woods x matt

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Per request of the viewers,, not really inspired by any video I've been stuck in the new mountaineer video since im busy but still obsessed with Matt being mind control (yeah I know that sounds like I have problems )

Anyways here's the short.


Another Tuesday at work and woods was just chilling in the common area with his laptop, trying to focus on work.

Keyword: trying. It all kept getting derailed with what his mind kept cooking up and the past.

Now woods and everyone in the studio was aware that Matt refused to talk about when he went down under except when it was necessary to the investigation of stuff but...

Stuff happened between them, woods kept overthinking about it. Matt was already distancing himself from people to get his thoughts gathered but Woods thought that hey maybe the stuff that happed that night might be the reason that he's not hanging around him much.

That night, exactly was a Friday night. Usually people would be free to go off to their homes early but due to strictly regimen and some new work hour rules applied by Matt,, woods had to stay back and sit at his desk until his work was done. He absolutely could not leave. Now he could've gotten it all done during the day but between shoots and prop creating and running errands and whatnot he got distracted a lot. So like a high schooler in detention, he was now at his desk, slumped in his chair and working.

Due to procedure, Matt had to stay back with woods as well, woods suspected it was because his boss didn't trust him to lock up well, which was probably valid to some extent but woods wasn't complaining.

But the fact that Matthias was sitting right across his desk on the Couch, just staring at him was a bit.... distracting.

To make Matt's stare at him look less intimidating and suggestive he started small talk, and eventually the small talk turned into Matt pulling up a chair beside him and giving him an overly detailed tutorial on how to edit a video properly.

Woods couldn't give a hoot about the video. He was just so mesmerized by the elder's voice, the way he spoke with so much passion in his eyes and the way his eyes just shone. Probably because of the light from the screen and the dimly lit room, but who the hell cared, Matthias looked so pretty, Woods was almost swooning.

"And so you just adjust the filters you wanna put on there and then trim and save under a name that you'll remember later-" Matt cutt himself off, turning to look at woods only to see that the boy was already spaced out and staring at him.

For some reason Matt didn't call him out, he stared back, realizing how close he was sitting beside him and how he was practically breathing on the younger's face.

Things have been happening to him with Woods. More and more he looks he finds himself in these situations whether it be going to the warehouses to see if woods was still here or longing stares across the room in meetings or just whenever they're around. Gosh woods looked so cute with his eyes all focused on him. Matt couldn't help but smile as he saw how dazed woods looked. Distractedly he didn't even see himself leaning in and slowly pressed his lips on woods'.

It was shocking, to say the least, he had never expected to share a kiss with his Boss after work hours, at his desk. 

Woods didn't even process that, he just couldn't,, all he could focus on was Matt's lips on his and he simply gave in, closing his eyes and melding together in that one moment. Matt shifted a bit closer, placing his hand on wood's waist causing the younger boy to let out a whimper at the sudden contact. Matthias chuckled along shortly without pulling away from the kiss and pulled woods closer to him. It was getting a bit uncomfortable to be leaning over from his chair and be close to matt at the same time.

The younger broke the kiss momentarily, eyes hazed and body moving as if he was on a mission. At this movement though, matt panicked and looked at woods with a worried expression, realizing just now that he may have made the other feel uncomfortable. "are you okay? I'm sorry I just-"

Contrary to what matt thought was happening, woods grabbed the other's jaw and this time he was the one to initiate the kiss and also straddle the CEO's lap.

Woods bit on matt's lower lip, a little harder than he intended to because of the odd positions making matt groan a little too loud but that didn't stop the younger as he just wrapped his arms around the other's neck and poured his heart and soul in the kiss hoping that matt would truly understand how woods felt about him. 

Matt could tell the desperation and the roughness of the kiss and gosh it was driving him insane but the way wood's hand held onto him gently, it was a complete contrast. He could definitely tell woods was trying to prove a point here. He tightened his grip on the other's waist, letting the latter know that he was here with him, and sucked on the other's lower lip harshly, finally taking charge of the kiss and pushing his tongue inside the other. 

A small whimper escaped woods' mouth at the sudden invasion getting lost in the messy kiss and he tugged on matt's shirt lightly.

A ding. echoed in the room, making the both of them snap back to reality and pull away for a little bit.

Woods was breathing heavily and so was Matt. They both sat there, staring each other in the eyes and exchanging their breaths together. Matt still saw some desperation in the younger's eyes, and he leaned his head against the other's.

"what are you thinking about woodsy?" he whispered, running his hand through the other's locks.

"just that I made out with my boss." he blurted out without thinking at all.
Matt laughed lightly and the ding once again echoed in the room.

Woods, now realizing the gravity of the situation, felt flustered and cleared his throat, looking anywhere but at matt as he stuttered out "I s-should- it's getting-" he tried to move in the chair a little resulting in losing his balance and getting pulled closer by matt to keep both of them from falling.

Once again, he was so close to matt's face. Woods gulped hard, "...l-late" he completed his sentence momentarily spacing out and getting lost in matt's eyes who could only chuckle at the kid's antics. 

"yeah, it is getting pretty late." Matt said, "let me help you off yeah?"

woods blushed and could only nod as matt held his hands and slowly helped him down from his lap and stood up as well.

And then they stood. Facing each other in silence until woods scurried to find his phone mumbled something about a roommate forgetting keys and rushing off with his cheeks tomato red...

 The next morning he woke up Matt was just normal, like it never happened in the first place. At first it hurt woods, how he just pretended the kiss never happened but the more the time passed the more he realised it was better off that way, until of course they found out that there had been Matt and then Syphus.

So now the Problem was, was it Matt or syphus. considering the situation, woods either kissed his boss or some random mad scientist with no moral values trying to achieve god knows what. The first was the more safer option, but the chances of the latter happening was more likely. Why the hell would Matt kiss him willingly. Syphus was cruel, he'd probably love to break hearts.

So having that established, Woods was sitting in the common area......

with his laptop on him.........

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2022 ⏰

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