devilish." Sarah says. "Now now, I think something good will happen, after all, I still have one of the most important people with me still." Fred says smiling at Charlie, she smiles back and gives him a kiss on the cheek. Andrew nods and leaves his friends.

Andrew bumps into Sylvester. "Oh hey." Andrew says. Sylvester waves and sits down. "So, you want to talk?" Andrew asks. Sylvester shrugs. "Why, do you interfere with the trials the way you do?" Andrew says. "To test you." Sylvester says. "What?" Andrew asks. "To see if you're worthy of returning to life, trust me, you'll understand why." Sylvester says. "What, exactly do you mean?" Andrew asks. "All will be shown in due time." Sylvester says walking away. Andrew looks at the guy like he's crazy as he's walking away.

Andrew keeps walking and bumps into Jay and Eclipse. "Hey you two, what's up?" Andrew asks. "Not much, just, kind of chilling." Jay says. "How so?" Andrew asks. "Look, weren't not leaving anytime soon, the fact we could get erased is scary, but, there is always the fact that we could escape, all these factors, and, Jay and I figured we shouldn't stress out." Eclipse says. Andrew nods. "I can see where you're coming from." He says. Andrew walks away leaving Jay and Eclipse to talk with each other.

Andrew walks into McKenna and Lucas. "Hey you two." Andrew says. Lucas waves. "Hey." McKenna says. "So, what are you two doing?" Andrew asks. "I'm talking with Lucas, yeah, he told me, he was brainwash by despair at the killing I was in." McKenna says rubbing the back of her head(no mask on). "Wait what?" Andrew asks. "Yeah, it's true, and, I can trust McKenna, she's not the killer type, after all, she doesn't want to kill." Lucas says. "Yeah, and I'd say we got a good friendship going," McKenna says. Andrew nods. "Yeah, she's one of the people I can trust, so are you, so, I got your back in the trials whenever they come up, though, I'd prefer not to have to do them, they're such a drag." Lucas says. Andrew leaves the two to continue talking.

As Andrew keeps walking, he goes over to Tanako. "Hey, man." Andrew says. "Hey." Tanako says. "So, what's going on man?" Andrew asks. "Not much, just chilling." Tanako responds. Andrew nods. Stephanie walks by the two talking and waves. "Hey steph!" Andrew says waving. Stephanie waves, she's looking very worried. "Everything alright?" Andrew asks. "I'm just worried." Stephanie says. "How so?" Andrew asks. "I just, feel I'm going to die next, and, after the last motive, with everyone's loved ones, I know it's not what Monica will give everyone else, but, it'll linger on in everyone's heads, I can feel it." Stephanie says. Stephanie falls backwards but Andrew catches her. "I promise you, I won't let anyone hurt you." Andrew says. Stephanie blushes. "I don't think I should really interrupt soooo." Tanako says and he dips. Stephanie and Andrew look at each other blushing. "Yeah, point is, I'll be here to help you out." Andrew says. Stephanie smiles nodding

Andrew enters the cafeteria, Stephanie, Charlie, and Lucas are eating some food. Just than, McKenna runs in. "Guys, we got a situation!" She yells. "What kind?" Lucas asks. McKenna without speaking gestures for the others to follow, and right in front of them, laying dead, is the body of Fred, he's got all sorts of cuts around his body, plus looks like something was slammed against his head. Charlie runs over to Fred's dead body and cries. "Fred why, anyone but you." Charlie says still crying, ignoring the blood that could cover her. Everyone runs over. "No fucking way!?" Tanako yells. "And so, it resumes." Sylvester says. "Who would do this?" Sarah asks. "Someone that had a reason to kill, which is hard to know considering, there was no new motive yet." Eclipse says. As everyone is investigating, Monica, masuru, and kotoko walk up. "Ohh, Monica sees investigation already happening." Monica says. "Yep yep, it already is cutie!" Kotoko says. "As the leader of the warriors of hope, I must ask, why did we bring these demons back again?" Masuru asks. "Demons? Oh no, no, no." McKenna says. "McKenna stay calm." Lucas says. McKenna deep breaths. As everyone is still investigating, a loud bang is heard, a few people go to check it. "Guys, you might want to see this." Sylvester says smirking. When the group checks it out, it's the dead body of Tanako ishikawa.

10 remain

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