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                               Chapter 7                              FLASHBACK

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                               Chapter 7


TRYING TO save the world after losing someone who was really important to you wasn't an easy task and the heartbreak that both Steve and Bucky had suffered, really took a toll on them in every way that it could.

"How you holding up?" Steve asked, patting his best friend on the shoulder as they were surrounded by people who claimed to have loved Chloe and cried her name. Selfishly, the boys knew that no one did love her or miss her in the way that they did and it was torture seeing others pretend that they did.

Bucky shrugged, shifting his weight. He hadn't spoken much since she died, he hadn't even been seen by anyone until now.

"She wouldn't want this." Steve replied, the pair were staring at a grave with her name itched into stone, an empty grave and the boys both knew it, it was just a stone over empty land as the body couldn't have possibly been recovered.

"She did what she did for a reason Buck."

"I dropped her." Bucky finally spoke up, his eyes red and wet from the tears that threatened to fall. "If I had just been a bit stronger, or if I hadn't of let her push me to go first-"

"She released herself from your hand because she wanted you to live Buck, and you're alive, but you're not living. Don't let her death mean nothing."

Bucky's core was shook at the words spoken by his best friend, who was always annoyingly right. Bucky bent down in front of her grave and placed a white rose on the fresh dirt, knowing they were her favourite.

"I know this is stupid." He said, grazing his fingertips over her name. "Talking to a grave that I know is empty, when I know you're not listening. And if you were here, you'd be laughing at me and tell me to stop speaking to a rock." He took a deep breath and looked up at the clouds, attempting to not cry. "But I don't know what else I'm supposed to do. It's torture Chloe, living in a world without you in it, it's a torture that tops every military training and mission I've ever had. I know that you'd have wanted me to live this life to my fullest Chloe, and I'll try. I'll win this war and I'll save this world for you, because there isn't anything else that I can do."

Steve watched from afar and listened to the words his best friend was saying, wiping away a tear from his cheek, not wanting to show his weakness just the same as Bucky.

"We'll meet in another life, I'm sure of it. And in the next life, there's not a hell in chance I'm going anywhere unless you're by my side. No war, disasters or situations will keep me from you and that's a promise." Bucky stood up, kissed two fingers and placed it on the top of her grave before walking away towards were Steve was standing.

"Let's go win this war." Bucky replied, patting Steve's chest who stopped him for a moment.

"For her." Steve replied, before the walked away from her grave together, her name and entire being being etched into their memories forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2022 ⏰

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