025 ; eat slugs!

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you were all sitting there to watch gryffindor quidditch practice

you grin as gryffindor team walks out, but blink in confusion as slytherin team also comes out.

ron looks at them nervously, "uh oh, i smell trouble"

you all stand up and walk over by slytherin team.

"...permission to practice today, owing to the need to train their new seeker" the captain of gryffindor team ; oliver wood, finishes whatever he was reading

he pulls the letter from his eyes and looks up at the group expectantly, "you've got a new seeker. who?"

you roll your eyes as the draco malfoy steps out of the small huddle, a victorious smirk on his face.

you look at them all, they all seemed to be carrying identical brooms, rather fancy looking and polished. the bottom of the broom was a black fading into a green at the bottom.

"malfoy?" harry questions in disbelief.

"that's right." draco smirks, "and that's not all new this year." he flaunts the broomstick in his hand.

the three of them look at it in shock, "those are nimbus 2001's. how did you get those?" ron questions

"a gift from draco's father" the head of slytherin team ; marcus flint, a man in dire need of a dentists appointment, says with a cocky grin on his face.

"you see, weasley. unlike some, my father can afford the best." draco raises his eyebrows, you eye him with a blank face.

"at least no one on the gryffindor team had to buy their way in. they got in on pure talent" hermione sasses.

draco eyes her as he steps around marcus, "no asked your opinion, you filthy little mudblood"

you have no idea what that word means, but you can only guess it's nothing good by the look ron and hermione are giving him, along with the fact ron was taking out his wand.

"you'll pay for that one, malfoy. eat slugs!" he waves his broken wand forward, attempting to hex draco, only for it to backfire and shoot him backwards.

slytherin team laughs as gryffindor team rushes over to him, you all run up to ron with you, harry, and hermione crouching by him.

you look at his face, which had gone pale and he looked like he was about to be sick.

"you okay, ron?" hermione asks worriedly.

he slowly turns around with him looking towards the ground, hand holding him just above it.

"say something!" you say.

he gags before throwing up a long, slimey, green slug. you gag and cover your mouth as the others make noises of disgust.

a bright flash shields your vision, you turn to the culprit, the same gryffindor boy from earlier.

"wow! can you turn him around, harry?"

"no, coling, get out the way!"

you all hold ron up by his arms, "let's take him to hagrid's" harry suggests as ron throws up another slug.

you nod, "he'll know what to do!"

you drag ron along with you as the slytherin team snickers in the back.



ron had spewed up slugs all the way down to hagrid's hut, leaving a trail as if he was from hansel and gretel, except the breadcrumbs were replaced with slugs.

hagrid passes ron a large bucket, to which he immediately throws his head in.

you rub his back comfortingly.

"nothing to do but to wait till it stops, i'm afraid." he takes a seat on his lounge.

ron throws up another slug, you turn your gaze away in disgust.

"better out than in" hagrid nods awkwardly.

"who was ron tryna curse, anyway?" he says, curious.

"malfoy. he called hermione.." - he pauses and shakes his head - "uhm.. well, i- i don't know exactly what it means"

hermione stands up, crossing her arms and walking to the other side of the hut, looking forward angrily, "he called me a mudblood"

hagrid gasps, "he did not.."

"what's a mudblood?" you say in confusion.

hermione turns around, her eyes glossed over slightly, "it means 'dirty blood'. mudblood's a really foul name for someone who's muggle-born" - you frown - "someone with non-magic parents. someone like me." she creases her eyebrows.

"it's not a term one usually hears in a civilized conversation." she looks down with an expression mixed with anger and sadness.

"see, the thing is, harry, [name], there are some wizards, like the malfoy family... who think they're better than everyone else because they're what people call pure-blood" he rolls his eyes.

you look to ron for a moment, he was only looking worse. his face was now tinted grey and a constant look of displeasure and disgust was plastered on.

"it's disgusting" he says after spewing up another one.

you just rub his back.

"and it's codswallop to boot. dirty blood" he scoffs, "why, there isn't a wizard today who's not half-blood or less. more to the point, they've yet to think of a spell that our hermione can't do" hermione looks up to him, you smile in agreement.

she smiles slightly with teary eyes, "come 'ere"  he holds out his hand, hermione places her much smaller one into his large one, he places his other one over top.

"don't you think on it, hermione" he shakes his head.

"don't you think on it for one minute." he nods to her, she smiles at him slightly.

you pop up with one final rub to ron's back and engulf her in a big hug, she smiles and hugs back, burying her face in your shoulder.



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words ; 914

date posted ; 15/03/22


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