Night One

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Driving in the night was always fun, until Y/N ruined it for me! He thought it would be a good idea to drink and I got a DUI! That fucker got what he deserved when he got the shit kick out of him by Kaylee when he waistedly asked for her number! I cant help to laugh at what happened. As I'm driving the city's lights and neon glows cant help but create a sense of familiarity. Arriving at the convention center I step out of my car and take a deep breath of the cold night breeze. Checking my watch I see it's 10:00 pm. Walking to the main doors I find a keypad, thinking for a second I check my pocket for the combination and luckily it's their. Punching it in and walking in I get a sense of being watched. Closing and locking the door I walk to the employee locker room. Stepping in I find an empty locker with my name and a clipboard on it. Changing into my security uniform I see the clipboard is a maintenance requirement list for the night. Grabbing it, a flashlight, and an extra security hat. Walking out I check the list to see my tasks for the night; 1 - Repair Bonnie's damaged endoskeleton, 2 - Replace Mangle's eyes, 3 - Clean Marionette's box. This should be easy. Walking to the main stage I see the other animatronics. (To make it easier for me here's some pictures)

 (To make it easier for me here's some pictures)Freddy:

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They were each standing as still as statues with their eyes open wide but I couldn't shake of the feeling of being watched

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They were each standing as still as statues with their eyes open wide but I couldn't shake of the feeling of being watched. Stepping up on the stage I double check what I need to do. Picking up the animatronic with ease I walk around without a clue where parts and service is. Eventually finding it relieve a sigh of relief. Setting her down on the table I search around and find some useful blueprints. Taking off her suit plates I see the damaged part of her endoskeleton, it was just a simple dislocated cable. Reconnecting it and using a nearby soldering iron I put the suit plates back. I see her hair is still messed up from when I ruffed it up. Taking my comb out of my pocket I gently straighten out her hair. As I do so I notice her face starting to glow red. Brushing off as her programming I pick her back up after putting away my comb. Carrying her back to the stage I set her down in place. Going back to parts and service I find a box of spare eyes to replace Mangle's. Taking two I carry them to the Kid's Coves. Seeing a purple curtain and a green curtain both with white and pink starts I guess and open the green curtain to see a frightened animatronic huddling in a corner J can barely make out her figure other than her being a white fox-like animatronic. "Hello! I'm here to replace your eyes if you don't mind! This should only take a second!" I say while smiling gently trying not to scare her. "F-Foxy..." I can barely make out her mumbling only to find something sharp against my neck. "Oh hello! Do you mind taking that sharp blade from my neck? I don't want to hurt you!" I calmly state realizing they're in more danger than I am. "What is ye purpose to be near me sister?" She said. I could tell she has a pirate accent from the way she spoke. Thinking for a second and double checking my maintenance log it slips my mind, "Replace Mangle's eyes... yeah that's what it says... still I don't want to hurt you and I hope you're well aware that you're in more danger by having your hook to my neck cap'n?" I hear soft giggling behind me, "Danger... yeah ri-" Before she could finish speaking I force her hook off my neck and spin around wrapping my arms around her midriff tightly. I get a good look at her to see a red fox like-animatronic;

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