woods x matt

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Aftermath of the new 863 saga video: 'they turned against each other'

A lil request for the readers. Please leave comments so I know you're liking my works,, since I have no way of understanding hehe. Okay baiiiii

It had been a week since Matt was gone missing and brought back to the studio. The man was slowly adjusting to his normal life after months of facing dangerous situations. It was a normal Monday morning and in the spur-of-the-moment kind of thing, Matt bought a bunch of pizzas for the crew. God knows they needed to lay off for a while.. Walking out of his Tesla with about eight to ten pizza boxes in hand, the CEO shuffled towards the door trying to keep the pizza box tower upright.

Woods was just running errands and walking around blue base when he saw someone struggling with boxes, he laughed and pointed the scene out to Bailey who giggled as well. Woods then opened the door for them, not knowing who it was and finding the whole thing a bit silly. He smiled a little and spoke up holding the door open "Do you uh.... you want me to help you with that?" he asked, holding back his laugh.

Matt, who was well hidden behind the pizza boxes, peeked up from the tower of pizzas and looked at woods "Can you please?" he requested with his blue eyes glistening, the familiar warmth back in his gaze this time.

Woods stopped smiling seeing that it was Matt, he silently picked up a bunch of boxes, freeing Matt from his struggle. "Thanks woods..." Woods quickly walked away from Matt and put the boxes on the table outside the breakroom and disappeared before Matt could say anything else.

Matt blinked, confused as to why woods just sprinted away from him. He stood, shell-shocked beside the empty reception desk with bunch of boxes in his hand staring at where woods just evaporated into thin air. (it's a figure of speech, he didn't really just become a ghost.)

Bailey who was sitting at her desk working saw the whole exchange, stared at Matt sensing the awkward air.
Matt looked at Bailey, chuckling a bit to phase out the awkwardness and spoke up "What's up with that kid?"

Bailey shrugged, about to speak up but Tanner from his hole-in-the-wall office peeked out of his doors and asked "Do I smell pizza?"

Matt laughed at Tanner antics, walked towards the breakroom as well and announcing on his way "There's pizza in the breakroom for everyone guys!"

Tanner followed behind Matt "Is it someone's birthday or something?" Suddenly Sam appeared in the hallways as well and clapped excitedly, helping with the pizzas and grabbing the paper plates.

"No Tanner it's not someone's birthday.." Matt said stacking the pizza boxes on top of each other as a crowd suddenly formed around the pizzas.

"Then why are we having pizzas?" Sam asked, handing out everyone paper plates.

"Because-" Matt sigh-laughed, "I treat my employees nice."

Everyone started munching on the pizzas, making conversation and just relaxing all together.

Matt noticed two people were missing, woods and Bailey. He walked to Bailey's desk and found her still working. "You're not gonna have pizza?" Matt asked.

"Oh just editing these videos and then I'll be done." Bailey responded.

Matt nodded and continued, "Have you seen woods? That kid's acting weird lately.."

Bailey looked up from her computer "oh he's probably in red base... working or just keeping himself busy."

"Oh alright.." matt said, "I'll just go and check on him then.." he was about to walk out of the door but Bailey spoke up again.

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