A New Home

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"I'm going to ignore the fact that you look and smell like shit. Where have you been? The nine circles of Hell?" I say sarcastically not expecting a legitimate response. I watch him lean back on the couch before speaking, "Yup, where do you think I've been?" He asks so calmly as I sit there in disbelief, "Yeah whatever, let me guess you've met a blood hound or two." I stand up as he gives me thumbs up. Checking my phone I see the house tour is in an hour, "I got to go here in an hour. How long do you think you'll be staying?" I watch him think for a second before responding with, "Give me a second." I see him get up and grab the staff. He presses a button on it and the end opens and starts spinning creates sparks. He presses another button as a portal opens on my wall. Looking through I see an actual blood hound, "H-Hi... Steven what the fuck?" He shrugs me off and steps through. He waves bye as the portal closes leaving me alone and a burn mark on the wall... the landlord is going to be PISSED. Quickly grabbing a rag and dampening it with water I scrub off the burned drywall with enough time to drive to the house tour. Quickly grabbing my apartment keys, car keys, and phone I run out the door remembering to lock it behind me. Unlocking my car I jump in and drive off to the house. Arriving fifteen minutes early I see the realtor arrive as well. I park curb side and walk to the front door waiting for him. It's in a gated community so it was hard to convince someone to let me in. After awhile of walking around in the house the realtor was showing me eventually we make it full circle and find ourselves at the entrance. Walking out we talk about setting down payments and such. Driving home I stop by at a grocery store to pick some more food up since I was running low. After grabbing what I needed I was back on the road driving home. Eventually I arrive and bring all of the groceries inside and lock my car and apartment doors. Putting them away I open my laptop and go through the long process of purchasing a new home.
Time skip
Ugh this is so fucking boring! At least it's all done and I just have to sign the purchase agreement. I'll schedule it for tomorrow, I have work in- checking the time I see it's 6:45 pm. I have a bit until my next shift. Sitting on my couch I turn on the TV and watch a movie while I wait.

FNiA: Location 6 - Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now