[30] She Had The World

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YN groaned loudly as her bed was jostled, a small smile on her lips as she felt the man next to her slide a hand up her back. "We have to get up." Sam whispered, placing a gentle kiss against a scar on her ribcage. YN didn't respond, choosing instead to keep her eyes closed, trying to push the goosebumps Sam caused away. "Wake up, baby." He whispered again, his mouth still peppering small touches across her skin.

"You know, no one bothered me this much when I was dead." YN muttered, rolling over so that she lay on her back beneath Sam who frowned.

"I hate it when you say stuff like that." YN smirked and made Sam roll his eyes. "Of course, that's why you say it."

"Of course." YN laughed, lifting her head to kiss Sam's lips, smiling into it. "I want to stay in bed all day." She murmured after she'd pulled away, her forehead resting against Sam's.

"Me too, but we have a party to host."

"Host? I haven't hosted a party since I forced Steve, my ma, and the entire Barnes family to sit down and have a party for my newest doll that Mama Barnes bought me." Sam laughed loudly as he imagined her family sitting around the table, all for the six-year old's doll. "I wish you could have met them." She whispered, looking back up into Sam's eyes.

"Me too, baby." Sam responded, brushing some hair from her forehead. "And I wish you could have met mine. They would have loved you so much." YN swallowed, her face flushing. Leaning down, Sam pressed another long kiss to YN's lips, relishing in the soft moans that came from her. "Much like I love you."

YN smiled into the kiss, not even hesitating with the way she put all of her love into the action. "I adore you, Sam Wilson."

The rest of the morning was slow, YN remained in bed until Sam had annoyed her enough to get up. She was dressed for the day when she entered the kitchen, a loud and obnoxious groan leaving her lips at what she walked into.

"Don't let Sam see this," she chuckled, picking a piece of toast off of Bucky's plate. "He'll throw a hissy fit." Bucky sent YN a glare as he stepped away from Sarah, his cheeks flushed. YN bit into her toast with a large smile, leaning back against the counter. "Blush any harder you might turn a new shade."

"Run." Bucky growled making YN straighten and frown.


"I said; run." YN swallowed down her toast, slowly putting it down and stepping away.

"Now, wait a second-" YN squeaked as Bucky took off after her, the pair bounding through the house at super human speed, practically soaring past Sam on their way out of the back door. Sam watched the front screen door swing closed as they barreled down the docks toward the boat. He turned to Sarah with his lips pursed, his sister just shrugging and starting to clear their plates.

Later that day, YN was sitting at a picnic table, watching AJ and Cass run around their uncle with a smile, her cheeks hurting from the intensity of it. Sam was laughing loudly and grabbing one of the boys to tickle them every once in a while.

They were all relaxing in the sun, skin glowing and stomach's full when people started to filter back to their homes. Sam sat by YN, holding her hand as Sarah and Bucky went inside to start cleaning up, or that's what they said, at least.

"Today was nice," YN murmured, earning a hum of acknowledgment from Sam. "I really like this place, your family."

"And they really like you." Chuckling, YN sat up, grabbing both of Sam's hands in hers. "What?"

"I'm really happy," she whispered, confused as to why her chest was tightening and her throat was filling with a lump. "You make me really happy." Sam released his own nervous chuckle as he, too, sat up.


"I just wish Steve could have been here with us," she sniffed, releasing a sigh. "I wish he could have seen you and what you did. He would have been so proud of you, Sam. I am so proud of you, you have no idea."

"It's really nice to hear you say that, YN." Sam whispered, burying hid face in her hair. "He is so proud of all of us, I just know it."

YN hummed, resting her head on Sam's chest, looking out over the docks. She heard Bucky's footsteps approaching, but neither of them moved, allowing the brunette man to fall into the spot beside YN on the dock. YN glanced over to him, noting his red cheeks and childish grin, but chose not comment on it, knowing she would most likely end up in the water, again.

"You think we have to worry about this Power Broker?" Bucky mumbled, taking a long swig from his beer. YN pursed her lips, pulling back from Sam so that she was sitting upright between the two men. "Zemo said he holds a lot of power in Madripoor, and is likely to try and filter into other countries." Bucky added, shurging his shoulders. "I've never heard of him before."

"I asked Torres to keep an ear out, but unless he starts blowing places up and threatening innocents, in will stay off of his radar." Bucky nodded, looking down to where his legs were dangling over the edge of the dock. "But we'll stay alert for him, right partner?"

"Partner?" YN gasped, her head flicking between her boyfriend and Bucky. "What in the world?"

"It's still a touchy subject." Bucky mumbled, lifting the bottle to his mouth again.

Sam released a loud laugh, leaning across to shove at Bucky's shoulder. "C'mon man, don't be like that. You practically cried when I asked you-" Sam was cut off when Bucky's metal arm struck out and lightly shoved Sam, causing him to tumble off of the dock and into the water. YN let out a large gasp, looking past her legs to watch Sam burst through surface, spluttering out curse words.

YN lifted a hand to her mouth as she looked to Bucky, the brunette also pursing his lips to stop laughter from pouring out. Sam grumbled, swimming over and grabbing YN's foot. YN stopped giggling behind her hand, her eyes widening as she tried to silently plead for Sam to not do what she thought he was planning on doing.

"Sam, wait, I didn't-" Sam grinned, pulling YN's leg and sending her tumbling toward him, his arms open wide to catch her. YN squeaked as the cold water crept through her clothing, her skin prickling with goosebumps.

Bucky laughed loudly, his head tipping back with the effort. The commotion had caught Sarah's attention as well, leading her back to the docks where she found YN and Sam wrestling in the water, trying to dunk the other underneath the surface. Sarah sat down by Bucky, sending him a small smile and handing him another beer. Throwing an arm around her, Bucky continued to laugh at the pair in the water.

Giggling, YN finally relented as Sam hooked his arms around her, helping her legs to wrap around his waist. He smiled, pressing his forehead against hers. "I'm glad you're here with me." Sam whispered

"Wouldn't want to be anywhere else." YN responded, a large, beaming smile on her face.  

And it's over. :( 

Thank you for reading, I appreciate every read, vote and comment. I do have a Tony Stark fic, a Bucky Barnes fic, three Steve Rogers fics (including a trilogy) and a Marvel Imagines that is ongoing. So, check them out if that interests you! 

Lots of love and I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy xxx

Annabelle xoxox


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