[11] Film The World Before It Happens

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"Sam, YN." YN shook the outstretched hand of the tall woman in front of her, smiling politely in return. "I've heard a lot about you both."

"Wish I could say the same." YN sighed, stepping back as the doctor smiled sadly.

"I'm Doctor Raynor, Mr. Barnes' therapist." Sam also shook the woman's hand curtly, the two friends a little put off at the interruption.

"Thanks for getting him out." Sam said, glancing to YN as she leant against the wall, looking to her feet impatiently.

"That wasn't me." She shook her head, the sound of approaching feet catching both Sam and YN's attention. YN clenched her teeth as she spotted the blonde man enter, his companion only a few paces behind him.

"You've got to be shitting me," she muttered. "You know him?" Dr. Raynor nodded, wincing as John called out.


"We did a few field ops back in the day," she whispered before turning to John.

"I heard you were working with Bucky, so I thought I'd step in." YN scoffed and the two men barely paid her any mind as John continued. "Bucky isn't going to be following a strict schedule anymore."

Christina frowned in confusion, shaking her head as John raised an eyebrow. "We haven't finished our work... Who authorized this?"

John huffed out a cocky laugh, immediately making YN curl her lip in disgust. He pointed to himself as if the answer were obvious and YN scoffed again. "Typical..."

John side eyed YN before continuing on. "He's too valuable an asset to have tied up-"

"Bucky is a person, not an asset." YN prickled with hatred. "You will refer to him as such." Her forefinger landed on John's chest and the blonde man stepped back with the force, looking baffled that such a small hit could move him so easily.

"Careful," John whispered, smiling even though his nerves were transparent. "Don't want to dig up any old charges now would we?"

YN raised an eyebrow, not even remotely scared of the laughable man in front of her. Sam watched YN go to move, but he quickly, placed a hand on her shoulder, immediately simmering her anger as she looked to him.

John turned to the doctor again, painting a large smile on his mouth. "Just do what you gotta do with him, then send him off to me. Got some unfinished business him and I." Scoffing once again, YN glared as John left the room, her fists curled at her side. Her eyes drifted through the station and landed on familiar blue, a small smirk tilting the lips of the brunette man. YN pretended to gag and Bucky chuckled, averting his gaze as YN sunk down into a chair.

"James, condition of your release," Christina clicked at Bucky, and YN had to refrain from chuckling as he quickly walked over. "Session now." Sam went to sit beside YN who was flicking through a magazine but was halted by the doctor's stern voice. "You too, Sam."

Sam tried to argue but the doctor was having none of it, and this time, YN did chuckle behind her hand as Sam groaned. "Be a good boy, Wilson." She winked, earning a humorous glare in return.

"Don't kill Walker whilst we're gone." He returned.

"No promises."


YN was sitting by herself in the station, her earphones in and her foot tapping to the beat of the song that pounded through her ears when he approached, a smirk of triumph on his face when YN's mood immediately soured.

"Go away." YN said, not removing her earbuds and closing her eyes. She cursed her superhuman abilities when the sound of John's voice still filtered over her music. Groaning, she tore her bud from her ear, glaring at the blonde who smiled innocently. "What do you want?"

"To come to an understanding," YN raised an eyebrow as she stood to her feet, put off by the man staring down at her. "We should be working together on this, we're on the same side."

YN licked her lips as she pushed away a smile. She shook her head as she crossed her arms. "You think you can just pick up the shield and call yourself my team mate?" YN chuckled, squaring her shoulders and meeting Lemar's eye over John's shoulder.

"That's a little bit cocky, don't you think?" John asked, crossing his own arms. "I'm not trying to be your friend, YN, I'm trying to work toward something bigger. Same as you, same as Steve-"

YN's eyes blazed as she shoved the blonde man, forcing his body back multiple steps. "You don't have the right to compare yourself to him." YN sneered, shocking both John and his companion, who held a hand up at a few officers that were approaching. "You think because you have this fancy suit and you parade around to Star Spangled Man, that you're Captain America? Captain America isn't a name, he's not a costume you can put on and take off whenever you please. Hell, Captain America isn't even that stupid piece of metal you swing around, it's the person behind it. And you?" YN growled, stepping forward and in John's face. "You will never be that person."

"YN?" YN stepped back and met Sam's eye; an expression of shock evident on his face. He had entered half way through her aggressive spiel, and unbeknownst to YN, but her words had affected more than the two men in front of her, especially after the brutal face off he'd just had with Bucky in Dr. Raynor's office. "You good?"

"Peachy." She grumbled, stepping back away from John. "I'm going to get some air, it stinks in here." John licked his lips as she disappeared, a distasteful scowl on his face.

Bucky exited the doctors office a few minutes later and met Sam outside, his eyes roaming the street for their female companion. "Where's-"

"Probably gone to punch something..." Sam muttered, crossing his arms as he tipped his head toward John who was slowly approaching the two men. "Enter the reason why."

"Gentlemen, good to see you again." Sam and Bucky scoffed at the same time as John stopped in front of them with a friendly smile. "Now, I know YN has taken a disliking to me, but I hope the two of you are less impressionable." Bucky raised a disbelieving eyebrow as the blonde man lifted his hands. "All I'm saying, is if we divide ourselves, we don't stand a chance, you guys know that."

Sam and Bucky glanced at each other, unsure what to say. Sam sighed, rubbing his forehead with his palm. "Okay, what have you got?" John smiled largely, clapping his hands in approval.

"Well, the leader's name's Karli Morgenthau. We've been targeting civilians who've been helping Karli move from place to place." Sam nodded, leaning against the wall behind him. "They geotagged a location, then scrambled the signal. But our satellites have found their symbol popping up in various displaced communities all across Central and Eastern Europe. We think that she's taking the medicine she just stole to one of these camps."

"There are hundreds of those, all over the planet since the Blip?" Sam frowned. "You'd be looking forever."

"Good thing I have 20/20 vision, huh?" Bucky rolled his eyes at the response, shaking his head.

"Where is she know, Walker? Do you know?" John clenched his teeth at the standoffish question.

"No, we don't, Bucky." He returned, earning a small smirk from the brunette super soldier. "It's only a matter of time before we find out."

Bucky scoffed, licking his lips to force away another smirk. "Things are really intense for you, aren't they, Walker?"

Sam sighed, placing the back of his hand against Bucky's chest as the two squared off. "Take it easy." He muttered, earning a scowl from the brunette. "It is imperative that we find them and stop them." Sam agreed. "But you guys have rules of engagement and all kind of authorizations you have to get. We're free agents. We're more flexible." He countered. "So, it wouldn't make sense for us to work with you."

"A word of advice then," John said, suddenly on the defense. "Stay the hell out of my way." 

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