Changing the lights in the office, check. I still cant and don't believe that Y/N is dead... he's somewhere but neither heaven nor hell. He's not one to go down without a fight after all. After what mom said it ruined my day. Tossing away the old bulbs in a nearby garbage bin I lay the clipboard on the desk and sit down in the swivel chair. Humming to myself as I check the cameras I notice the animatronics talking amongst themselves. Getting up and clipping the tablet to my belt I walk to parts and services. I remember a strange closet door that I still haven't figured out. Walking into parts and service I find the closet door. Trying to open it normally seems to not do the trick. Readying my leg I kick the door down. As the dust settles and turning on the light I see a black bear animatronic resting her head on her right hand:
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"Hello there." I can tell she was annoyed or at least tired. I wave hi back and inspect the door... realizing it was metal and I just kicking it in breaking the lock. Luckily everything has replacement parts. Finding that the desk she's sitting at has a chair opposite to her with a recorder on the table. Sitting down I play the tape which peaks her interest. "This is Y/N talking with (...) Lefty correct? (...) Alright let's get started. Do you remember anything prior to when you awoke? (...) Ah okay then. Why do you think your legs don't work? (...) Damaged gyroscope... I bet Alex are good at those... I still need blueprints for those, I'm getting better though. Next question-" the tape recorder ends abruptly. "He was so cold yet kind. He's somewhere better now." As she finishes her statement I slam my hand into the desk scaring her, "He's not dead! I'll find him!" I can feel tears running down my face. I was loosing my temperament which is never a good thing. I feel her soft hand wipe away my tears. Standing up I wipe the rest away and begin to look for parts to fix the lock. Eventually I find the small metal bits and fix it. Making a makeshift key for it I make sure it works with my new key. I can hear her soft humming as she watches me fix the door. Sighing I apologize and wave bye before she blows a kiss. Catching it she giggles before I close the door and lock the door. Walking back to my office I notice the other animatronics dancing. Walking over in curiosity I sit down at a nearby table and see that Freddy was the only one not dancing and was just watching. Isn't she the main performer? Standing up I walk around the others to her. Eventually I get to her and offer my hand to dance. She takes it gently as I guide us to the dance floor. Bonnie's POV Holy shit. No way. The night guard... Alex... is dancing with Freddy. And holy shit can he bust a move! Right now we're all just cheering the dancing duo on. I can see his face glowing with joy, and I cant help but feel envious of Freddy for being able to dance with such a nice... kind... gentle... strong... tone... What am I thinking?! He's a stupid night guard who we kill like clockwork and yet he's our friend! Ugh this is so confusing! As I was thinking the song ended and everyone was gathered around the two complimenting them. Walking over to the stage and sitting down on the edge I can see the time is 3:15 am. Alex's POV That was fun! I was able to see Freddy and the other so happy! Walking away after saying bye to them I get into my office. Then I see my pistol laying on the desk with a note saying, "There's one round loaded in, either it's you or one of the girls~ -G.F." Understanding this was saying either I kill myself or this GF character kills one of the girls. Picking up the gun I pull the slide back to see an empty shell loaded in the chamber. Knowing she was watching and probably doesn't understand how guns work so I push the barrel against my forehead and pull the trigger. And surprise surprise nothing happens. Pulling the slide back and letting go the empty shell drops and a new round was loaded. Dropping the magazine and cocking the gun again I clear the chamber and load the round into the mag. Chuckling to myself at the stupidity of what just happened I sit down and unclip the tablet. Checking the cameras I see Freddy pushing her head into her knees on the stage while Chica and Bonnie wrap their arms around her. I change the cameras to the kids area to see the Marionette talking with Foxy and Mangle. Tuning in on parts and service I see an embarrassed Goldie. Realizing Goldie was GF I laugh to myself that she was the one putting me in the dilemma. Looking up from the tablet I see a pissed off and bright red Goldie, "You don't know how guns work do you?" I watch as she nods with a pout. Deciding not to teach her since I don't want to be in an actual life or death situation again I chuckle and lean back and close my eyes and rest for a moment. "You know you're not slick right?" "Hey! Get the hell out of my head!" I yell at her as I heard her voice in my head. She sits down on the desk and crosses her arms upset. Leaning back again I check the time to see it's 4:00 am. Setting a timer for 30 minutes on my watch I close my eyes and rest. 30 Minutes Later Waking up to the repeating beeps I turn the alarm off and see a sleeping Goldie laying on me. I watch and feel as she nuzzles her head into my neck. What made it uncomfortable was her hand on my crotch. Moving her hand more up I close my eyes again as to not disturb her. 1 Hour and 30 Minutes Later Waking up to the 6 am bell I watch as Goldie stretches out before getting off of me, "Enjoy your nap?" I see her nod as a blush grows on her face. Standing up I find the tablet on the desk already. Grabbing my gun and magazine I also make sure to grab the empty cartridge on my way out. Walking to the main entrance I look at the girls who were waving bye. Waving back I give them a wink and in doing so they blush and look away. Walking out I notice Henry at the entrance fiddling with his keys. Opening the doors I brush past him as we both continue on with what we were doing ignoring each other. Getting to my car I find my keys in my pocket and unlock the car. Getting in and starting it I drive to my apartment. Getting out of my car and locking it I walk to my front door. Pulling out more keys I unlock the door and walk in. Closing and locking the door I see Steven laying on my couch with a strange staff laying on the ground next to him, "Steven? How'd you get in?" He wake up suddenly and gives me a wave hi, "I thought I would drop by and see how you were doing. Also this staff is pretty cool." I get a confused look as yes the staff is indeed cool but just why? I brush it off and walk into my bedroom. Collapsing on my bed I fall asleep.